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There is only 2 avenues that “terminator robots” will exist: 1) criminals and terrorists have their followers/ pay some engineers to reprogram the robots and equip them to kill or explode themselves 2) a rogue nation like N. Korea decides to acquire (if not build) and regineer them to kill and deploys them on their neighbors, etc. The reality is robotics and humanoid robotics is even more complex; chances of this happening may be at a 20 to 30% range (if I was to take a guess).

So often Hollywood serves as a sort of idea test-bed for futuristic scientific concepts that often have a habit of becoming reality, but back in 1984 when The Terminator was released, hardly anyone believed that “killer robots” would someday become a reality.

But today, as robotics becomes a much more mature scientific field of study, the possibility that governments or private entities could “program” killer robots to take out certain targets or even entire populations is not so far-fetched anymore. In fact, it’s downright chilling.

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Yesterday LG and Samsung, two of the world’s largest consumer technology companies, announced the release of consumer-priced 360 cameras that will make it possible for millions of people to create their own virtual reality & 360 videos. Ceci Mourkogiannis, a co-founder of Metta — the first video platform dedicated to user-generated 360 & VR content — looks back to a time just a few months ago when the options for creating 360 videos were limited, and ponders the future of user-generated 360 video in 2016.

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The clang of metal, breathtaking speed and tons of adrenaline! Watch a futuristic video of battle robots in ultimate fighting in Moscow. The iron warriors are clashing without mercy for the right to face foreign competitors.

The Russian capital is holding an international competition ‘Bronebot-2016’ for battle robots, February 21–23. “Attention! The show contains scenes of total robot carnage,” the banner reads.

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“There are real wolves out there. I happen to believe my computer model when it says that the End-Of-The-World-As-We-Know-It is not only a possibility, but a high probability. As the Chinese proverb says, “If you don’t change direction, you will end up where you are headed.” I think we are headed for disaster. But that thought does not thrill me. And it does not panic me into trying to fashion a world so controlled that it is actually predictable. Rather it energizes me to work toward a vision of a World-That-Works-For-Everyone, including all the nonhuman Everyones, a world in which eight billion people (or preferably fewer) maintain a European standard of living in a way that does not undermine the resource base, a world that evolves and learns and dances and operates from generosity and joy.”

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