A nice article from Kurzweil AI on a transhumanist & life extension bus tour. If you haven’t contributed, please do so! Anyone from any country can donate, and even $5 helps! http://www.kurzweilai.net/transhumanist-party-presidential–… and the Indiegogo campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/…/immortality-bus-with…/x/6837406…
Category: transhumanism
A full Sunday feature on transhumanism (with mentions of Transhumanist Parties) in one of Germany’s largest papers (circulation 400,000): http://www.faz.net/…/transhumanismus-bring-mir-den-kopf-von… and the English: http://translate.google.com/translate…
Would We Get Bionic Limbs?
Posted in cyborgs, humor, transhumanism
I just discovered that a second 12-min video on transhumanism was done by YouTube personalities Rhett and Link on Good Morning MORE. This one explores transhumanism in a balanced but humorous way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjYbcxeXn88
Their first transhumanism video on Good Mythical Morning is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1PF99LtBLQ
The case for transhumanism
Posted in futurism, transhumanism
I’m excited to see transhumanism getting this broadly out there in major media. This 4-minute interview is the Financial Times “Video of the Day”, and has also been picked up by AOL, MSN, Nasdaq news, and Toshiba news, among others:http://video.ft.com/4332303826001/The-case-for-transhumanism/world and http://www.ft.com/fastft/353931/firstft-mario-brothers-beats
I’m excited to share this 12-min video on transhumanism and my presidential campaign (at 7 min mark). This video just came out, but the Good Mythical Morning (with over 7 million YouTube subscribers) videos often get over 1 million views and 3,000+ comments. This will likely be one of the most popular videos on transhumanism this year, and it’s really funny!
I’m helping to announce a public transhumanist and life extension rally and gathering this Saturday, June 27th at Sue Bierman Park in San Francisco (we’ll be meeting at Justin Herman Plaza in the Sue Bierman park). It’ll start at 2PM sharp and go for a few hours. Maria Konovalenko, myself, and others will be giving short speeches and talking to the public about transhumanism and the importance of longevity research. There is a notable TV channel with a large film crew that is… scheduled to film the event (I just met with them all this evening). Please wear orange or black (Transhumanist Party colors), and there will be a limited amount of free t-shirts and bumper stickers available. Check out the event page and please join us! This is an excellent opportunity to put transhumanism on TV. Thanks!
This is a rewritten story I’m publishing for the first time on The Huffington Post. It’s part of my goal to get other communities involved with supporting transhumanism:
My new story for Vice Motherboard on how in the near future we will edit our realities to suit our tastes and desires:
Timeline Photos
Posted in futurism, transhumanism
I am currently in Europe, talking about humanity’s future via science, technology, and design. Onward transhumanist vision!
Nicky Ashwell, 29, from London, can now carry out tasks with both hands for first time with hand developed by prosthetic experts Steeper