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Forever we have held a view that AGING, DISEASE & DEATH is an un-alterable eventuality, those who dared question were ostracised for playing God.

If you choose to look deeper you will surely be amazed. Bowhead whales live for over 200 yrs “Turriptosis Dohnri” is a Jellyfish that lives forever. Can these #genetics traits be replicated in humans? Could the removal of #senescence #cells that accelerates aging be the answer Is it even possible to control or reverse aging? Can we grow old healthily? 150000 die every day & over 100000 of them are caused by aging.

Catch Joao Pedro de Magalhaes microbiologist at Centaura & founder at Magellan Science Ltd. share his insights on the science of #humanlongevity #gerontology.

Change Transform INDIA-CHANGE I M POSSIBLE is a podcast & a platform for the brave Disruptors who don’t conform to the convention. subscribe, support & share India’s 1st #futuretech #podcast #agereversal #reverseaging #longevity #immortality #science

Brink Bionics completed a very successful [Indiegogo]( crowdfunding campaign in 2020 and gained the confidence to [take part in the CES]( just last week. The Waterloo, Canada-based startup has a single signature product for now, the Brink Bionics Impulse. It is described as a * neuro-controller for PC gaming, *and takes the form of a glove that uses built-in sensors to read your muscle bio-signals and applies AI to accurately predict your clicking intentions. They key claim for the product is that it can improve your gaming reaction speeds by as much as 80ms. Thus, the Impulse could be a boon to FPS, MOBA and RTS gamers on PC.

ToughDesk 500L RGB Battlestation is said to be a good choice for multi-monitor setups.

HEXUS® is a registered trademark.

George Will, a political commentator for nearly half a century at The Washington Post, is known to also enjoy weighing in on sports on occasion, most notably baseball. He is fond of repeating the simple but critical observation that these games are a matter of “seconds and inches.”

In digital games, the same maxim applies, but even more so. Fractions of inches matter when targeting the enemy. And critical time is not measured in seconds but in thousandths of seconds.

With that in mind, developers at Canadian startup Brink Bionics have developed a device that promises to boost gamer proficiency by slashing the delay time between an intent to act and execution of the actual action.

I have added English and Spanish subtitles to my recent talk at the MadridSingularity Meetup, about the foundation and development of Alianza Futurista in Spain, and “What Is Transhumanism?”, the theme of the forum on December 19. Enjoy!

19 de diciembre, 2020
Meetup de MadridSingularity: ¿Qué es el transhumanismo?

Ponencia de sergio martínez de lahidalga tarrero, presidente de alianza futurista.

A former independent presidential hopeful is vexed at the COVID-19 vaccine at the moment, and for multiple reasons. That would be Zoltan Istvan, a self-described transhumanist candidate who was billed as the “cyborg who is running against President Trump” in press reports throughout 2020. The California hopeful — who ran in the Republican primary — based his campaign on a futuristic message of fusing radical technology with daily life under the motto “Upgrade America.”

Mr. Istvan recently looked into how long it would be before he got a COVID-19 vaccine.

“I took the New York Times’ ‘Find your Place’ in the vaccine line report, and I was near the bottom 15% of the timeline for getting the vaccine — meaning I’ll be nearly last,” Mr. Istvan wrote in an email to Inside the Beltway.

I’m really excited to announce my new book And today the Kindle ebook version is FREE instead of $7.99. Richard Dawkins has shared some of the essays in this book in his social media before. Please download a FREE copy and share with friends and family! It has some of my new work in it!

Enter your mobile number or email address below and we’ll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer — no Kindle device required.

Here the video of the first discussion panel out of two, during the celebration of the Healthy Masters Conference 2020, which took place on November 29, 2020. Nuno Martins, organizer and moderator of the event, asked all panelists to comment on the following theme: What can we do to improve our health and longevity. Given the essence of the event, the question was surrounded by the objective of achieving radical life extension or super longevity. My intervention starts at minute 20:13 and in the description of the video there are all the time marks that direct to the begining of each talk.

First discussion panel out of two, during the celebration of the Healthy Masters Conference 2020 which took place on November 29, 2020.
Nuno Martins, PhD, organizer and moderator of the event, asked all panelists to comment on the following theme: What can we do to improve our health and longevity?
Given the essence of the event, the question was surrounded by the objective of achieving radical life extension or super longevity.

Panelists in order of appereance:

The French military is starting exploratory work on the development of bionic supersoldiers, which officials describe as a necessary part of keeping pace with the rest of the world.

A military ethics committee gave its blessing to begin developing supersoldiers on Tuesday, according to The BBC, balancing the moral implications of augmenting and altering humanity with the desire to innovate and enhance the military’s capabilities. With the go-ahead, France joins countries like the U.S., Russia, and China that are reportedly attempting to give their soldiers high-tech upgrades.

I just read an incredible post about Transhumanism by Francesco Neo Amati, CM of Transhumanism: The Future of Humanity.

What an excellent representation of how pragmatic and collaborative our community can be. People like Francesco Neo Amati are the reason why I call myself a Transhumanist…

“Community Announcement:

The following will address the purpose of our community as outlined in the Pinned Post and to dispel common misconceptions of Transhumanism by clarifying what it is and what it isn’t.

I have no desire in being a ‘leader’ in the Transhumanism community. I merely hope to be and remain a credible educator/resource, passionate advocate, and a voice of reason for the movement.