Category: neuroscience – Page 922
Researcher Dr. Dena Dubal, from the University of California San Francisco, is considering a new approach to combat neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, using a protein known as klotho.
Aging is the foundation of age-related diseases
Instead of trying to understand each of these diseases and the complex mechanisms unique to both, she considered what all these conditions have in common; the answer, of course, is aging.
We’re not wired to feel safe all the time, but maybe one day we could be.
A new study investigating the neurological basis of anxiety in the brain has identified ‘anxiety cells’ located in the hippocampus – which not only regulate anxious behaviour but can be controlled by a beam of light.
The findings, so far demonstrated in experiments with lab mice, could offer a ray of hope for the millions of people worldwide who experience anxiety disorders (including almost one in five adults in the US), by leading to new drugs that silence these anxiety-controlling neurons.
Could a protein called klotho block aging and dementia?
Summary: More klotho means better cognitive function says a scientist. By injecting the protein Klotho into mice with Alzheimer’s, a UCSF researcher improved their brain function. The researcher hopes to eventually apply the treatment to humans to treat aging and dementia. [Introduction by Brady Hartman, followed by a link to the full article.]
Neurologist and neuroscientist Dr. Dena Dubal wants to prevent dementia and aging with a protein called Klotho. Dr. Dubal, MD, Ph.D. – an associate professor of neurology at UC San Francisco – aims to use this novel approach to battle neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Rather than battle these diseases head-on, professor Dubal aims to block the aging process itself. Dr. Dubal is testing the protein’s potential as a therapeutic. The researcher found that by administering the protein to mice, she gave them a cognitive boost, equivalent to genetically increasing klotho. In fact, after injecting the protein into mice that had a condition similar to Alzheimer’s, Dr. Dubal remarked.
Part #1 of an awesome show with Steve and Jason on Grognostics merging together discussions on biotech, craft beer, human potential, as well as a comedic journey into the world of 2039
Einstein’s secret to an incredibly intelligent brain may be in part to how well his brain aged…
Samples of his brain revealed he was missing a protein Lipofuscin, a not so well understood compound which contains lipid residues of lysosomal digestion that accumulates in the brain liver kidney, heart muscle, retina, adrenals, nerve cells, and ganglion cells.
Lipofuscin busting drugs could have a lot of potential for anti-aging therapies for the future.