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Pensions behave as government mandated ponzi schemes. New contributors are needed to pay for past contributors. But what if there are less and less new contributors and contributions? And what if past generations live longer and longer lives?

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France is facing massive protests in response to its recently announced pension reform. While France is the only country facing massive protests for now, almost all developed countries will likely be forced to conduct similar pension reforms in the future as they face rapidly aging populations.

University of Pittsburgh.

A metamaterial is any material engineered to have a property that is elusive to naturally occurring materials. The research introduces the use of metamaterials in the creation of concrete, providing the option to alter its brittleness, flexibility, and shapeability to allow builders to use less of the material without sacrificing strength or longevity.

The researchers add that these data demonstrate that CRISPRa is generally applicable across chromatin states and cell types, and highlights the factors that impact the degree of gene activation and how easy it is to reproduce the effects. Understanding these factors is important in the design and analysis of CRISPRa screens, which are used to look for genes involved in genetic diseases, the team points out.

Further study is required to continue to add to these rules and to see whether different CRISPRa or CRISPR interference techniques behave in a similar way.

“Our research has established a system for reporting the effectiveness of CRISPR activation in stem cells, allowing us to gain a better understanding of how CRISPRa works in multiple cell states,” says Qianxin Wu, PhD, first author from Wellcome Sanger. “We also showed that CRISPR gene activation is powerful enough to induce stem cells to differentiate into other cell states. This suggests that CRISPRa screens can be used to search for genes involved in cellular processes or to generate more accurate models of cell types in the body, aiding research into genetic diseases and regenerative medicine.”

Having both diabetes and tooth loss contributes to worse cognitive function and faster cognitive decline in older adults, according to a new study published in a special issue of the Journal of Dental Research focused on aging and oral health.

“Our findings underscore the importance of dental care and for older adults in reducing the devastating personal and societal costs of Alzheimer’s disease and other related dementias,” said Bei Wu, vice dean for research at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing and co-director of the NYU Aging Incubator, as well as the study’s lead author.

Diabetes is a known risk factor for cognitive decline and dementia. Several of the hallmarks of —high blood sugar, , inflammation, and related heart disease—are thought to contribute to changes in the brain.

Michael Levin is a biologist at Tufts University working on novel ways to understand and control complex pattern formation in biological systems.

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The Learning With Lowell show is a series for the everyday mammal. In this show we’ll learn about leadership, science, and people building their change into the world. The goal is to dig deeply into people who most of us wouldn’t normally ever get to hear. The Host of the show – Lowell Thompson-is a lifelong autodidact, serial problem solver, and founder of startups.


Changes in the brain caused by Alzheimer’s disease are associated with shortening of the telomeres—the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that shorten as cells age—according to a new study led by Anya Topiwala of Oxford Population Health, part of the University of Oxford, UK, published March 22 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE.

Telomeres on chromosomes protect DNA from degrading, but every time a cell divides, the telomeres lose some of their length. Short telomeres are a sign of stress and cellular aging, and are also associated with a higher risk of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Currently, little is known about the links between and changes that occur in the brains of people with neurological conditions. Understanding those relationships could offer insights into the biological mechanisms that cause neurodegenerative disorders.

In the new study, researchers compared telomere length in to results from brain MRIs and from more than 31,000 participants in the UK Biobank, a large-scale biomedical database and research resource containing anonymized genetic, lifestyle and from half a million UK participants.

Food tech startup Farther Farms has developed a process that keeps foods that would normally need to be refrigerated or frozen fresh at room temperature — and their first product is a bag of shelf-stable French fries.

The cold chain: Microorganisms are a major cause of food spoilage, and they thrive at room temperature. By keeping some foods cold, we can slow the growth of these microbes, extending the life of the food.

To do that, the foods must be prepared, shipped, and stored along a temperature-controlled supply chain (a “cold chain”). If the cold chain is broken at any point along the way, the food may quickly become unsafe to eat.

Year 2022 Basically this mechanoluminescence material can bring illumination to the mysterious info of stress in infrastructure so there could eventually be an easier way to measure aging infrastructure.

Both in Japan and other developed countries, social infrastructure built during periods of rapid economic growth is rapidly aging, and accidents involving aging infrastructure are becoming more frequent. The useful life of infrastructure is considered to be about 50 years due to the deterioration of concrete, a key component. Concrete eventually cracks due to internal chemical reactions and external forces, and so-called “moving cracks” that are gradually progressing due to the constant application of force are particularly dangerous. However, finding such cracks is a difficult task that requires significant time and effort. That’s why Nao Terasaki, a team leader at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), and his colleagues have developed a luminescent material that helps reveal dangerous cracks by making them glow.