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Watch this next video about the Future of Artificial Intelligence (2030 — 10,000 A.D.+):
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► Jasper AI: Write 5x Faster With Artificial Intelligence:

• Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (Max Tegmark):
• The Future of Humanity (Michio Kaku):
• The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (Ray Kurzweil):

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💡 Future Business Tech explores the future of technology and the world.

Examples of topics I cover include:

This video covers digital immortality, its required technologies, processes of uploading a mind, its potential impact on society, and more. Watch this next video about the world in 2200:
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► Jasper AI: Write 5x Faster With Artificial Intelligence:

00:00 Required Technologies.
01:42 The Processes of Uploading a Mind.
03:32 Positive Impacts On Society.
05:34 When Will It Become Possible?
05:53 Is Digital Immortality Potentially Dangerous?

• The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (Ray Kurzweil):
• The Future of Humanity (Michio Kaku):…first-time.…-uploading.

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Im still w/ Kurzweil at 2029, but:

+1. While I will also respect the request to not state them in the comments, I would bet that you could sample 10 ICML/NeurIPS/ICLR/AISTATS authors and learn about 10 well-defined, not entirely overlapping obstacles of this sort.

We don’t have any obstacle left in mind that we don’t expect to get overcome in more than 6 months after efforts are invested to take it down.

I don’t want people to skim this post and get the impression that this is a common view in ML.

It turns out that it is now pretty standard to have no external stitches for spaying, and in fact, if I had to do it over again, I would have picked one port keyhole surgery which would have been even easier to heal from. (That would have required switching vets.) So for only $400, Kaia not only had advanced surgery with no outside stitches, but she was made into a cyborg with a microchip being implanted. Pretty impressive!

This is just one example of us rushing headlong into a science fiction-type future. The biggest such example being ChatGPT which feels way more intelligent than previous chatbots. It used to be that Ray Kurzweil would say that we would have AGI in 2029 and everyone else predicted dates such as 2070 or never. Now many people pick 2029 and I could definitely see the tech behind ChatGPT being part of the recipe for AGI. For me, the first example that AGI was coming, was Content-Aware Fill being added to Photoshop. That feature allows you to erase a person from a beach scene in one quick step. Very impressive!

One more example of tech advancing is that a few years ago my right eye’s retina partially detached. My doctor did surgery with cryotherapy in his office, and inserted a sulfur hexafluoride bubble to stabilize everything. He followed up the next day with laser therapy, again in his office. No hospital needed. Eye fixed!

Video is of our killer guard dog Kaia on patrol. Watch out world!

This video covers the timelapse of metaverse technologies from 2030 to 3000+. Watch this next video about the Future of Virtual Reality (2030 – 3000+):
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► Jasper AI: Write 5x Faster With Artificial Intelligence:

• The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (Ray Kurzweil):

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💡 On this channel, I explain the following concepts:

Ray Kurzweil on the Law of accelerating returns:

Ray Kurzweil: Acceleration of technology is the implication of what I call the law of accelerating returns. The nature of technological progress is exponential. If I count linearly 30 steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… I get to 30. If I count exponentially: 2, 4, 8, 16… 30 steps later I’m at a billion. It makes a dramatic difference.

TRANSCENDENT MAN chronicles the life and ideas of Ray Kurzweil, the inventor and futurist known for his bold vision of the Singularity, a point in the near future when technology will be changing so rapidly, that we will have to enhance ourselves with artificial intelligence to keep up. Ray predicts this will be the dawning of a new civilization in which we will no longer be dependent on our physical bodies, we will be billions of times more intelligent and there will be no clear distinction between human and machine, real reality and virtual reality.

This video covers the world in a billion years and its future technologies. Watch this next video about the world in a million years:
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► Brilliant: Learn Science And Math Interactively (20% Off):
► Jasper AI: Write 5x Faster With Artificial Intelligence:

• The Future of Humanity (Michio Kaku):
• The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (Ray Kurzweil):

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💡 On this channel, I explore future technologies and how they could impact society.

This week our guest is Meghan O’Gieblyn, who has written regularly for entities such as Wired, The New York Times, and The Guardian, in addition to authoring books such as Interior States and her latest book: God, Human, Animal, Machine: Technology, Metaphor, and the Search for Meaning.

Interestingly, much of Meghan’s work pulls on her experience losing her faith in religion while simultaneously being drawn into transhumanism from reading the Age of Spiritual Machines by Singularity’s very own Ray Kurzweil. This exploration of Meghan’s background and her latest book takes us on a journey through the ways in which technology and spirituality have historically woven together, the current ways in which they are conflicting, and the future philosophical questions we’re going to be forced to reconcile. For those of you interested in this subject, I highly recommend going and listening to episode 52 with Micah Redding, which lays a lot of the foundation that we build on her in this episode.

Find out more about Meghan through her website, or find her book on Amazon.

Host: steven parton — linkedin / twitter.

Ray Kurzweil, an American Jewish inventor and futurist, claims that within ten years, man will be able to defeat old age and death thanks to the accelerated development of technology.

My question in relation to Kurzweil’s statement is: What is so good about us constantly living all the time? Why live at all if we are never to die?

On the contrary, if we attain the purpose of our lives while we are alive, then we will reach a spiritual, eternal, and perfect state, i.e. one where we will have no feeling of a lack. In our current lives, we constantly live out of feeling lack and the need to fulfill our lacks. However, we can reach a state where we have no such feeling of a lack, but that we have an abundance of everything.

Developing ourselves spiritually has nothing to do with medicine or technology. It has to do with our inner world, i.e. with how we feel that we can give and receive from everyone, and live in a world that is boundless, with no beginning or end. Then, even if our bodies die, we will not feel it as death.