Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang has a vision for the future — and some advice for the generations that will have to navigate it.
In a recently released interview on Cleo Abram’s “Huge Conversations,” recorded on January 7,Huang said he expected massive leaps in what he called “human robotics” within the next half decade and a broadening in the applications of artificial intelligence.
Multiple companies across both the US and China, among other countries, are working to launch and scale the production of humanoid robots for use in manufacturing and consumer applications.
Emergent generalized symmetries lead to the proof that there exist topological orders intrinsic to mixed states, and examples of these states provide insight into their classifications by premodular anyon theories.
According to recent arguments for panpsychism, all (or most) physical properties are dispositional, dispositions require categorical grounds, and the only categorical properties we know are phenomenal properties. Therefore, phenomenal properties can be posited as the categorical grounds of all (or most) physical properties—in order to solve the mind–body problem and/or in order avoid noumenalism about the grounds of the physical world. One challenge to this case comes from dispositionalism, which agrees that all physical properties are dispositional, but denies that dispositions require categorical grounds. In this paper, I propose that this challenge can be met by the claim that the only (fundamentally) dispositional properties we know are phenomenal properties, in particular, phenomenal properties associated with agency, intention and/or motivation.
In order to build a future able to stretch across millions of years, we may need to be able to build machines able to endure the brutal erosion of deep time.
The Kardashev Scale measures how powerful a high-tech civilization is, with K-1 indicating a advanced society able to call on all the power of their planet, which we often envision as a Post-Scarcity Utopia. Is this the future of Humanity? And if so, how can we achieve it?
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In the future technology may help us enjoy prosperity beyond our dreams, with robots manufacturing our goods and attending all our needs but one… our need for purpose.
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