

Archive for the ‘transhumanism’ category: Page 39

Mar 3, 2020

FM-2030 film ‘2030’ — director Johnny Boston interview

Posted by in categories: education, transhumanism

I interviewed the director of recently released movie ‘2030’, about the life of transhumanist pioneer FM-2030, about his film and what it was like knowing FM-2030 personally — full video here:

My interview with Johnny Boston about his film 2030, which focuses on the life of FM-2030 (born Fereidoun M. Esfandiary) — a noted transhumanist and futurist thinker.

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Mar 3, 2020

Anders Sandberg — Freeman Dyson, Galactic Megastructures, Physical Eschatology & the Fermi Paradox

Posted by in categories: alien life, bitcoin, computing, cryptocurrencies, engineering, existential risks, transhumanism

Many of you know the sad news that theoretical physicist & mathematician Freeman Dyson has passed away, so in celebration of his life and achievements, Anders Sandberg (Future of Humanity Institute) discusses Freeman Dyson’s influence on himself and others — How might advanced alien civilizations develop (and indeed perhaps our own)?
We discuss strategies for harvesting energy — star engulfing Dyson Spheres or Swarms, black hole swallowing tungsten dyson super-swarms and other galactic megastructures, we also discuss Kardashev scale civilizations (Kardashev was another great mind who we lost recently), reversible computing, birthing ideal universes to live in, Meinong’s jungle, ‘eschatological engineering’, the aestivation hypothesis, and how all this may inform strategies for thinking about the Fermi Paradox and what this might suggest about the likelihood of our civilization avoiding oblivion. though Anders is more optimistic than some about our chances of survival…

Anders Sandberg (Future of Humanity Institute in Oxford) is a seminal transhumanist thinker from way back who has contributed a vast amount of mind blowing material to futurology & philosophy in general.

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Mar 2, 2020

Cyborgs, Robots, And Biohackers: The First-Ever Survey of Transhumanism

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, life extension, neuroscience, robotics/AI, transhumanism, wearables

the photo series by vintner and fletcher illustrates three gradual stages of transhumanism from ‘testing ground’, ‘patient zero’ to ‘humanity 2.0’. at the lowest tier, ‘testing ground’ looks into individuals who have created wearable technology to expand their human abilities, improving everything from concentration to mental health.‘patient zero’ studies those who have taken permanent action to become half human and half robot. in the final chapter, ‘humanity 2.0’, the transhumanist subjects focus on life extension and immortality.

Feb 28, 2020

Join 24-Hour Round-the-World Conversation to Celebrate World Future Day, Hosted by the Millennium Project

Posted by in category: transhumanism

Starting at 9PM EST tonight (noon New Zealand Time).

Press Release ( — WASHINGTON — Feb 27, 2020 — World Future Day is March 1. This will be the seventh year that futurists and the general public will conduct a 24-hour, round-the-world conversation on the future on March 1 at 12 noon in whatever time zone they are in. Each year, total strangers discuss ideas about possible worlds of tomorrow in a relaxed, open, no-agenda conversation. Futures research is shared, collaborations are created, and new friendships are made.

The Millennium Project, a global foresight participatory think tank, will host this conversation on the future in collaboration with the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), Humanity+, UNESCO’s Global Futures Literacy Network, the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), and the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF).

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Feb 28, 2020

From Humanities to Metahumanities: Transhumanism and the Future of Education. Poppy Frances Gibson

Posted by in categories: education, robotics/AI, transhumanism

When I tell people I am a transhumanist, it often raises an eyebrow – or several questions. What is transhumanism? What is a ‘posthuman’? Why would anyone want to live forever? This article will briefly respond to these questions (amongst others) and consider what this may mean for the education sector. Key questions will be identified in the area of transhumanism and education as four themes are considered: teachers, human hardware, curriculum and lifelong learning. With ‘trans’ meaning ‘across’, transhumanism is a ‘technoprogressive’ socio-political and intellectual movement (Porter, 2017) that involves transforming our primitive human selves into selves enhanced through technology. Transhumanism aims to develop our physical, emotional and cognitive capacities and thus to open up new possibilities and horizons of experience (Thompson, 2017). The end goal is one day to become ‘posthuman’: combating ageing and freeing ourselves from current biological limitations.

Feb 27, 2020

Can humans defeat ageing? Aubrey de Grey interview

Posted by in categories: life extension, transhumanism

I interviewed Aubrey de Grey from the SENS Research Foundation about the fight to eliminate ageing in humans, why he believes the first 1,500 year old human has probably been born and the transhumanist movement. Trying to grow the channel (on futurism/transhumanism) so please do sub if this is of interest.

I interview biologist Aubrey de Grey, Chief Science Officer of the SENS Research Foundation, about whether humans can overcome ageing (and therefore theoretically live for thousands of years). We discuss the obstacles to ending ageing, whether the first 1,500 year old human is currently alive and the transhumanist movement. Oh and I say longitudinal rather than longevity escape velocity which was a little embarrassing!

Continue reading “Can humans defeat ageing? Aubrey de Grey interview” »

Feb 25, 2020

How Bionic Limbs Are Changing Lives | VICE on HBO

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, computing, cyborgs, neuroscience, transhumanism

A bionic revolution is brewing, as recent advancements in bioengineering have brought about scientific breakthroughs in rehabilitation for people with disabilities. The most cutting edge research is happening inside the human brain, where implanted technology allows people to communicate directly with computers, using their thoughts.

VICE’s Wilbert L. Cooper travels to Zurich to see the first-ever bionic Olympics and discovers a host of technologies that are expanding what it means to be human.

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Feb 22, 2020

Can transhumanism end suffering? David Pearce interview

Posted by in category: transhumanism

I recently interviewed David Pearce, co-founder of the World Transhumanist Association (now Humanity+). We discuss how the transhumanist movement has changed over the past couple of decades, what obstacles it faces and how it should engage with politics. Planning a whole series of interviews on transhumanism/futurism related topics on the channel so please do subscribe if that interests you!

My interview with David Pearce, a leading transhumanist thinker and co-founder of the World Transhumanist Association (now Humanity+). We discuss how the transhumanist movement has changed over the past couple of decades, what obstacles it faces and whether the technologies it advocates could end all human and animal suffering.

Continue reading “Can transhumanism end suffering? David Pearce interview” »

Feb 22, 2020

Do robots have rights? Professor David J. Gunkel interview

Posted by in categories: ethics, robotics/AI, transhumanism

I recently interviewed Professor David J. Gunkel, an expert in robot ethics at Northern Illinois University about the future of AI and the transhumanist movement. If this is your thing please do subscribe to the channel — lots more coming up smile

I interview Professor David J. Gunkel (@David_Gunkel), an expert in AI and robot ethnics at Northern Illinois University and author of ‘The Machine Question: Critical Perspectives on AI, Robots, and Ethics’. We discuss whether robots should have rights, if human and artificial intelligence are likely to merge and whether the transhumanist movement could become a serious political force. Hope you enjoy!

Feb 21, 2020

Yuri Deigin on epigenetic rejuvenation, longevity research and transhumanists in politics

Posted by in categories: cryonics, genetics, life extension, transhumanism

Had a very frank discussion with Greg Mustreader about transhumanism, learned helplessness of society in the face of aging and death, insufficient sense of urgency among researchers of aging, epigenetic rejuvenation, cryonics, and so on. No filter! 😁.

My blog on Medium:

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