

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 1625

Dec 9, 2019

Transhumanism and Immortality

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioengineering, biotech/medical, cryonics, cyborgs, genetics, life extension, nanotechnology, robotics/AI, transhumanism

I am in shock… Google suddenly as yahoo are allowing conjecture and mendacity be seen as public or scientific opinion. Here is another confused mind who towards the end of her rant quotes Christian scripture as basis to stop Life extension-Transhumanism???

When I say to these minds Behold the leader of Christianity stood for Life abundant-Super Longevity and I can prove such. No matter what lost evangelist or preacher tells you Jesus was a medical researcher of extraordinary magnitude…

NOW BEHOLD THE LOST in this article……/transhumanism-and-imm… Respect r.p.berry & AEWR wherein aging now ends we have found the many causes of aging and we have located an expensive cure. We search for partners-investors to now join us in agings end…

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Dec 9, 2019

Futurist Predicts “The End of the World as We Know It”

Posted by in categories: economics, employment, robotics/AI

As jobs are automated out of existence, the division between the very wealthy and the very poor will grow — and any notion of a comfortable middle class will vanish.

That’s according to Roey Tzezana, a future studies researcher at Israel’s Tel Aviv University, according to Haaretz. That stands in contrast to the common argument that new jobs will emerge as others vanish, painting a grim picture for the workforce and global economy.

Dec 9, 2019

What Would It Mean for AI to Become Conscious?

Posted by in categories: Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI

As artificial intelligence systems take on more tasks and solve more problems, it’s hard to say which is rising faster: our interest in them or our fear of them. Futurist Ray Kurzweil famously predicted that “By 2029, computers will have emotional intelligence and be convincing as people.”

We don’t know how accurate this prediction will turn out to be. Even if it takes more than 10 years, though, is it really possible for machines to become conscious? If the machines Kurzweil describes say they’re conscious, does that mean they actually are?

Perhaps a more relevant question at this juncture is: what is consciousness, and how do we replicate it if we don’t understand it?

Dec 9, 2019

Paralyzed man walks using brain-controlled robotic suit

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

A tetraplegic man has been able to move all four of his paralyzed limbs by using a brain-controlled robotic suit, researchers have said.

The 28-year-old man from Lyon, France, known as Thibault, was paralyzed from the shoulders down after falling 40 feet from a balcony, severing his spinal cord, the AFP news agency reported.

He had some movement in his biceps and left wrist, and was able to operate a wheelchair using a joystick with his left arm.

Dec 8, 2019

This AI writes a text adventure while you play it

Posted by in categories: entertainment, robotics/AI

It’s easy to imagine advances in AI will have an impact on strategy games and digital versions of board games like Chess and Go, but one of the most interesting implementations of AI technology I’ve seen so far is a text adventure.

AI Dungeon 2 by Nick Walton uses OpenAI to simulate an old-school text adventure of the Zork variety, only instead of having to read the designer’s mind to figure out what to type to use this thing on that thing, you write plain English and get results. It helps to start sentences with verbs but you’ll get a response to basically anything, and that response is likely to be surprising. I played a wizard exploring a ruin and within a handful of turns I’d found out I was responsible for the state of these ruins and confronted a younger version of myself.

Dec 8, 2019

Why AI Will Be the Best Tool for Extending Our Longevity

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, economics, life extension, robotics/AI

Dmitry Kaminskiy speaks as though he were trying to unload everything he knows about the science and economics of longevity—from senolytics research that seeks to stop aging cells from spewing inflammatory proteins and other molecules to the trillion-dollar life extension industry that he and his colleagues are trying to foster—in one sitting.

At the heart of the discussion with Singularity Hub is the idea that artificial intelligence will be the engine that drives breakthroughs in how we approach healthcare and healthy aging—a concept with little traction even just five years ago.

“At that time, it was considered too futuristic that artificial intelligence and data science … might be more accurate compared to any hypothesis of human doctors,” said Kaminskiy, co-founder and managing partner at Deep Knowledge Ventures, an investment firm that is betting big on AI and longevity.

Dec 8, 2019

This Roleplaying AI Makes a Great Dungeon Master

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

But for some reason it named every character “Dan.”

Dec 7, 2019

Edward Snowden on the Dangers of Mass Surveillance and Artificial General Intelligence

Posted by in categories: business, education, robotics/AI, security, surveillance

AI is Pandora’s box, s’ true…

On the one hand we can’t close it and on the other hand our current direction is not good. And this is gonna get worse as AI starts taking its own ‘creative’ decisions… the human overlords will claim it has nothing to do with them if and when things go wrong.

The solution for commercialization is actually quite simple.

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Dec 7, 2019

The Defense Department has produced the first tools for catching deepfakes

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Yay face_with_colon_three

Fake video clips made with artificial intelligence can also be spotted using AI—but this may be the beginning of an arms race.

Dec 6, 2019

The US is in danger of losing its global leadership in AI

Posted by in categories: economics, government, health, military, robotics/AI

Some argue that only a “Sputnik” moment will wake the American people and government to act with purpose, just as the 1957 Soviet launch of a satellite catalyzed new educational and technological investments. We disagree. We have been struck by the broad, bipartisan consensus in America to “get AI right” now. We are in a rare moment when challenge, urgency, and consensus may just align to generate the energy we need to extend our AI leadership and build a better future.

Congress asked us to serve on a bipartisan commission of tech leaders, scientists, and national security professionals to explore the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and national security. Our work is not complete, but our initial assessment is worth sharing now: in the next decade, the United States is in danger of losing its global leadership in AI and its innovation edge. That edge is a foundation of our economic prosperity, military power and ultimately the freedoms we enjoy.

As we consider the leadership stakes, we are struck by AI’s potential to propel us towards many imaginable futures. Some hold great promise; others are concerning. If past technological revolutions are a guide, the future will include elements of both.

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