

Archive for the ‘quantum physics’ category: Page 413

Mar 22, 2021

Pioneering Experiment Turns IBM’s Largest Quantum Computer Into a Quantum Material

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Pioneering experiment could help design energy-efficient materials.

In a groundbreaking study published in Physical Review Research, a group of University of Chicago scientists announced they were able to turn IBM’s largest quantum computer into a quantum material itself.

They programmed the computer such that it turned into a type of quantum material called an exciton condensate, which has only recently been shown to exist. Such condensates have been identified for their potential in future technology, because they can conduct energy with almost zero loss.

Mar 21, 2021

The Emerging Paths Of Quantum Computing

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

By Chuck Brooks

The world of computing has witnessed seismic advancements since the invention of the electronic calculator in the 1960s. The past few years in information processing have been especially transformational. What were once thought of as science fiction fantasies are now technological realties. Classical computing has become more exponentially faster and more capable and our enabling devices smaller and more adaptable.

Mar 20, 2021

Chromatic light particle effect revealed for the development of photonic quantum networks

Posted by in categories: computing, particle physics, quantum physics

It’s another step on the road to developing quantum information processing applications: A key experiment succeeded in going beyond the previously defined limits for photon applications. Anahita Khodadad Kashi and Prof. Dr. Michael Kues from the Institute of Photonics and the Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD at Leibniz University Hannover (Germany) have demonstrated a novel interference effect. The scientists have thus shown that new color-coded photonic networks can be tapped, and the number of photons involved can be scaled. “This discovery could enable new benchmarks in quantum communication, computational operations of quantum computers as well as quantum measurement techniques and is feasible with existing optical telecommunication infrastructure,” says Kues.

The decisive experiment was successfully performed in the newly established Quantum Photonics Laboratory (QPL) of the Institute of Photonics and the Hannover Centre for Optical Technologies at Leibniz University Hannover. Anahita Khodadad Kashi succeeded in quantum-mechanically interfering independently generated pure photons with different colors, i.e., frequencies. Khodadad Kashi detected a so-called Hong-Ou-Mandel effect.

Hong-Ou-Mandel interference is a fundamental effect of quantum optics that forms the basis for many processing applications—from quantum computing to quantum metrology. The effect describes how two photons behave when they collide on a spatial beam splitter and explains the phenomenon of quantum mechanical interference.

Mar 19, 2021

Solving ‘barren plateaus’ is the key to quantum machine learning

Posted by in categories: information science, mathematics, quantum physics, robotics/AI

Many machine learning algorithms on quantum computers suffer from the dreaded “barren plateau” of unsolvability, where they run into dead ends on optimization problems. This challenge had been relatively unstudied—until now. Rigorous theoretical work has established theorems that guarantee whether a given machine learning algorithm will work as it scales up on larger computers.

“The work solves a key problem of useability for . We rigorously proved the conditions under which certain architectures of variational quantum algorithms will or will not have barren plateaus as they are scaled up,” said Marco Cerezo, lead author on the paper published in Nature Communications today by a Los Alamos National Laboratory team. Cerezo is a post doc researching at Los Alamos. “With our theorems, you can guarantee that the architecture will be scalable to quantum computers with a large number of qubits.”

“Usually the approach has been to run an optimization and see if it works, and that was leading to fatigue among researchers in the field,” said Patrick Coles, a coauthor of the study. Establishing mathematical theorems and deriving first principles takes the guesswork out of developing algorithms.

Mar 17, 2021

Three-node quantum network makes its debut

Posted by in category: quantum physics

Nodes known as Alice, Bob and Charlie share entangled state across two different labs.

Mar 16, 2021

Exploring complex graphs using three-dimensional quantum walks of correlated photons

Posted by in categories: biological, chemistry, information science, internet, quantum physics, space travel

Graph representations can solve complex problems in natural science, as patterns of connectivity can give rise to a magnitude of emergent phenomena. Graph-based approaches are specifically important during quantum communication, alongside quantum search algorithms in highly branched quantum networks. In a new report now published on Science Advances, Max Ehrhardt and a team of scientists in physics, experimental physics and quantum science in Germany introduced a hitherto unidentified paradigm to directly realize excitation dynamics associated with three-dimensional networks. To accomplish this, they explored the hybrid action of space and polarization degrees of freedom of photon pairs inside complex waveguide circuits. The team experimentally explored multiparticle quantum walks on complex and highly connected graphs as testbeds to pave the way to explore the potential applications of fermionic dynamics in integrated photonics.

Complex networks

Complex networks can occur across diverse fields of science, ranging from biological signaling pathways and biochemical molecules to exhibit efficient energy transport to neuromorphic circuits across to social interactions across the internet. Such structures are typically modeled using graphs whose complexity relies on the number of nodes and linkage patterns between them. The physical representation of a graph is limited by their requirement for arrangement in three-dimensional (3D) space. The human brain is a marked example of scaling behavior that is unfavorable for physical simulation due to its staggering number of 80 billion neurons, dwarfed by 100 trillion synapses that allow the flow of signals between them. Despite the number of comparably miniscule volume of nodes, discrete quantum systems faced a number of challenges owing to complex network topologies, efficient multipartite quantum communications and search algorithms.

Mar 16, 2021

D-Wave demonstrates performance advantage in quantum simulation

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Researchers at the quantum computing firm D-Wave Systems have shown that their quantum processor can simulate the behaviour of an “untwisting” quantum magnet much faster than a classical machine. Led by D-Wave’s director of performance research Andrew King, the team used the new low-noise quantum processor to show that the quantum speed-up increases for harder simulations. The result shows that even near-term quantum simulators could have a significant advantage over classical methods for practical problems such as designing new materials.

The D-Wave simulators are specialized quantum computers known as quantum annealers. To perform a simulation, the quantum bits, or qubits, in the annealer are initialized in a classical ground state and allowed to interact and evolve under conditions programmed to mimic a particular system. The final state of the qubits is then measured to reveal the desired information.

King explains that the quantum magnet they simulated experiences both quantum fluctuations (which lead to entanglement and tunnelling) and thermal fluctuations. These competing effects create exotic topological phase transitions in materials, which were the subject of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Mar 16, 2021

Artificial intelligence leads NATO’s new strategy for emerging and disruptive tech

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, quantum physics, robotics/AI, security

STUTTGART, Germany — NATO and its member nations have formally agreed upon how the alliance should target and coordinate investments in emerging and disruptive technology, or EDT, with plans to release artificial intelligence and data strategies by the summer of 2021.

In recent years the alliance has publicly declared its need to focus on so-called EDTs, and identified seven science and technology areas that are of direct interest. Now, the NATO enterprise and representatives of its 30 member states have endorsed a strategy that shows how the alliance can both foster these technologies — through stronger relationships with innovation hubs and specific funding mechanisms — and protect EDT investments from outside influence and export issues.

NATO will eventually develop individual strategies for each of the seven science and technology areas — artificial intelligence, data and computing, autonomy, quantum-enabled technologies, biotechnology, hypersonic technology, and space. But for the near future, the priority is AI and data, said David van Weel, NATO’s assistant secretary general for emerging security challenges.

Mar 14, 2021

PsiQuantum Preparing to Emerge From Stealth, Expect Commercial Quantum Computer by 2025

Posted by in categories: computing, finance, quantum physics

By the middle of the decade, the team from PsiQuantum will have a commercial quantum computer, according to the Financial Times. The founders are also indicating they are ready to emerge from stealth.

PsiQuantum has been mostly silent about its quantum computer development but with its scientific bench composed of leading UK physicists and nearly $300 million in venture capital funding, according to The Quantum Insider, that silence has been deafening.

Mar 14, 2021

Physics undergraduate proposes solution to quantum field theory problem

Posted by in categories: information science, particle physics, quantum physics

When physicists need to understand the quantum mechanics that describe how atomic clocks work, how your magnet sticks to your refrigerator or how particles flow through a superconductor, they use quantum field theories.

When they work through problems in quantum field theories, they do so in “imaginary” time, then map those simulations into real quantities. But traditionally, these simulations nearly always include uncertainties or unknown factors that could cause equation results to be “off.” So, when physicists interpret their simulation results into real quantities, these uncertainties amplify exponentially, making it difficult to have confidence that their results are as accurate as necessary.

Now, a pair of University of Michigan physicists have discovered that a set of functions called the Nevanlinna functions can tighten the interpretation step, showing that physicists may be able to overcome one of the major limitations of modern quantum simulation. The work, published in Physical Review Letters, was led by U-M physics undergraduate student Jiani Fei.