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Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning techniques have proved to be very promising for completing numerous tasks, including those that involve processing and generating language. Language-related machine learning models have enabled the creation of systems that can interact and converse with humans, including chatbots, smart assistants, and smart speakers.

To tackle dialog-oriented tasks, language models should be able to learn high-quality dialog representations. These are representations that summarize the different ideas expressed by two parties who are conversing about specific topics and how these dialogs are structured.

Researchers at Northwestern University and AWS AI Labs have recently developed a self-supervised learning model that can learn effective dialog representations for different types of dialogs. This model, introduced in a paper pre-published on arXiv, could be used to develop more versatile and better performing dialog systems using a limited amount of training data.

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Sommaire :
0:00:00 Introduction.
0:02:40 Pourquoi souhaitez vaincre le vieillissement et vivre plus longtemps?
0:04:43 Quelles sont les plus grandes difficultés pour traiter la vieillesse?
0:08:33 La théorie de réparation des dég ts (damage repair)
0:10:51 Le vieillissement est-il une maladie ou non?
0:13:05 Quels ont été les progrÚs effectués dans la recherche?
0:17:15 Comment convaincre les institutions publiques?
0:20:13 L’état de la mĂ©decine anti-vieillesse en Chine?
0:21:39 Voit-on une croissance exponentielle dans la recherche contre le vieillissement?
0:23:00 Que faudrait-il changer pour accélérer la recherche?
0:25:37 Quelles sont les grandes étapes que nous avons déjà franchies et celles restantes?
0:28:46 Comment dépasser la limite maximale de durée de vie?
0:34:31 L’utilitĂ© des mĂ©dicaments et supplĂ©ments pour vivre en bonne santĂ© plus longtemps.
0:36:00 Le rÎle des sénolytiques et thérapie liées au sang?
0:40:28 Pourquoi les souris testées ne sont pas maintenues en vie?
0:43:00 Les promesses de la médecine régénérative.
0:47:00 Les raisons qui ont poussé Aubrey de Grey a travailler sur le vieillissement.
0:49:00 L’affaire “me too” contre Aubrey de Grey.
0:51:42 Comment évolua la société si le vieillissement est sous contrÎle médical?
0:53:32 Quel serait le moyen le plus efficace pour accélérer la recherche?
0:54:54 Les autres centres d’intĂ©rĂȘts transhumanistes.
0:57:34 Comment contribuer sur le plan personnel?

Le contenu vous intéresse?

Rune Labs, a precision neurology company, has announced its StrivePD software ecosystem for Parkinson’s disease has been granted 510(k) clearance by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to collect patient symptom data through measurements made by Apple Watch.

By combining powerful wearable technology and self-reported symptom information with brain imaging, electrophysiology, genetic and other clinical data, StrivePD enables a data-driven approach to care management and clinical trial design for Parkinson’s.

Longevity. Technology: With this clearance, the Rune Labs’ StrivePD app enables precision clinical care and trial participation for tens of thousands of Parkinson’s patients who already use these devices in their daily lives.

Enjoy the talk given by Liz Parrish on June 14, 2022 during the Digital Enterprise Show 2022. The event took place from June 14th to the 16th in MĂĄlaga, Spain.

BioViva Science is using bioinformatics to improve gene therapies to enhance healthy human longevity and combat age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. TimeKeeperℱ is an epigenetic clock and the BioViva BioVaultℱ is a bioinformatics database for researchers and consumers.

Space is not a hospitable place. Radiation, zero gravity, and the vast distances between stops make interstellar travel look like a pipe dream right now, but they can be made more manageable with gene therapy. Along with obvious choices like follistatin to fight the loss of muscle mass, anti-aging gene therapies for telomerase induction, and Klotho expression can promote overall health. Keeping the crew healthy is essential when the nearest hospital could be billions of miles away.

In a statement to Astronomy Magazine, Dr João Pedro de Magalhães said “this roadmap sets the stage for enhancing human biology beyond our natural limits in ways that will confer not only longevity and disease resistance but will be essential for future space exploration.” There’s a big overlap between the genes needed to keep people healthy on earth and the genes needed to keep them safe in space.

There are a vast array of genes that will likely prove helpful to making long space voyages safe and comfortable. A vector, like BioViva’s CMV, will be needed to deliver the substantial genetic payloads astronauts will want to take with them into space.

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Papers referenced in the video:
Age and sex variation in serum albumin concentration: an observational study.

Commonly used clinical chemistry tests as mortality predictors: Results from two large cohort studies.

The Beginnings of a biotechnology revolution in Saudi Arabia?

The Saudi royal family, led by king Salman bin Abdulaziz have announced the formation of a non-profit research foundation which intends to spend $1 billion of the countries considerable annual oil revenue on supporting anti-aging research. If such funding materialises, it will make Saudi Arabia the single greatest financial contributor to longevity research.

The Saudi royal family aims to distribute this funding through a non-profit organisation called the Hevolution Foundation 0, which was founded by Dr Mehmood Khan, formerly of the Mayo Clinic. In a formal introduction to the Hevolution Foundation, Dr Khan had the following to say.

The macula is part of the eye’s retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue mostly composed of the eye’s visual cells: cone and rod photoreceptor cells. The retina also contains a layer called the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), which has several important functions, including light absorption, cleaning up cellular waste, and keeping the other cells of the eye healthy.

The cells of the RPE also nourish and maintain the eye’s photoreceptor cells, which is why one of the most promising treatment strategies for age-related macular degeneration is to replace aging, degenerating RPE cells with new ones grown from human embryonic stem cells.

Scientists have proposed several methods for converting stem cells into RPE, but there is still a gap in our knowledge of how cells respond to these stimuli over time. For example, some protocols take a few months while others can take up to a year. And yet, scientists are not clear as to what exactly happens over that period of time.

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Can AI enable us to live forever? In A.rtificial I.mmortality, filmmaker Ann Shin sets out on a journey, exploring the latest AI and biotech with scientists and visionaries who foresee a ‘post-biological’ world where humans and AI merge. Will AI be the best, or the last thing we ever do?

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