

Archive for the ‘neuroscience’ category: Page 885

Sep 7, 2016

Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosed with help from Virtual Reality

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience, virtual reality

I cannot wait to see how we can use VR for obtaining additional insights on other central nervous system diseases and disorders such as MS, Dystonia, GBM, etc.

Medical applications for VR continue to spread. Just a few weeks ago I wrote about how Paraplegics can learn to walk again with help from Virtual Reality. Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University and the Siberian State Medical University, in Russia, believe that it could be the future of diagnosing neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.

Methods to diagnosis many of these conditions is accomplished by visual assessment in most parts of Russia. The brain scanning technology such as a CAT scan or MRI to confirm the diagnosis is only available in a handful of cities. The VR system being developed would be cheap and easy to roll out across the country.

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Sep 7, 2016

We Might Be Getting Closer To “Immortality” Through Medical Nanotechnology

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, health, life extension, nanotechnology, neuroscience, Peter Diamandis

No shock to me.

Diamandis claimed that we are gearing towards a future possible of “interface mind-machine, where in human brain’s consciousness could be uploaded to computer and then transferred to a new body—probably a cultured in the lab. He estimates that it will just take 20–30 years to be realized.

The reality of extended life longevity to almost immortality is actually not too hard to believe these days. After all science and technology never failed to amuse us to make the once impossible possible.

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Sep 6, 2016

New Drug Clears Abnormal Brain Proteins Tied to Alzheimer’s

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

In people with Alzheimer’s disease, a new investigational drug can dramatically reduce the amount of amyloid beta plaque, the tangled clumps of proteins that form in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, according to a new early study of the drug.

The drug works by spurring the immune system to recognize and clear the plaques.

“We believe that’s a hint of efficacy,” study co-author Dr. Alfred Sandrock, a neurologist and an executive vice president at Biogen, said during a news briefing. “We believe that needs to be confirmed with further studies.” Biogen is the Cambridge, Massachusetts, company that funded the trial and applied to patent the drug. [10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Brain].

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Sep 6, 2016

Stem Cells Allow Scientists to Repair Injured Spinal Cords

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

In a study published in Nature Medicine, researchers report that they have successfully coaxed stem cell-derived neurons to regenerate lost tissue in damaged corticospinal tracts of rats.

Stem cells are an amazing part of medical research. Because of their ability to become virtually any cell in the human body, they could hold the cure for many varied and grave diseases—from bones, to sight, to memory and thinking, stem cells could help us correct a host of conditions.

In fact, it seems that stem cells might be the key to repairing spinal cord injuries.

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Sep 6, 2016

THIS is how you can use ultrasound for wound healing

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Other than speeding up bone healing, slowing Alzheimer’s in mice, ultrasound has been found to help with speedy wound healing. Ultrasound application can help diabetic patients, who suffer from helping defects, up to 30% to decrease the healing time of wounds.


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Sep 6, 2016

Brain circuit that drives sleep-wake states, sleep-preparation behavior is identified

Posted by in categories: food, neuroscience

Stanford University School of Medicine scientists have identified a brain circuit that’s indispensable to the sleep-wake cycle. This same circuit is also a key component of the reward system, an archipelago of interconnected brain clusters crucial to promoting behavior necessary for animals, including humans, to survive and reproduce.

It makes intuitive sense that the reward system, which motivates goal-directed behaviors such as fleeing from predators or looking for food, and our sleep-wake cycle would coordinate with one another at some point. You can’t seek food in your sleep, unless you’re an adept sleepwalker. Conversely, getting out of bed is a lot easier when you’re excited about the day ahead of you.

But until this study, no precise anatomical location for this integration of the ’s reward and arousal systems has been pinpointed, said Luis de Lecea, PhD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences.

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Sep 5, 2016

Most Realistic Brain Visualization

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Check out the most realistic brain visualization ever made. Stunning!

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Sep 5, 2016

Researchers Have A Vision: Cure Blindness

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

The government’s National Eye Institute is committing $12.4 million to research technologies that can regenerate damaged neurons.

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Sep 4, 2016

According to Einstein Time is an Illusion, and Here is the Proof

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, physics

Albert Einstein was very clear in his day. Physicists are very clear now. Time is not absolute, despite what common sense tells you and me.

Time is relative, and flexible and, according to Einstein, “the dividing line between past, present, and future is an illusion”. So reality is ultimately TIMELESS. This sounds pretty bizarre from the view of classical physics, but from the view of consciousness theory and spirituality, it fits in perfectly.

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Sep 3, 2016

Supercomputer Simulates One Second of Human Brain

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience, supercomputing

Brain is the most complex biological computing system and performs almost every activity with jet speed and precision. Despite the numerous advancements in the interaction of technology and science, there is no machine that functions as swift as a brain. Nevertheless, the recent experiment by the researchers of Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University in Japan and Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany is a milestone in the history of producing human brain simulations by a computer.

The team of researchers from Japan and Germany have managed to produce the most accurate simulation of a human brain in Japan’s computer. The single second worth of activity in the human brain from just one percent of the complex organ was able to be produced in 40 minutes by the world’s fourth largest computer.

The computer used is the K computer in Japan to simulate human brain activity. The computer has 705,024 processor cores and 1.4 million GB of RAM, but still took 40 minutes to crunch the data for just one second of brain activity. The open-source Neural Simulation Technology (NEST) tool is used to replicate a network consisting of 1.73 billion nerve cells connected by 10.4 trillion synapses.

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