

Archive for the ‘transhumanism’ category: Page 126

Aug 4, 2015

Four Technologies That Could Let Humans Survive Environmental Disaster

Posted by in categories: sustainability, transhumanism

My new story for Gizmodo: Climate Change apparently is here–to survive and thrive, go transhuman. The essential thing to remember here is that environmental change creates a mandate for our species to speed up technological progress to make sure we can adapt to changing conditions on Earth.

Scientists say we blew it. We bought too many plastic trinkets from Walmart; we drove too many gas-guzzling Broncos. We made babies like rabbits without questioning if the planet could handle so many people. Well, it looks like it couldn’t. Climate change is here to stay, and it’ll probably end up affecting nearly every aspect of our lives over the next century.

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Aug 4, 2015

A (Very) Brief History of Death

Posted by in categories: bionic, biotech/medical, cryonics, cyborgs, education, evolution, futurism, health, information science, life extension, science, transhumanism

“I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.” — Winston Churchill

Death still enjoys a steady paycheck, but being the Grim Reaper isn’t the cushy job that it used to be.

Aug 1, 2015

Bionic Eye Restores Woman’s Vision

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, transhumanism

Watch the video Bionic Eye Restores Woman’s Vision on Yahoo News. Carmen Torres is the first to receive the life-changing implant in Florida.

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Jul 31, 2015

Can a baby have three biological parents?

Posted by in categories: genetics, transhumanism

The genetic material from two parents combines to form a child. Can we throw a third set of genes into the mix?

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Jul 27, 2015

Free Will Does Not Exist — Should it be a Transhumanist Enhancement?

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, transhumanism

Free Will Does Not Exist — Should it be a Transhumanist Enhancement?

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Jul 21, 2015

This US presidential candidate doesn’t want to be president—he wants to live forever

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, life extension, transhumanism

An interview on transhumanism, Transhumanist Party, and longevity science in Quartz, which is the business site of Atlantic Media:.

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Jul 20, 2015

Transhumanism Is Booming and Big Business Is Noticing

Posted by in category: transhumanism

My latest article for the Huff Post. I’ve been speaking a lot on transhumanism and business recently, so here’s a story on those two fields growing together:.

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Jul 20, 2015

We May Look Crazy to Them, But They Look Like Zombies to Us: Transhumanism as a Political Challenge

Posted by in categories: defense, futurism, geopolitics, governance, government, life extension, philosophy, sustainability, theory, transhumanism

One of the biggest existential challenges that transhumanists face is that most people don’t believe a word we’re saying, however entertaining they may find us. They think we’re fantasists when in fact we’re talking about a future just over the horizon. Suppose they’re wrong and we are right. What follows? Admittedly, we won’t know this until we inhabit that space ‘just over the horizon’. Nevertheless, it’s not too early to discuss how these naysayers will be regarded, perhaps as a guide to how they should be dealt with now.

So let’s be clear about who these naysayers are. They hold the following views:

1) They believe that they will live no more than 100 years and quite possibly much less.
2) They believe that this limited longevity is not only natural but also desirable, both for themselves and everyone else.
3) They believe that the bigger the change, the more likely the resulting harms will outweigh the benefits.

Now suppose they’re wrong on all three counts. How are we to think about such beings who think this way? Aren’t they the living dead? Indeed. These are people who live in the space of their largely self-imposed limitations, which function as a self-fulfilling prophecy. They are programmed for destruction – not genetically but intellectually. Someone of a more dramatic turn of mind would say that they are suicide bombers trying to manufacture a climate of terror in humanity’s existential horizons. They roam the Earth as death-waiting-to-happen. This much is clear: If you’re a transhumanist, ordinary people are zombies.

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Jul 16, 2015

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided | Official — E3 2015 — Gameplay Trailer

Posted by in categories: futurism, transhumanism

I was already looking forward to playing this game when it’s released, but after seeing his latest trailer I am positively IMPATIENT to get my hands on it!

No other game (or almost ANY form of media, for that matter!) has ever explored our rapidly approaching, post-human transhumanist future in such a staggeringly detailed, informed, and passionate way!

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Jul 15, 2015

Declare Your Independence…from Evolution! Here Comes The Singularity and Transhumanism — Nick Gillespie

Posted by in categories: singularity, transhumanism

Independence Day weekend seems like a good time to push the envelope on what is possible for human beings to achieve. Hell, if a rag-tag band of colonists could kick the mighty Brits’ butts so long ago, how hard can it be for today’s people to live to 150, use 3D printers to create new organs, and develop superpowers? Read more