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Intervene Immune is a company focused on the age-related decline of the immune system, which is known as immunosenescence. Here, Bobby Brooke, CEO of Intervene Immune, discusses the clinical potential of regenerating the thymus as a means of reversing age-related immune system decline.

Earlier this year, we hosted the Ending Age-Related Diseases 2018 conference at the Cooper Union, New York City. This was a conference designed to bring together the best in the aging research and biotech investment worlds and saw a range of industry experts sharing their insights.

As the human body ages, the thymus begins to shrink, and fewer numbers of T cells are created and trained to fight. The thymus tissue also turns to fat rather than healthy immune cell-producing thymic tissue. Eventually, the thymus wastes away, becoming a useless fatty organ that no longer produces immune cells.

This structural decay of the thymus and the failure of the immune system when we are old opens us up to multiple age-related diseases, particularly cancer, along with infectious diseases, such as pneumonia and flu.

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New Aubrey interview.

Today we explore human longevity and life extension efforts focused on adding healthy years to a person’s lifespan, and even reversing the aging process.

My guest is Dr. Aubrey de Grey, a leading voice in the field and the Chief Science Officer of the SENS Research Foundation which is doing pioneering work on significantly extending healthy, active lifespans. Aubrey is a biomedical gerontologist with a degree in Computer Science and a Ph.D. in Biology. He is author of the book “Ending Aging” and Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal “Rejuvenation Research”.

We explore such concepts the “pro aging trance”, “longevity escape velocity” and “comprehensive damage repair” that can sustain a human body.

Podcast version at:

More on Aubrey and the SENS Research Foundation:

MIND & MACHINE features interviews by August Bradley with leaders in transformational technologies. More at:


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Can we delay or even reverse the aging process? The scientists at the Sinclair Lab at Harvard Medical School think so, and you can help them find out!

So far the NAD+ Mouse Project by Dr. David Sinclair and his team at Harvard Medical School has raised over $43,265 for an exciting research project that is targeting the aging process. Help us reach $45,000 so we can expand the project even more.

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Sputnik’s interlocutor has a medallion with a phone number and instructions for what to do if he dies. So it’s highly likely that if he dies he will end up where he and Sputnik have come.

Freeze Your Own Grandma

Danila Medvedev is a 38-year-old futurist, transhumanist and Chairman of the board of the Russian company KrioRus. The company was founded in 2006 and, as you can guess from its name, deals with the question of how to preserve the bodies of dead people for a future awakening.

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Senolytics are the first therapies that directly target the aging process to delay or prevent age-related diseases and are now in human trials. Today we thought it was the ideal time to have a look at how they work and the companies involved.

Senescent cells and aging

As we get older, more and more of our the cells in our bodies become dysfunctional and enter into a state known as senescence. These senescent cells no longer divide or support the tissues and organs of which they are part; instead, they secrete a range of harmful inflammatory chemical signals, which are known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP).

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As we get older, more and more of our the cells in our bodies become dysfunctional and enter into a state known as senescence. These senescent cells no longer divide or support the tissues and organs of which they are part; instead, they secrete a range of harmful inflammatory chemical signals, which are known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP).

For more aging research news visit:

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Today, we have a talk by Dr. Alvaro Macieira-Coelho, who discusses how aging is a consequence of thermodynamics and entropy. Quite simply, aging is the default for most species.

Earlier this year, we hosted the Ending Age-Related Diseases 2018 conference at the Cooper Union, New York City. The event was focused on bringing the worlds of research and investment in the rejuvenation biotechnology field together and saw a number of talks and panels focused on research and investment.

Dr. Alvaro Macieira-Coelho is a research director at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research – INSERM. His talk was about how aging is the default behavior and that life is a balance between entropy and the availability of free energy. Essentially, due to the second law, all species progress through changes, and they age as their ability to resist entropy declines.

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Here at LEAF, we engage in a wide range of activities in support of the development of rejuvenation biotechnology in order to end age-related diseases. We report the latest news in aging research, attend conferences and give talks, educate, advocate, and fundraise for research projects on; recently, we implemented the Longevity Investor Network in order to bring startup companies and investors together.

The Longevity Investor Network

The Longevity Investor Network is a group of investors who meet every month and invite young biotech companies working on aging to pitch their ideas. A successful pitch can often mean funding for a new startup company, helping to get its product developed and into clinical trials.

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The Real Bodies Milan exhibit has officially opened! ( — Honored to have Bioquark Inc.‘s ( research on display, with our partners at HealthQE (, for the coming seven months in the technologies for Immortality section of the exhibit