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Mr. Epstein’s vision reflected his longstanding fascination with what has become known as transhumanism: the science of improving the human population through technologies like genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. Critics have likened transhumanism to a modern-day version of eugenics, the discredited field of improving the human race through controlled breeding.

Mr. Epstein, the accused sex trafficker, was fascinated by eugenics. He told scientists and others of his vision of using his New Mexico ranch to impregnate women.

In the premiere of the HBO/BBC miniseries Years and Years, two parents are worried. Their teenage daughter Bethany has been hiding behind a 3D animated emoji mask and has scheduled a talk with them. Trying to figure out what they’re up against, they sneak a peek at her internet searches. When they discover that she’s been searching for information about being trans, they’re relieved; they can handle a transgender child.

Except when it comes time for their talk, Bethany tells her parents she’s transhuman and that she wants to “live forever as information.” The show represents transhumanist technology and aspirations, many of which revolve around upgrading and digitizing the human body, as a movement that will bring positive, negative, and downright confusing implications, ultimately changing the human race. The real question is what exactly that means. Humans opened the Pandora’s box of merging technology and biology a long time ago, and we’re now speeding head-on into the consequences, despite not knowing what humanity will become.

Bethany’s “coming out” scene hinges on the fact that the changes she desires are far more dangerous—and, for her parents, far more difficult to stomach—than gender reassignment. Bethany’s excitement at escaping the mortal coil brims with typical teenage naïveté: “Transhumans are not male or female, but better,” she tells her parents. For Bethany, that means no longer being human. “I will be data!” she enthuses.

Click on photo to start video.

Though some computer engineers claim to know what human consciousness is, many neuroscientists say that we’re nowhere close to understanding what it is — or its source.

In this video, bestselling author Douglas Rushkoff gives the “transhumanist myth” — the belief that A.I. will replace humans — a reality check. Is it hubristic to upload people’s minds to silicon chips, or re-create their consciousness with algorithms, when we still know so little about what it means to be human?

You can read more about Rushkoff’s perspective on this issue in his new book, Team Human.

Are you Cryo-Curious? Learn about the real facts of cryonics at the first Cryonics Symposium International.

The mission of Cryonics Symposium International is to bring leaders in the cryonics community together to learn from each other and promote the emerging science of cryonics.

With master-of-ceremonies Rudi Hoffman, the first time ever assembly of luminaries from different cryonics organizations will be presenting on the concepts behind the science and research of cryonics at the Church of Perpetual Life in Hollywood, Florida on Saturday, July 27th from 10 AM — 5 PM. The Church is located at 1855 McKinley St, Hollywood, FL 33021. This historic event is free-of-charge: donations are graciously accepted. Attendees will enjoy complimentary meals for the duration of the event. Seats are limited. RSVP is required via Eventbrite…———-

Here’s my newest #transhumanism article from Metro; a very personal story:

At aged five, she announced she was in love with the robot and wanted to marry it.

My wife and I set up a mock wedding and filmed it. It was all good fun until my wife asked how I’d feel if my daughter wanted to do this as an adult with a robot she loved.

Kids do lots of crazy things with their imaginative minds that have little bearing on the future. Playing make-believe has been a cornerstone of childhood for millions of kids for generations.

On the Transhumanist Wishlist by Prof George Church, or the genes we have to change to enhance the human body and mind, a new post.

Here are some selections from the so-called Transhumanist Wishlist, drawing upon the philosophical movement of transhumanism that calls for using technology to enhance human physiology and intellect, leading to a transformation of what it means to be human:

An introduction to by Johannon Ben Zion candidate for President of the US Transhumanist Party.

US Transhumanist Party candidate for President, Johannon Ben Zion has a futurist new deal for America. This concept stoked my interest when I was listening to the debate between all of the US Transhumanist Party candidates. I wanted more information on this concept and Johannon Ben Zion was kind enough to forward this information to me.

What I am going to do is quote some content from his plan below. It will be short and condensed, to read more into the exact details of the plan you can download the PDF file at the end of the article. I am also going to list an interview that was done between Johannon Ben Zion and Debt Nation and the US Transhumanist Party Presidential Debate.