

Archive for the ‘space travel’ category: Page 369

Nov 28, 2018

SpaceX Super Heavy Starship has Breakthrough Design Improvements

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, space travel

Elon Musk has Tweeted some of the details of the breakthrough changes to the SpaceX Super Heavy Starship.

The overall shape of the SpaceX Super Heavy Starship are about the same. However, there are fundamental materials change to airframe, tanks and heatshield.

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Nov 28, 2018

The Next Fifteen Years With SpaceX, Mars and Space

Posted by in category: space travel

The success of SpaceX Falcon Heavy on its first launch was not just luck. Although this will be confirmed in 2019 and 2020 based upon what happens with about five planned Falcon Heavy launches.

Before the Falcon Heavy flight Musk predicted a 50 percent to 70 percent chance of success because of concerns over the difficulty predicting how the vehicle would respond to extreme aerodynamic stresses and vibrations from the clustered engines.

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Nov 28, 2018

Blue Origin publishes New Glenn overview as pad and landing ship continue development

Posted by in category: space travel

Blue Origin has provided additional details relating to its New Glenn rocket this week via the release of its Payload User Guide that is designed to aid customers interested in launching their payloads on their launch vehicle with requirements and capabilities. Meanwhile, work is continuing on the company’s Cape Canaveral launch site and the refit of its booster landing ship.

Blue Origin is quietly preparing to head into the orbital launch market with its New Glenn rocket, named after the first American to orbit the Earth, John Glenn.

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Nov 28, 2018

Highlights of Science Launching on SpaceX CRS-16

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, science, space travel

Robotic refueling. 3D Forest imagery. And two student experiments inspired by Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy.” These are just a few of the studies that will be added to the hundreds onboard the International Space Station with the SpaceX cargo launch on Dec. 4! Watch more:

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Nov 28, 2018

There was a time when the resemblance between Mars and Earth was uncanny, but 3 or 4 billion years ago, these two worlds took different paths

Posted by in category: space travel

Now that our NASA InSight spacecraft had a successful #MarsLanding, scientists will be able to compare our home planet to its rusty sibling like never before. Find out how:

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Nov 28, 2018

NASA sent an $850 million hammer to Mars and it could uncover clues to an outstanding mystery in our solar system

Posted by in category: space travel

It’s the largest drill NASA has ever sent to space.

NASA sent an $850 million lander to Mars. Insight will dig deep into the planet as the first of its kind to study the planet’s interior.

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Nov 27, 2018

Elon Musk says there’s a 70% chance he’s going to move to Mars

Posted by in categories: climatology, Elon Musk, engineering, habitats, space travel

Elon Musk wants humans to make it to Mars. With his company SpaceX at his back, he’s pushed forward with some incredibly bold claims about what is possible for mankind on the Red Planet. He’s shown off concepts for Mars settlements and even called out scientists who say climate engineering on the planet is impossible.

Now, in an interview with HBO’s Axios, Musk doubles down on one of the more off-the-wall claims he’s made during his years in the spotlight. Mars, he says, will be his eventual home, and he estimates his odds of moving to the planet at a generous 70%.

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Nov 26, 2018

Touchdown on Mars!

Posted by in categories: habitats, space travel

Our NASA InSight spacecraft stuck the #MarsLanding!

Its new home is Elysium Planitia, a still, flat region where it’s set to study seismic waves and heat deep below the surface of the Red Planet for a planned two-year mission.

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Nov 26, 2018

NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV

Posted by in categories: education, space travel


Direct from America’s space program to YouTube, watch NASA TV live streaming here to get the latest from our exploration of the universe and learn how we discover our home planet.

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Nov 26, 2018

NASA InSight Mars Landing Coverage

Posted by in category: space travel

It’s #MarsLanding Day! Today, our NASA InSight spacecraft blazes into the atmosphere of Mars at 12,300 mph and slows to just 5 mph in less than 7 minutes, before gently touching down on the surface. Watch live starting at 2 p.m. EST.

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