

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 1677

Aug 13, 2019

Machine learning tool improves tracking of tiny moving particles

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, robotics/AI

Scientists have developed an automated tool for mapping the movement of particles inside cells that may accelerate research in many fields, a new study in eLife reports.

The movements of tiny molecules, proteins and cellular components throughout the body play an important role in health and disease. For example, they contribute to brain development and the progression of some diseases. The new tool, built with cutting-edge machine learning technology, will make tracking these movements faster, easier and less prone to bias.

Currently, scientists may use images called kymographs, which represent the movement of in time and space, for their analyses of particle movements. These kymographs are extracted from time-lapse videos of particle movements recorded using microscopes. The analysis needs to be done manually, which is both slow and vulnerable to unconscious biases of the researcher.

Aug 13, 2019

Russia’s space agency releases eerie footage of human-like android

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space

Putin’s robo-nauts prepare for lift-off: Fedor as he gets ready to board the International Space Station crew next week…

Icknamed Fedor, the anthropomorphous machine — which is remarkably agile — was seen undergoing a battery of stress-tests at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, last month.

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Aug 13, 2019

Why AIoT Is Emerging As The Future Of Industry 4.0

Posted by in categories: internet, robotics/AI

Two trends that are dominating the technology industry are the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). But for industrial automation, these two technologies are much more than the buzzwords or trending topics. The convergence of AI and IoT will redefine the future of industrial automation. It is set to lead the Industry 4.0 revolution.

IoT and AI are two independent technologies that have a significant impact on multiple industry verticals. While IoT is the digital nervous system, AI becomes the brain that makes decisions which control the overall system. The lethal combination of AI and IoT brings us AIoT — Artificial Intelligence of Things — that delivers intelligent and connected systems that are capable of self-correcting and self-healing themselves.

To appreciate the promise of AIoT, we need to look at the evolution of connected systems.

Aug 13, 2019

Blockchain Startup Bitfury Launches Artificial Intelligence Unit

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, robotics/AI

Blockchain startup BitFury launched an artificial intelligence (AI) unit, Reuters reports on Aug. 13.

“Data is the new oil”

Bitfury chief executive officer and co-founder Valery Vavilov reportedly said that the company’s dive into AI is motivated by the need to analyze and extract information from great quantities of data. He reportedly noted that data is becoming the new oil and stated:

Aug 13, 2019

Google’s algorithm for detecting hate speech is racially biased

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI

Algorithms meant to spot hate speech online are far more likely to label tweets “offensive” if they were posted by people who identify as African-American.

AI systems meant to spot abusive online content are far more likely to label tweets “offensive” if they were posted by people who identify as African-American.

The news: Researchers built two AI systems and tested them on a pair of data sets of more than 100,000 tweets that had been annotated by humans with labels like “offensive,” “none,” or “hate speech.” One of the algorithms incorrectly flagged 46% of inoffensive tweets by African-American authors as offensive. Tests on bigger data sets, including one composed of 5.4 million tweets, found that posts by African-American authors were 1.5 times more likely to be labeled as offensive. When the researchers then tested Google’s Perspective, an AI tool that the company lets anyone use to moderate online discussions, they found similar racial biases.

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Aug 13, 2019

AI could be your wingman—er, wingbot—on your next first date

Posted by in categories: habitats, information science, mobile phones, robotics/AI

The art of matchmaking has traditionally been the province of grandmas and best friends, parents, and even—sometimes—complete strangers. Recently they’ve been replaced by swipes and algorithms in an effort to automate the search for love. But Kevin Teman wants to take things one step further.

The Denver-based founder of a startup called AIMM has built an app that matches prospective partners using just what they say to a British-accented AI. Users talk to the female-sounding software to complete a profile: pick out your dream home, declare whether you consider yourself a “cat person,” and describe how you would surprise a potential partner.

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Aug 13, 2019

Rooting AI in ethics

Posted by in categories: ethics, robotics/AI

An AI system introduced in 2015 with much fanfare in the U.S. failed to recognise faces of African Americans with the same accuracy as those of Caucasian Americans. | Photo Credit: AP

N. Dayasindhu

Aug 12, 2019

The Coming Automation of Propaganda

Posted by in categories: law, robotics/AI

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a thousand bots screaming from a human face – forever (apologies to George Orwell). As U.S. policymakers remain indecisive over how to prevent a repeat of the 2016 election interference, the threat is looming ever more ominous on the horizon. The public has unfortunately settled on the term “bots” to describe the social media manipulation activities of foreign actors, invoking an image of neat rows of metal automatons hunched over keyboards, when in reality live humans are methodically at work. While the 2016 election mythologized the power of these influence-actors, such work is slow, costly, and labor-intensive. Humans must manually create and manage accounts, hand-write posts and comments, and spend countless hours reading content online to signal-boost particular narratives. However, recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) may soon enable the automation of much of this work, massively amplifying the disruptive potential of online influence operations.

This emerging threat draws its power from vulnerabilities in our society: an unaware public, an underprepared legal system, and social media companies not sufficiently concerned with their exploitability by malign actors. Addressing these vulnerabilities requires immediate attention from lawmakers to inform the public, address legal blind spots, and hold social media companies to account.

Aug 11, 2019

10 First Jobs that Will Be Eliminated

Posted by in categories: employment, robotics/AI

Are you teriffied about your jobs will be taken away by AI. If you do, then check out the first jobs that will be eliminated by AI. This will help you prep.

Aug 11, 2019

AI Provides Solutions for the Japanese Fishing Industry

Posted by in categories: economics, food, robotics/AI

In the 1990s farmed fish (aquaculture) accounted for about one-quarter of global seafood production according to the UN Food and Agricultural Organization. Now, with demand rising and the ocean’s resources being steadily depleted, aquaculture has overtaken wild fishery, globally producing more than 100 million metric tonnes of seafood each year.

Artificial intelligence is increasingly used in aquaculture management to analyze water conditions, environmental changes and fish status. And nowhere are these emerging fishing industry technologies more important than in Japan.

According to a report by private research group Yano Economic Research Institute, Japan’s aquaculture market will reach JP¥20.3 billion in 2021, an increase of 53 percent from 2016. AI-powered smart fisheries will account for JP¥1.3 billion, a figure that is rising quickly.