

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 550

Jan 15, 2017

Cellular Reprogramming Rejuvenates Old Mice and Boosts Lifespans 30%

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

The quest for the fountain of youth is as ancient as humanity itself. Now, it appears scientists may have found the source.

Using a process designed to “reprogram” normal adult cells into pluripotent stem cells—cells that can transform into many different kinds of cells—researchers have managed to boost the life spans of mice by up to 30% and rejuvenate some of their tissues.

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Jan 14, 2017

Institute of Exponential Sciences D.N.A conference: Liz Parrish

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

I missed this one. A Liz lecture with what they do and about regulation questions from the audience.

The fourth speaker at the “Designing New Advances” conference hosted by the Institute of Exponential Sciences in Utrecht. Liz Parrish, CEO BioViva Sciences, talks about her work. Learn more about gene therapies and ageing diseases.

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Jan 13, 2017

Researchers Discover a Pomegranate Compound Could Increase Life Expectancy, Reduce Aging

Posted by in category: life extension

Scientists may be able to unlock the potential of a compound found in a common fruit, whose interaction with a certain gut bacteria helps ward off aging.

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Jan 13, 2017

Senescent cell removal could help chemotherapy patients

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Senescent cell therapy for treating age-related diseases could also help people after chemotherapy.

Senescent cell removal therapies could help reduce the damaging impact chemotherapy has on patients as well as being used to address one of the aging processes to treat diseases.

#aging #cancer

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Jan 12, 2017

Is An Anti-Aging Serum In Your Future? Science-Backed Therapy Targeting Senescent Cells May Be The Answer

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, science

Senolytics to remove senescent cells will deliver the first “repair” based approach to treat the aging process. This is the arrival of true rejuvenation biotechnology in the SENS model of damage repair.

Senescent cell removal with companies such as Unity, entering human clinical trials in the next 18 months will deliver the first true damage repair rejuevenation biotechnology. This will be the first “repair” approach to the aging process and one the SENS Research Foundation has been advocating for over a decade.

#aging #crowdfundthecure

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Jan 12, 2017

Scientists discover master regulator of cellular aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

This is probably important.

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have discovered a protein that fine-tunes the cellular clock involved in aging.

This novel , named TZAP, binds the ends of chromosomes and determines how long , the segments of DNA that protect chromosome ends, can be. Understanding telomere length is crucial because telomeres set the lifespan of cells in the body, dictating critical processes such as aging and the incidence of cancer.

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Jan 12, 2017

Craig Venter — How Genome Sequencing Can Fight Aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

A genome sequenced every 15 minutes.

Filmed November 2016.

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Jan 12, 2017

An Aging Population Is Stalling Productivity

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, economics, life extension

Once again the figures show that young to old disparity in the population is the problem not overpopulation. We really need to develop rejvenation biotechnology with all haste.

Once again overpopulation isnt the problem it is the disparity between young and old in the workforce. This makes rejuvenation biotechnology a suitable solution to avoid economic collapse.

“The world is experiencing unparalleled population aging. This poses problems for productivity and growth, unless we do something about it”

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Jan 11, 2017

Glia, not neurons, are most affected by brain aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience

The microglia are central to aging in the brain and science is already finding ways to reverse it like introducing young microglia to the brain to remove plaques associated with Alzheimers. Brain aging is not a one way process!

The difference between an old brain and a young brain isn’t so much the number of neurons but the presence and function of supporting cells called glia. In Cell Reports on January 10, researchers who examined postmortem brain samples from 480 individuals ranging in age from 16 to 106 found that the state of someone’s glia is so consistent through the years that it can be used to predict someone’s age. The work lays the foundation to better understand glia’s role in late-in-life brain disease.

“We extensively characterized aging-altered changes across 10 human and found that, in fact, glial cells experience bigger changes than ,” says Jernej Ule, a neurobiologist at the Francis Crick Institute and the University College London, who led the study with departmental colleague Rickie Patani (@PataniLab) and first author Lilach Soreq. “There’s quite a bit of regional information that will be of interest to different people—for example some will notice a very unique pattern of astrocyte-specific changes in the substantia nigra—and we provide a lot of data that still needs to be analyzed.”

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Jan 11, 2017

Addressing Naturalistic Objections to Extending Healthy Human Life Spans

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, life extension, neuroscience

Playing God is a common objection to developing technologies to increase human lifespan and yet it is never used in relation to current therapies already available.

Here I’ll point out another of the articles going up at the Life Extension Advocacy Foundation, this time on the topic of the naturalistic fallacy where it occurs in opposition to healthy life extension. Our community would like to build medical therapies that address the causes of aging, thereby ending age-related disease and greatly extending healthy human life spans. It has always surprised me to find that most people, at least initially, object to this goal. It seems perfectly and straightforwardly obvious to me that aging to death, suffering considerably along the way, is just as much a problem to be overcome as any other medical condition that causes pain and mortality. Yet opposition exists, and that opposition is one of the greatest challenges faced when raising funding and pushing forward with research and development of rejuvenation therapies.

When it comes to treating aging as a medical condition the naturalistic fallacy is voiced in this way: aging is natural, what is natural is good, and therefore we shouldn’t tamper with aging. If you look around at your houses, your computers, your modern medicine, and consider that such an objection is perhaps just a little late to the game, and hard to hold in a self-consistent manner, then you’re probably not alone. Notably, the same objection is rarely brought up when it comes to treating specific age-related diseases, or in the matter of therapies that already exist. People who are uncomfortable about radical changes to the course of aging and who speak out against the extension of human life are nonetheless almost all in favor of cancer research, treatments for heart disease, and an end to Alzheimer’s disease. Yet age-related diseases and aging are the same thing, the same forms of damage and dysfunction, only differing by degree and by the names they are given.

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