

Archive for the ‘innovation’ category: Page 149

Dec 5, 2018

Bioquark — Electroceuticals — Real Bodies

Posted by in categories: aging, bioengineering, biotech/medical, business, DNA, futurism, genetics, innovation, neuroscience, science
Stefania De Matteo of HealthQe at Real Bodies Milan giving an overview of some of the new bio-physical tools ( being developed for a 2019 biotech world
With major pharma companies like GSK entering the “electro-ceuticals” space (and groups like RegenerAge Clinic beginning to utilize them in combinatorial protocols) we are seeing a re-emergence of these century old principles back into the mainstream bio-medical discussion

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Dec 2, 2018

Black hole BREAKTHROUGH: Scientists ‘REWRITE astronomy textbooks’ with space discovery

Posted by in categories: cosmology, innovation

BLACK holes are the most mysterious objects in the universe, but scientists have come one small step closer to understanding the impossibly powerful phenomena.

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Dec 1, 2018

Irish scientists make huge break through that halts growth of brain tumours

Posted by in categories: innovation, neuroscience

Experts claim that this new breakthrough could significantly halt the growth of brain tumours.

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Nov 30, 2018

NASA Announces New Partnerships for Commercial Lunar Payload Delivery

Posted by in categories: innovation, space travel

We are making tangible progress in America’s return to the Moon’s surface to stay. The innovation of America’s aerospace companies, wedded with our goals in science and human exploration are going to help us achieve amazing things on the Moon and feed forward to Mars.

Nine U.S. companies now are eligible to bid on NASA delivery services to the lunar surface through Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) contracts, as one of the first steps toward long-term scientific study and human exploration of the Moon and eventually Mars.

These companies will be able to bid on delivering science and technology payloads for NASA, including payload integration and operations, launching from Earth and landing on the surface of the Moon. NASA expects to be one of many customers that will use these commercial landing services.

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Nov 27, 2018

These paraplegic patients can walk again thanks to new spinal cord implants

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, innovation

A bipedal breakthrough.

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Nov 26, 2018

‘Solar Gravity Lens’ Could Bring Exoplanets into Sharp Focus

Posted by in categories: alien life, innovation

An innovative deep-space concept that relies on a solar gravity lens (SGL) to enable enhanced viewing of exoplanets is under study by researchers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and The Aerospace Corporation.

The SGL would provide 100-billion-fold optical magnification, allowing it to show details as small as 6 miles (10 kilometers) across — similar to being able to spot something the size of New York City on an exoplanet, study team members said.

As detailed in a press statement from The Aerospace Corporation, according to Einstein’s theory of relativity, light traveling through space will bend if it passes near sufficiently massive objects. This means that distant light will bend around the periphery of the sun, eventually converging toward a focal region as if it had passed through a lens. [13 Ways to Hunt Intelligent Aliens].

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Nov 22, 2018

Bioquark Inc. — Exciting Healthcare Startups — 2019 — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, bioengineering, biotech/medical, business, disruptive technology, DNA, finance, genetics, health, innovation…6Ah4-sGT_c

Nov 20, 2018

Today is the 20th anniversary of the International Space Station

Posted by in categories: innovation, space

Our orbiting laboratory is a unique place – a convergence of science, technology and human innovation that demonstrates new technologies and makes research breakthroughs not possible on Earth. Unpack its architecture here: #SpaceStation20th

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Nov 18, 2018

The Boring Company has completed digging its first tunnel

Posted by in category: innovation


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Nov 15, 2018

Fusion breakthrough as China’s “artificial sun” reaches 100 million degrees

Posted by in categories: innovation, nuclear energy

The day of clean, limitless energy from nuclear fusion has taken another step closer thanks to China’s Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). During a four-month experiment, the “Chinese artificial sun” reached a core plasma temperature of over 100 million degrees Celsius – that’s more than six times hotter than the interior of the Sun – and a heating power of 10 MW, enabling the study of various aspects of practical nuclear fusion in the process.

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