Circa 2013
A device just a few square metres in size can churn out bursts of energetic positrons that rival ones made by huge accelerators.
Circa 2013
A device just a few square metres in size can churn out bursts of energetic positrons that rival ones made by huge accelerators.
A new and revolutionary approach to building Artificial Intelligence models has shown promise of enabling almost any device, regardless of how powerful it is, to run enormous and intelligent Artificial Intelligence’s in a similar way to how our Human Brain operate. This is partially done with new and improved Neuromorphic Computing Hardware which is modelled after our real brains. We may soon see AI beating humans at many different general tasks like an Artificial General Intelligence.
00:00 The Impossibility of Human AI
01:54 A new Approach is in town.
04:33 Other approaches to AI
06:44 Is this the Future of Artificial Intelligence?
09:43 Last Words.
#ai #agi #neuralcomputing
This video introduces the self-supervised representation learning and why we need it. It also discusses the entire pipeline of performing the self-supervised Learning (Learning form unlabeled data). This is the part-1 of the video. The link for part-2 is —
It may seem that Facebook took an early plunge into the metaverse, but the virtual world has been in the making for quite some time.
November 27, 2021 — A few years ago, a little known Montreal XR company was putting its patented technical chops into building out what many think is the “last interface”, one that Facebook (ahem, Meta’s) CEO Mark Zuckerberg is betting the social media giant’s future on. Today, that Montreal company, and some pretty impressive Canadian innovators, find themselves thick in the middle of the Metaverse’s battle of the titans.
The Miller-Urey experiment showed that the conditions of early Earth could be simulated in a glass flask. New research finds the flask itself played an under appreciated, though outsized role.
Ultrasound triggered cells home in on tumors and then self destruct to deliver damage or therapeutics from inside.
With 360 million times more pressure than we experience on the Earth’s surface, things are bound to get strange.
The sphere of iron that resides there is also under extreme pressure: about 360 million times more pressure than we experience on the Earth’s surface.
Our universe has been developing for about 14 billion years, but human-level intelligence, at least on Earth, has emerged in a remarkably short period of time, measured in tens or hundreds of thousands of years. What then is the future of intelligence?
For more videos and information from Ray Kurzweil click here
For more videos on the far future of intelligence in the universe click here
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