Embark on a journey Beyond the Horizon, as we unravel the intriguing blend of Transhumanism, technology, and biology, revealing a potential future where human evolution and AI are inseparably linked.
Category: transhumanism – Page 14
A new non-invasive device called MiniTouch provides thermal feedback about the object being touched.
Amputees can regain temperature sensation in their phantom hand thanks to new bionic technology. Researchers from Switzerland’s Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPF) are leading this innovation.
They created a non-invasive device called MiniTouch for the study, which provides thermal feedback about the object being touched.
Immortality or Bust
Posted in education, geopolitics, life extension, transhumanism
I have important news on the 6th anniversary of the death of my father, Steven Gyurko. The award winning feature documentary on my life IMMORTALITY OR BUST has just had its international release! You can watch it for free on Plex TV anywhere in the world. The film features my US presidential campaign fighting for life extension and driving the Immortality Bus as my father is dying. Congrats to director Daniel Sollinger!
Immortality or Bust follows Zoltan Istvan’s Transhumanist Party presidential campaign.
It works for retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Science Corp has conceived of a new bionic eye that targets and cures two diseases that cause blindness. “Today we’re excited to take the covers off of our first flagship product development program: the Science Eye, a visual prosthesis targeted at retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD), two forms of serious blindness presently without good options for patients,” said the firm in a post from November 2022.
How does it work? By targeting the functioning of the diseases.
The Science Eye’s grand promise is to help restore vision. If it works, we might even be able to manipulate our own reality.
You can only read this with chrome or a browser that translates to English unless you speak Portuguese. Fascinating read about artificial uteruses in the possible future bought to bring peace to the abortion debate or not, and as a safety measure for an apocalyptic event. This was shared by Zoltan, I think that’s his name, a transhumanist that at one time was hoping to be the first transhumanist elected as president and to base decisions on science or something like that. It’s been a while but he wanted equality and ethics through science/transhumanists goals.
O útero artificial está chegando, para o bem e para o mal. Feministas radicais já lutam pelo direito de matar seus fetos.
“Ectogenesis” vem do grego e quer dizer “nascimento do lado de fora”. Significa a possibilidade de gestação de uma criança fora do corpo de uma mulher. O termo foi inventado pelo cientista brit nico J. B. S. Haldane e vai completar cem anos no ano que vem. Mas essa possibilidade já era imaginada pelos alquimistas do século 16.
Cameras for machine vision and robotics are essentially bionic devices mimicking human eyes. These applications require advanced color imaging systems to possess a number of attributes such as high resolution, large FoV, compact design, light-weight and low energy consumption, etc1. Conventional imaging systems based on CCD/CMOS image sensors suffer from relatively low FoV, bulkiness, high complexity, and power consumption issues, especially with mechanically tunable optics. Recently, spherical bionic eyes with curved image sensor retinas have triggered enormous research interest1,2,3,4,5,6,7. This type of devices possess several appealing features such as simplified lens design, low image aberration, wide FoV, and appearance similar to that of the biological eyes rendering them suitable for humanoid robots8,9,10,11,12,13. However, the existing spherical bionic eyes with curved retinas typically only have fixed lens and can only acquire mono color images. Fixed lenses cannot image objects with varying distances. On the other hand, conventional color imaging function of CCD/CMOS image sensors are achieved by using color filter arrays, which add complexity to the device fabrication and cause optical loss14,15,16,17,18,19. Typical absorptive organic dye filters suffer from poor UV and high-temperature stabilities, and plasmonic color filters suffer from low transmission20,21,22. And it is even more challenging to fabricate color filter arrays on hemispherical geometry where most traditional microelectronic fabrication methods are not applicable.
Herein, we demonstrate a novel bionic eye design that possesses adaptive optics and a hemispherical nanowire array retina with filter-free color imaging and neuromorphic preprocessing abilities. The primary optical sensing function of the artificial retina is realized by using a hemispherical all-inorganic CsPbI3 nanowire array that can produce photocurrent without external bias leading to a self-powered working mode. Intriguingly, an electrolyte-assisted color-dependent bidirectional synaptic photo-response is discovered in a well-engineered hybrid nanostructure. Inspired by the vertical alignment of a color-sensitive cone cell and following neurons, the device structure vertically integrates a SnO2/NiO double-shell nanotube filled with ionic liquid in the core on top of a CsPbI3/NiO core-shell nanowire. It is found that the positive surrounding gate effect of NiO due to photo hole injection can be partially or fully balanced by electrolyte under shorter (blue) or longer (green and red) wavelength illuminations, respectively. Thus, the device can yield either positive or negative photocurrent under shorter or longer wavelength illumination, respectively. The carriers can be accumulated in SnO2/NiO structure, giving rise to the bidirectional synaptic photo-response. This color-sensitive bidirectional photo-response instills a unique filter-free color imaging function to the retina. The synaptic behavior-based neuromorphic preprocessing ability, along with the self-powered feature, effectively reduce the energy consumption of the system23,24,25,26,27,28. Moreover, the color selectivity of each pixel can be tuned by a small external bias to detect more accurate color information. We demonstrate that the device can reconstruct color images with high fidelity for convolutional neural network (CNN) classifications. In addition, our bionic eye integrates adaptive optics in the device, by integrating an artificial crystalline lens and an electronic iris based on liquid crystals. The artificial crystalline lens can switch focal length to detect objects from different distances, and the electronic iris can control the amount of light reaching the retina which enhances the dynamic range. Both of the optical components can be easily tuned by the electric field, which are fast, compact, and much more energy efficient compared to the conventional mechanically controlled optics reported hitherto. (Supplementary Table 1 compares our system with some commercial zoom lenses.) The combination of all these unique features makes the bionic eye structurally and functionally equivalent to its biological counterpart.
Cyberlife Is Now Live
Posted in media & arts, neuroscience, transhumanism
After a few weeks of hard work and dedication, Cyberlife is now completely available to the public. This new webzine will be primarily focused on showcasing the culture of transhumanism, a philosophical and scientific movement that has been gaining momentum over the past few years. Here, you can turn your brain off for an hour at a time to read about the newest trends, listen to music, and admire the artistic talent of our staff members. We are still looking for more people to contribute, so here is a short list of what we are looking for:
Literature: Cyberlife does support the literary arts and this is how we do it. If you have some random short stories lying around that you have never published, submit them to us. We would love to read some short fiction that relates to transhumanism in some way. We do ask that you limit the piece to 10 pages so it doesn’t break the site. We will accept works that are explicit, but keep the eroticism to a minimum. Once again, make it tasteful.
Articles: We are still looking for authors that focus on articles and op-ed pieces. We are looking for people that have knowledge on these subjects:
This film by Ken Gumbs tackles the issue of pending greater-than-human artificial intelligence and the possible ramifications. Different individuals with different backgrounds are interviewed on the subject, including a theologian, a philosopher, a brain builder and a cyborg. A wide spectrum of topics are discussed, including trans-humanism, mind-machine mergers, uploading, and artificial super-intelligence.
Thousands of people in Ukraine have lost their limbs in the war against Russia, according to World Health Organisation estimates.
The Ukrainian charity Superhumans and the UK-based company Open Bionics have partnered to create bionic arms for the wounded.
The BBC visited the factory in Bristol, England, responsible for creating the prosthetics.
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