

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 2191

Jul 9, 2016

Researchers Develop Robotic Stingray from Living Rat Cells

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

A new artificially organic stingray created by a team of researchers is redefining what constitutes a living organism. The small stingray is controlled and powered by light-activated cells taken from a rat’s heart. All anatomical features relative to a real stingray are present on the artificial creature which utilizes a polymer skin to create structure. Cells embed inside the skin are capable of flapping the wings of the stingray, propelling it through the water as well as controlling direction with the artificial stingray tail.

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Jul 9, 2016

Russian Robots will Soon Replace Human Soldiers

Posted by in categories: military, robotics/AI

The forefront of Russian military technology looks a lot like the Terminator movies, with future soldiers being replaced by humanoid machines. Replacing humans with robots in warfare isn’t a new idea, but this is the first time the principle has actually been employed to design warfighting robots. Russian military officials believe that the human warfighter’s days are numbered, and robotics will soon take over the field, according to Russia Today.

The above video was released detailing what the robot, named Ivan, is capable of. A modification of the current design was already presented to President Putin riding an ATV and autonomously navigating around obstacles. The USA is currently developing many robotic devices for warfare, but they are largely systems departing from the human form. Ending human casualties in warfare is ultimately the goal in developing robotic warfighters, but the question then shifts to what ware will be without human casualties.

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Jul 8, 2016

AI revolution could spell the END of immigration, claims US Presidential candidate

Posted by in categories: economics, geopolitics, robotics/AI

How will immigration be different in the future? Especially with a possible Universal Basic Income and AI?

THE impending AI revolution may lead to the end of immigration, a leading expert has claimed.

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Jul 8, 2016

Deep Learning AI Leads Robot to Victory in Amazon’s Picking Challenge

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The machine uses and studies 3D scans of the stockroom items to help it decide how to manipulate items. The arm got a near-flawless score in the stowing half of the event. Also, Delft was over three times faster at picking objects than last year’s champion (100 per hour versus 30).

The robots were scored on their ability to correctly select individual items from shelves. Picking items mixed in with other objects would score a contender more points. The items used represented a cross section of products commonly found in Amazon’s warehouses.

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Jul 8, 2016

Police Used Bomb Disposal Robot To Kill A Dallas Shooting Suspect

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Potentially the first use of a robot to kill in American policing.

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Jul 8, 2016

How Technology Could Facilitate and then Destroy Legal Immigration

Posted by in categories: drones, law, robotics/AI

My new article on the future of immigration and technology (chipping refugees, AI immigration, and walls vs drones):

We need some authoritative measures to guarantee safe and effective immigration. But then, the robots come.

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Jul 8, 2016

DARPA Goes Full Tron With Its Grand Battle of the Hack Bots

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, robotics/AI

Definitely the longer term goal with security bots.

With its Cyber Grand Challenge—a battle of autonomous security software—DARPA is taking us inside the machine.

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Jul 8, 2016

Introducing robo-ray: part animal, part machine

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The tiny artificial stingray is the first step to bigger, more complex tissue-engineered robots, scientists say. Belinda Smith reports.

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Jul 8, 2016

Era of conventional wars over: Russia scientist

Posted by in categories: military, robotics/AI, space

Definitely could be tied to and explain some of IARPA’s investment in predictive systems “Robots to determine outcome of future wars: Russian army’s tech chief”

Robots will replace conventional soldiers on the battlefield in the future, says the Russian military’s tech chief.

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Jul 8, 2016

The mind isn’t locked in the brain but extends far beyond it

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, robotics/AI

There is a lot of truth to this article especially as you look at how the mind responds/ reacts to situations, ideas, etc. has also other factors involved such as how a person overall immune system is responding, chemical balance of a person’s system, etc. So, this reconfirms that thinking and being human goes far beyond a replica of a brain in a system.

Where is your mind? Where does your thinking occur? Where are your beliefs? René Descartes thought that the mind was an immaterial soul, housed in the pineal gland near the centre of the brain. Nowadays, by contrast, we tend to identify the mind with the brain. We know that mental processes depend on brain processes, and that different brain regions are responsible for different functions. However, we still agree with Descartes on one thing: we still think of the mind as (in a phrase coined by the philosopher of mind Andy Clark) brainbound, locked away in the head, communicating with the body and wider world but separate from them. And this might be quite wrong. I’m not suggesting that the mind is non-physical or doubting that the brain is central to it; but it could be that (as Clark and others argue) the mind extends beyond the brain.

To begin with, there is a strong case for thinking that many mental processes are essentially embodied. The brainbound view pictures the brain as a powerful executive, planning every aspect of behaviour and sending detailed instructions to the muscles. But, as work in robotics has illustrated, there are more efficient ways of doing things, which nature almost certainly employs. The more biologically realistic robots perform basic patterns of movement naturally, in virtue of their passive dynamics, without the use of motors and controllers. Intelligent, powered control is then achieved by continuously monitoring and tweaking these bodily processes, sharing the control task between brain and body.

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