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Join Jeff Bezos for a tour inside Blue Origin’s New Glenn Production Facility at Cape Canaveral, Florida. This video was shot on May 30th, 2024.

00:00 — Intro.
00:40 — Interview Starts [Lobby]
05:20 — Recovering Saturn V Engines.
08:35 — Tank Production.
16:40 — Second Stage.
23:50 — Aft Section.
33:15 — Forward Section.
42:08 — Machine Shop.
51:35 — Payload Adapter and Fairings.
1:00:00 — Engines.
1:11:20 — Outro.

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If you love card games, definitely check out Doomlings. Click here and use code ISAAC20 to get 20% off of your copy of Doomlings!
Technology has shaped our civilization as it grew down the centuries, and since the industrial revolution, each new generation seems defined by some new technological revolution… So what will the next revolution be?

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The Next Technological Revolution.
Episode 460; August 15, 2024
Produced, Written \& Narrated by: Isaac Arthur.
Editor: Lukas Konecny.
Select imagery/video supplied by Getty Images.
Music Courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Stellardrone, \