

Archive for the ‘sustainability’ category: Page 171

Oct 23, 2022

‘Our Kids Should be Free to Breathe’: ‘Warrior Moms’ Lead Delhi Toward Cleaner Air

Posted by in category: sustainability

Warrior Moms, a national citizen action group, is battling for their children’s right to breathe clean air in polluted cities like Delhi, by engaging in urban mobility, waste management, biomass burning, and biodiversity protection.

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Oct 23, 2022

Hyderabad Students Convert Discarded Bike Into Low-Cost EV With Wireless Charging

Posted by in categories: engineering, sustainability, transportation

The Indian Electric Vehicle market is set to reach a sales volume of 10.8 lakh units by 2025. However, these vehicles are currently at a high price and are not affordable to consumers in low-income categories.

To bridge this gap, a team of seven students at the KL University, Hyderabad have retrofitted an old and discarded bike into an EV.

“We also added futuristic features including wireless charging and cell balancing, which ensures equalised charging,” says Charan Sai (21), a fourth-year student of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, and the lead of the project.

Oct 22, 2022

World’s first commercial sand battery begins energy storage in Finland

Posted by in categories: solar power, sustainability

Wind and solar power are intermittent, generating power when it’s available rather than when it’s needed, so the green energy transition will require huge amounts of energy storage. This could end up taking many forms, from conventional lithium-based “big battery” installations, to flow batteries, silicon phase-change batteries, molten salt batteries, iron-air batteries, gravity batteries, carbon dioxide expansion batteries, and other more unusual ideas like buoyancy batteries.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of efficiency, size, location, installation costs, operating costs, input and output power ratings, longevity and how long it can store the energy for. That’s good, since different solutions will fill different needs – some backing up the power grid during instantaneous demand spikes, others smoothing out the mismatched daily curves between demand and renewable supply, and others still helping to address seasonal supply drops, like when solar drops off through the winter.

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Oct 22, 2022

Reducing noise pollution with acoustic walls and rubberised roads

Posted by in categories: health, sustainability

Sound-diffracting walls and rubberised asphalt ingredients tackle the major environmental concern of noise pollution from traffic.

In cities across the European Union, noise is a significant health hazard along with air pollution. Efforts are under way to reduce a major source of both: traffic.

Noise is the number-two environmental source of health troubles, after air pollution, according to the United Nations World Health Organization.

Oct 21, 2022

Tesla’s new vehicle platform will be cheaper and less labor intensive, says Musk

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, sustainability, transportation

That’s what Musk announced during Tesla’s Q3 2022 earnings call.

The third vehicle platform for Tesla, following the big one supporting the Model S and X and the small one supporting the Model 3 and Y, has received new information from company CEO Elon Musk.

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Oct 21, 2022

NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity reaches intriguing salty site after treacherous journey

Posted by in categories: climatology, space, sustainability

After a treacherous journey, NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover has reached an area that is thought to have formed billions of years ago when the Red Planet’s water disappeared.

This region of Mount Sharp, the Curiosity rover’s Martian stomping ground, is rich in salty minerals that scientists think were left behind when streams and ponds dried up. As such, this region could hold tantalizing clues about how the Martian climate changed from being similar to Earth’s to the frozen, barren desert that Curiosity explores today.

Oct 21, 2022

Improving battery-electric-vehicle profitability through reduced structural costs

Posted by in categories: sustainability, transportation

As sales of battery electric vehicles (BEV) increase, OEMs need to focus on R&D excellence, flexible manufacturing, and value-chain integration to improve profitability.

Even in countries where BEV sales are picking up, many automotive executives are concerned about profitability. Some EV OEMs have already begun investigating changes to their go-to-market models that may increase sales and reduce costs quickly. Over the midterm, however, they will need to apply additional measures to be profitable, and our recent research shows that three levers will be particularly important in this respect:

Most OEMs do not have all the required capabilities, such as the ability to develop software for both batteries and e-drive, to move BEV production completely in-house. Consequently, they often need to form strategic partnerships across the ecosystem, including those for BEV design, manufacturing, and component sourcing. These partnerships will also allow them to share the burden of capex spending until they achieve sufficient scale.

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Oct 21, 2022

Elon Musk Believes Tesla Stock Will Be Worth More Than Apple and Saudi Aramco Combined

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, finance, sustainability, transportation

Elon Musk made a bold prediction during Tesla’s Q3 2022 earnings call stating that Tesla would grow to become an enormous company by the end of this decade.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk dazzled and entertained listeners during the call, which was full of jokes and ambitious goals. That’s when he made the bold statement that Tesla could surpass both Apple and Saudi Aramco’s market cap in the future.

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Oct 20, 2022

The first prototype of the eight propeller flying car Alef unveiled

Posted by in categories: law, sustainability, transportation

The street-legal eVTOL costs only $300k.

A California-based sustainable electric transportation company unveiled the prototype of a flying car, according to a company release. The Alef “Model A,” the only flying automobile with street-legal driving and vertical takeoff abilities, is presented by Alef Aeronautics, a cutting-edge technology company developing alternative transportation solutions for soaring traffic patterns.

Alef uses innovative technology to elevate the vehicle securely above regular traffic, enabling quicker, simpler travel, and reducing the load of urban congestion.

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Oct 20, 2022

Tesla Confirms Plans to Build Lithium Refinery in Texas

Posted by in categories: sustainability, transportation

Tesla Inc. is moving forward with plans to build a lithium refinery on the Texas Gulf Coast in a bid to gain more control over the supply chain for electric vehicle batteries.