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Article out by Ron Bailey at Reason Magazine that discusses #transhumanism and #libertarianism:

Kai Weiss, a researcher at the Austrian Economics Center and Hayek Institute in Vienna, Austria, swiftly denounced the piece. “Transhumanism should be rejected by libertarians as an abomination of human evolution,” he wrote.

Clearly there is some disagreement.

Weiss is correct that Istvan doesn’t expend much intellectual effort linking transhumanism with libertarian thinking. Istvan largely assumes that people seeking to flourish should have the freedom to enhance their bodies and minds and those of their children without much government interference. So what abominable transhumanist technologies does Weiss denounce?

Who woulda thunk it — Putin is a fellow transhumanist. And that is absolutely TERRIFYING.

“…Speaking to students during a national “open lesson” from the city of Yaroslavl, northeast of Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the country that takes the lead in the sphere of computer-based artificial intelligence (AI) will rule.

Speaking to students during a national “open lesson” from the city of Yaroslavl, northeast of Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the country that takes the lead in the sphere of computer-based artificial intelligence (AI) will rule.

“Artificial intelligence is the future not only of Russia but of all of mankind,” said Putin. “There are huge opportunities, but also threats that are difficult to foresee today.”

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London-based AI start-up REZIINE has published the entire explanation and framework design for the creation of consciousness in machines.

“Consciousness Illuminated and the Reckoning of Physics” – a 525-page document – features:

  • The full explanation of consciousness and the AGI framework, including all designs, components, and algorithms;
  • The roadmap to Artificial Super Intelligence;
  • The AI genome for self-evolution; and
  • A full-scale physics framework, complete with experiments and explanations.

Describing the compact definition of consciousness as “the ability to make illogical decisions based on personal values”, founder, Corey Reaux-Savonte, goes on to say:

If consciousness is the ability to make illogical decisions based on personal values,

Read the full story at LinkedIN

Fantastic momentum so far on the MouseAge campaign, which raised over 10% of its goal on the first day! To learn more about how we are speeding up research and helping reduce animal suffering vist the campaign page:

A big thanks to Elena Milova, Thomas Klauset Aurdal, Jim Mellon (Juvenescence), James Joyce, Emanuele Ascani, Louie Helm, Martin Kleman, William DeVore, John D Gauchat, Peter Svensson, Poly Mamoshina, Felix Weimer, Reason (Fight Aging), Gennady Stolyarov (US Transhumanist Party). Alexey Strygin, Aleksandr Popov, Lars Christensen, Matthew Clarke and our Anonymous donors!

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I recently did a 50-min interview with Pratik Chougule on transhumanism:

#105 — What is Transhumanism? ** August 23, 2017 Guest // Zoltan Istvan ** Host // Pratik Chougule, JD

Look around and you’ll see humanity not just engaged with technology but integrated in ways that are unexpected, sophisticated, fascinating, and for many of us, fundamentally alarming. There’s a nostalgia for the simplicity of the pre-internet past… for the time that my teenage kids call “ye olden days.”

It’s pretty clear, however, that we aren’t stuffing tech back into the box anytime soon. And humanity is beset with all sorts of problems. Development of these technologies is accelerating and impacting human intelligence and physiology in ways that might transform what it means to be… human.

How do we wrap our heads around these ideas? How can we explore, plan, and lead responsibly? Join co-host Pratik Chougule and guest Zoltan Istvan as they discuss:

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I’m excited to see Mark O’Connell’s book “To Be a Machine” (about # transhumanism ) get shortlisted for the Royal Society Science Book Prize, one the biggest science book prizes in the world. The final chapter of “To Be a Machine” is about my Immortality Bus journey and presidential campaign (a version of that chapter appeared in The New York Times Magazine after Mark rode with me on the bus). The book also has a wikipedia page now. Winner to be announced on September 19.

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My new Op-Ed for The San Francisco Chronicle:…003194.php #transhumanism

Wisconsin company Three Square Market recently announced it will become the first U.S. company to offer its employees chip implants that can be scanned at security entrances, carry medical information and even purchase candy in some vending machines. A company in Europe already did this last year.

For many people, it sounds crazy to electively have a piece of technology embedded in their body simply for convenience’s sake. But a growing number of Americans are doing it, including me.

I got my RFID implant two years ago, and now I use it to send text messages, bypass security codes on my computer, and open my front door. Soon I’ll get the software to start my car, and then my life will be totally keyless.

The original date of this broadcast was on August 20, 2017. Zoltan Istvan is the creator of the Transhumanist political party.
Subjects discussed: Cryonics, The merging of machines and humans, advance technology, transhumanism, CRISPR and Artificial Intelligence.

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Flow Of Wisdom with Sean Anthony is a syndicated, ground-breaking radio talk show with inspiration, insightful interviews, controversial guests, and a platform for alternative news on the GCN Radio Networks.

The information is delivered in an unconventional way that brings understanding to some of the worlds controversial conspiracies.