

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 1067

Jul 29, 2022

Do autonomous driving features really make roads safer?

Posted by in categories: policy, robotics/AI, transportation

In recent years, more vehicles include partially autonomous driving features, such as blind spot detectors, automatic braking and lane sensing, which are said to increase safety. However, a recent study by researchers from The University of Texas at Austin finds that some of that safety benefit may be offset by people driving more, thereby clogging up roads and exposing themselves to more potential crashes.

The study, published recently in Transportation Research Part A—Policy and Practice, found that drivers with one or more of these autonomous features reported higher miles traveled than those of similar profiles who didn’t have them. This is important, because miles traveled is one of the most—if not the most—significant predictor of . The more you drive, the more likely you are to crash.

“What we showed, without any ambiguity in our results, is that after embracing autonomous features, people tend to drive more,” said Chandra Bhat, one of the authors on the project and professor in the Cockrell School of Engineering’s Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering. “There are certainly engineering benefits to these features, but they are offset to a good extent because people are driving more and exposed more.”

Jul 28, 2022

‘The entire protein universe’: AI predicts shape of nearly every known protein

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

DeepMind’s AlphaFold tool has determined the structures of around 200 million proteins, from almost every known organism on Earth.

Jul 28, 2022

New hardware offers faster computation for artificial intelligence, with much less energy

Posted by in categories: health, robotics/AI

MIT researchers created protonic programmable resistors — building blocks of analog deep learning systems — that can process data 1 million times faster than synapses in the human brain. These ultrafast, low-energy resistors could enable analog deep learning systems that can train new and more powerful neural networks rapidly, which could be used for areas like self-driving cars, fraud detection, and health care.

Jul 28, 2022

AI and the Art of Ingenuity: Computational Creativity

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, robotics/AI

SYNOPSIS: Will a computer ever be more creative than a human? In this compelling program, artists, musicians, neuroscientists, and computer scientists explore the future of artistry and imagination in the age of artificial intelligence.

PARTICIPANTS: Sougwen Chung, Jesse Engel, Peter Ulric Tse, Lav Varshney.
MODERATOR: John Schaefer.
Original program date: MAY 31, 2017

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Jul 28, 2022

#58 Dr. Ben Goertzel — Artificial General Intelligence

Posted by in categories: biological, blockchains, information science, neuroscience, physics, robotics/AI, singularity


The field of Artificial Intelligence was founded in the mid 1950s with the aim of constructing “thinking machines” — that is to say, computer systems with human-like general intelligence. Think of humanoid robots that not only look but act and think with intelligence equal to and ultimately greater than that of human beings. But in the intervening years, the field has drifted far from its ambitious old-fashioned roots.

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Jul 28, 2022

First Computer made of Human Brain Cells beating A.I.!?

Posted by in categories: biological, robotics/AI

Artificial Intelligence is pretty much THE HOLY GRAIL of Future Technologies.
There is no big Company nor University, which is not working on the development of Artificial Intelligence.
Role models are often the superior performance of the biological brain, but that’s also a lot of work.
So a development team in Australia therefore wants to save tedious development time and insert brain cells into Computers!
You may think that sounds crazy?
But their first prototype is already learning faster than traditional Artificial Intelligences of computers.

How did they even do that? This is exactly what we will talk about in this video.

Jul 28, 2022

“DEATH DEFANGED Cryonics, Cryothanasia and the Future of Sentience”​ with David Pearce

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cryonics, education, life extension, lifeboat, robotics/AI, singularity, transhumanism

“DEATH DEFANGED Cryonics, Cryothanasia and the Future of Sentience” with David Pearce, Author, Philosopher and well-known TransHumanistThis service will be on ZOOM and YouTube Live Stream only, not in person.
Zoom at 6:00 PM Eastern Time.
Live Stream at 7:00 PM Eastern Time.
Stay after the close of the YouTube streaming for the Zoom After Party until??:00 pm. Enjoy fellowship in the extended discussions with Neal and Immortalists & Friends from Around the World, sharing bold ideas on health, longevity, and technology!(Note: Mr. Pearce was scheduled last month to give a presentation but due to circumstances beyond our control we did not have that presentation. We look forward this month to have David Pearce join us!)David Pearce is the author of 4 major works:“The Hedonistic Imperative”, “The Biointelligence Explosion: How Recursively Self-Improving Organic Robots will Modify their Own Source Code and Bootstrap Our Way to Full-Spectrum Superintelligence”, “Singularity Hypotheses: A Scientific and Philosophical Assessment”, & “Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering?”
The Hedonistic Imperative (1995) advocates the use of biotechnology to abolish suffering throughout the living world. In 1998, he co-founded the World Transhumanist Association (H+) with Nick Bostrom. Transhumanists believe in the use of technology to overcome our biological limitations.
Currently, Pearce is a fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, and sits on the futurist advisory board of the Lifeboat Foundation. He is also the director of bioethics of Invincible Wellbeing and is on the advisory boards of the Center on Long-Term Risk, the Organization for the Prevention of Intense Suffering and since 2021 the Qualia Research Institute. Please share this event with someone that you care about. Would you like to make a Donation to Perpetual Life? Your donations help us grow & improve our services. To donate, go to our website http://Perpetual.Life and use the PayPal button at the top right of the page. Thank you for your generous donations, we appreciate it immensely!“Our task is to make nature, the blind force of nature, into an instrument of universal resuscitation and to become a union of immortal beings.“
- Nikolai F. FedorovWe hold faith in the technologies & discoveries of humanity to END AGING and Defeat involuntary Death within our lifetime. Working to Save Lives with Age Reversal Education. ========== Perpetual Life Creed ==========We believe that all of life is sacred and that we have been given this one life to make unlimited. We believe in our Creator’s divine plan for all of humanity to have infinite lifespans in perfect health and eternal joy, rendering death to be optional. By following our Gospel we achieve eternal life creating a heaven here on earth. We follow Nikolai Fyodorov, who taught that the transcendence of the creator will only be solved when humanity in our unified efforts become an instrument of universal resuscitation, when the divine word becomes our divine action. And we follow Arthur C. Clarke, who said “The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.“And so, we enter each day energized in Spirit and empowered by the words of our prophets to live in joy, serving our creator and all of mankind, Forever and Ever.==========Wishing you Perfect Health and Great Longevity!Perpetual Life, a science-faith based church is open to people of all faiths & belief systems. We are non-denominational & non-judgmental and a central gathering place of Immortalists & Transhumans. What unites us is our common faith, belief and desire in Unlimited Life Spans. We are located in Pompano Beach FL at 950 South Cypress Road.

Jul 28, 2022

A.I. Wars, The Fermi Paradox and Great Filters with David Brin

Posted by in categories: alien life, existential risks, nanotechnology, physics, robotics/AI, security

Why we need AI to compete against each other. Does a Great Filter Stop all Alien Civilizations at some point? Are we Doomed if We Find Life in Our Solar System?

David Brin is a scientist, speaker, technical consultant and world-known author. His novels have been New York Times Bestsellers, winning multiple Hugo, Nebula and other awards.
A 1998 movie, directed by Kevin Costner, was loosely based on his book The Postman.
His Ph.D in Physics from UCSD — followed a masters in optics and an undergraduate degree in astrophysics from Caltech. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the California Space Institute and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Brin serves on advisory committees dealing with subjects as diverse as national defense and homeland security, astronomy and space exploration, SETI and nanotechnology, future/prediction and philanthropy. He has served since 2010 on the council of external advisers for NASA’s Innovative and Advanced Concepts group (NIAC), which supports the most inventive and potentially ground-breaking new endeavors.

Continue reading “A.I. Wars, The Fermi Paradox and Great Filters with David Brin” »

Jul 28, 2022

DeepMind’s protein-folding AI cracks biology’s biggest problem

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

DeepMind has predicted the structure of almost every protein so far catalogued by science, cracking one of the grand challenges of biology in just 18 months thanks to an artificial intelligence called AlphaFold. Researchers say that the work has already led to advances in combating malaria, antibiotic resistance and plastic waste, and could speed up the discovery of new drugs.

Determining the crumpled shapes of proteins based on their sequences of constituent amino acids has been a persistent problem for decades in biology. Some of these amino acids are attracted to others, some are repelled by water, and the chains form intricate shapes that are hard to accurately determine.

Thinking long-term to save the world Martin Rees at New Scientist Live this October.

Jul 28, 2022

Columbia Engineering Roboticists Discover Alternative Physics

Posted by in categories: physics, robotics/AI

A new AI program observed physical phenomena and uncovered relevant variables—a necessary precursor to any physics theory.