

Archive for the ‘food’ category: Page 105

Jan 26, 2022

Proposals could give South Bend one of the largest indoor farming campuses in the Midwest

Posted by in categories: food, space, sustainability

SOUTH BEND — The city council gave a unanimously positive recommendation Monday night for two tax abatements that could put South Bend at the epicenter of the hydroponic produce market in Indiana, and possibly the Midwest, for years to come.

JEM Farms South Bend plans to spend as much as $178 million on greenhouses and logistical equipment to grow tomatoes and strawberries throughout the year on land at Calvert Street and Renewable Drive, adjacent to the South Bend Ethanol Plant.

That facility would be located on land owned by Ceres Partners, the agricultural investment group located just south of the University of Notre Dame campus and the original investors in Pure Green Farms.

Jan 26, 2022

Gut bacterial metabolite could improve muscle endurance in aging

Posted by in categories: food, life extension

A study explores how supplementing with a compound produced by gut bacteria when digesting foods such as pomegranates could help reverse muscle aging.

Jan 22, 2022

Deep Space Food Challenge: NASA Offers $1 Million for Innovative Systems to Feed Tomorrow’s Astronauts

Posted by in categories: energy, food, space

As NASA prepares to send astronauts further into the cosmos than ever before, the agency aims to upgrade production of a critical fuel source: food. Giving future explorers the technology to produce nutritious, tasty, and satisfying meals on long-duration space missions will give them the energy required to uncover the great unknown.

Jan 22, 2022

VTT’s innovation delivers heat where it’s needed

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food

The heat-producing electronic components are printed on a substrate material with a method known as roll-to-roll processing. The 0.05-millimetre thick metal mesh can then be cut to form and installed on materials such as fabrics, paper and floor laminates without any additional support layers and without significantly affecting the properties of the material – be it elasticity or breathability.

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has unveiled a thin and flexible precision heater suitable not only for indoor environments, but also for food packaging and clinical surfaces.

Jan 20, 2022

The World’s Biggest Vertical Farm Yet Will Fertilize Crops With Fish Poop

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, evolution, food

Most vertical farms are hydroponic (plant roots sit in shallow troughs of nutrient-rich water) or aeroponic (roots dangle in the air and are periodically misted). But Upward Farms uses aquaponics to fertilize its crops. What does that mean? In a nutshell, that plants are fertilized with fish poop.

To get a little more specific: besides microgreens, Upward Farms raises fish: mercury-free, antibiotic-free, hormone-free hybrid striped bass, in tanks that are separate from the trays of greens. Manure from the fish is collected and fed to the plants, making for a soil microbiome that’s more dense, fertile, and productive than that of most indoor farms, according to the company. Best of all, the company sells the fish to consumers, too.

Upward Farms claims its yields are two times above the industry average thanks to its ecological farming method, which keeps the microbial cell count in soil much higher than it would be with chemical fertilizers. “There’s a communication layer that’s been built in by millions of years of evolution between plants and microbes,” said Jason Green, Upward Farms’ CEO and cofounder. “Plants can say, ‘Hey, I’m stressed in this way, my environment is imperfect in this way, can you help me?’ and plants recruit microbes to their service.”

Jan 19, 2022

Delivery robots get airbags to protect you in case of collision

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, robotics/AI

Autonomous vehicle maker Nuro has added external airbags to its self-driving delivery robots to protect pedestrians — but there’s reason to be skeptical about their effectiveness.

Drivers wanted: During the pandemic, more people started ordering their food, groceries, and other goods for delivery rather than venturing into stores and restaurants for them.

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Jan 19, 2022

Water on Mars found hidden in massive canyon

Posted by in categories: energy, food, space

Scientists have discovered a huge store of hidden water on Mars — and it could be the key to human survival on the Red Planet.

The challenge: Researchers have already discovered ice water on Mars at or near the surface of its frigid poles. They’ve also found evidence of water — either in the form of ice or bound to minerals in the soil — deep underground closer to the Red Planet’s equator.

What they really want, though, is near-surface water closer to the equator. That’s where future Mars explorers are likely to land, and an accessible source of water would be hugely useful for their missions, not only for drinking and growing food, but also for creating oxygen and fuel.

Jan 19, 2022

Engineering plants to talk via bioluminescence

Posted by in categories: drones, engineering, food, mobile phones, satellites, sustainability

What if plants could tell us when pests are attacking them, or they’re too dry, or they need more fertilizer. One startup is gene engineering farm plants so they can communicate in in fluorescent colors. The result: a farmer’s phone, drone, or even satellite imagery can reveal what is happening in hundreds of acres of fields …

That leads to better food, fewer crop failures, and more revenue for farmers.

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Jan 19, 2022

Tiny New Sensor — That Could Fit in a Smartphone — Makes the Invisible Visible

Posted by in categories: chemistry, food, mobile phones

Miniaturized near-infrared sensor that could fit in a smartphone can analyze the chemical content of milk and plastics.

A TU/e research group has developed a new near-infrared sensor that is easy to make, comparable in size to sensors in smartphones, and ready for immediate use in industrial process monitoring and agriculture. This breakthrough has just been published in Nature Communications.

The human eye is a marvelous sensor. Using three different types of photoreceptor cone cells that convert visible light into signals for different colors, the eye gives essential information about the world around us.

Jan 18, 2022

Sewage sludge could contain millions of dollars worth of gold

Posted by in categories: food, sustainability

Circa 2015 o.o!

If the holy grail of medieval alchemists was turning lead into gold, how much more magical would it be to draw gold from, well, poop? It turns out that a ton of sludge, the goo left behind when treating sewage, could contain several hundred dollars’ worth of metals—potentially enough to generate millions of dollars worth of gold, silver, and other minerals each year for a city of a million people.

Metals have long been known to concentrate in sewage, which mixes toilet water with effluent from industrial manufacturing, storm runoff, and anything else flushed down the drain. It’s a headache for sewage utilities that must cope with toxic metals lacing wastewater headed for streams or sludge that might otherwise be spread on farm fields.

Continue reading “Sewage sludge could contain millions of dollars worth of gold” »