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Can the sum of knowledge and experience we’ve accumulated over a lifetime live on after we die? The concept of “mind-uploading” is a modern version of an age-old human dream. Transhumanism hopes to not only enhance human capacities but even transcend human limitations such as bodily death.

The main character of Oscar Wilde’s famous novel The Picture of Dorian Gray wishes for eternal youth. And his wish is fulfilled: Dorian Gray remains young and exquisitely beautiful, whereas his portrait grows old, bearing the burden of aging, human shortcomings and imperfections. As we know, the story ended badly for Dorian.

In our time, scientific discoveries and new technologies promise to bring us closer to his dream. And no deal with the Devil is needed for doing so: once we understand how to manipulate the building blocks of life as well as the material foundations of our consciousness, emotions and character traits, so the story goes, we will be able to broaden human nature and overcome its inherent limitations such as aging, suffering and cognitive, emotional and moral shortcomings.

H+DAO Interview:

“Transhumanism is a philosophy, worldview, and a movement,” Dr. Natasha Vita-More states in the book “Transhumanism: What is it?” Essentially, it’s the idea of being able to move beyond being human, and finding solutions to living longer, healthier lives.

Natasha holds a Ph.D. from the University of Plymouth. As a long-term figure in the transhumanist movement, she spends much of her time speaking and lecturing around the world. Her areas of expertise include topics such as trans-humanity and human evolution, artificial intelligence, and what it means to be human in an AI-driven world.
In February of 2012 the first Global Future 2045 Congress was held in Moscow. There, over 50 world leading scientists from multiple disciplines met to develop a strategy for the future development of humankind. One of the main goals of the Congress was to construct a global network of scientists to further research on the development of cybernetic technology, with the ultimate goal of transferring a human’s individual consciousness to an artificial carrier.

2012–2013. The global economic and social crises are exacerbated. The debates on the global paradigm of future development intensifies.

New transhumanist movements and parties emerge. Russia 2045 transforms into World 2045.

Simultaneously, the international social network for open innovation is expanding. Here anyone interested may propose a project, take part in working on it, or fund it, or both. In the network, there are scientists, scholars, researchers, financiers and managers.

A look at how emerging concepts in science & technology could disrupt our most our understandings of identity, consciousness, and free will. This is the 5th episode of the Existential Crisis series which looks at concepts like Transhumanism, Life Extension, the Simulation Hypothesis, the Doomsday Argument, and the Anthropic Principle.

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In the future, a woman with a spinal cord injury could make a full recovery; a baby with a weak heart could pump his own blood. How close are we today to the bold promise of bionics—and could this technology be used to improve normal human functions, as well as to repair us? Join Bill Blakemore, John Donoghue, Jennifer French, Joseph J. Fins, and P. Hunter Peckham at “Better, Stronger, Faster,” part of the Big Ideas Series, as they explore the unfolding future of embedded technology.

This program is part of the Big Ideas Series, made possible with support from the John Templeton Foundation.

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Like us on Facebook:… us on twitter: Original Program date: May 31, 2014 Host: Bill Blakemore Participants: John Donoghue, Jennifer French, Joseph J. Fins, P. Hunter Peckham Re-engineering the anatomy of the “Vitruvian Man” 00:00 Bill Blakemore’s Introduction. 2:06 Participant introductions. 4:27 What is FES? (Functional Electrical Stimulation) 6:06 A demonstration with FES and without. 10:06 How did you test FES systems? 14:16 Jen French the first bionic pioneer. 16:40 What was the journey like from injury to today? 18:35 A live demonstration of FES. 20:40 What is BrainGate? 27:55 What is the potential for this technology? 37:00 When will this technology be publicly available? 40:50 A cell phone app to drink water or stand up? 44:55 Jen French would be the first to try new technology. 50:39 What is the history of altering the human brain? 1:00:57 The move from chemical to electrical medical care. 1:05:40 The challenge of what is going to drive the delivery of care to groups in need. 1:11:36 Can these devices be implanted without surgery? 1:18:13 What field needs the most funding for this to become available to everyone? 1:19:40 What are the numbers of people who can use this technology? 1:23:44 Why can’t we use stem cells to reconnect human spinal tissue? 1:25:37 What is the collaboration level between institutions? 1:29:16 How far away are we from using brain waves to control objects and communicate with each other? 1:30:20
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Original Program date: May 31, 2014

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In the future we might see the rise of minds entirely on computers, be it uploaded humans, transhumans, or artificial intelligence. But what would such an existence be like? Would they interact with our world or live in entirely virtual realities or simulated universes?

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Sommaire :
0:00:00 Introduction.
0:02:40 Pourquoi souhaitez vaincre le vieillissement et vivre plus longtemps?
0:04:43 Quelles sont les plus grandes difficultés pour traiter la vieillesse?
0:08:33 La théorie de réparation des dég ts (damage repair)
0:10:51 Le vieillissement est-il une maladie ou non?
0:13:05 Quels ont été les progrès effectués dans la recherche?
0:17:15 Comment convaincre les institutions publiques?
0:20:13 L’état de la médecine anti-vieillesse en Chine?
0:21:39 Voit-on une croissance exponentielle dans la recherche contre le vieillissement?
0:23:00 Que faudrait-il changer pour accélérer la recherche?
0:25:37 Quelles sont les grandes étapes que nous avons déjà franchies et celles restantes?
0:28:46 Comment dépasser la limite maximale de durée de vie?
0:34:31 L’utilité des médicaments et suppléments pour vivre en bonne santé plus longtemps.
0:36:00 Le rôle des sénolytiques et thérapie liées au sang?
0:40:28 Pourquoi les souris testées ne sont pas maintenues en vie?
0:43:00 Les promesses de la médecine régénérative.
0:47:00 Les raisons qui ont poussé Aubrey de Grey a travailler sur le vieillissement.
0:49:00 L’affaire “me too” contre Aubrey de Grey.
0:51:42 Comment évolua la société si le vieillissement est sous contrôle médical?
0:53:32 Quel serait le moyen le plus efficace pour accélérer la recherche?
0:54:54 Les autres centres d’intérêts transhumanistes.
0:57:34 Comment contribuer sur le plan personnel?

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