Seismic data reveal a candidate impact crater offshore West Africa that formed close in time to the K-Pg extinction event.
Category: existential risks – Page 49
According to NASA’s database, a space rock will approach Earth in the following days at a speed of about 30,000 miles per hour.
The invasion that Russia has wrongfully started in Ukraine has led to more people talking about the threat of Nuclear war and World War 3. How does the Doomsday Clock relate to all this?
And Lifespan News:
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The world is ‘woefully underprepared’ for a massive volcanic eruption and the likely repercussions on global supply chains, climate and food, according to experts from the University of Cambridge’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER), and the University of Birmingham.
Nuclear winter visualizations made by Prof. Max Tegmark using state-of-the-art simulation data from these science papers:
* Lili Xia, Alan Robock, Kim Scherrer, Cheryl Harrison, Benjamin Bodirsky, Isabelle Weindl, Jonas Jägermeyr, Charles Bardeen, Owen Toon & Ryan Heneghan, 2022, published in Nature Food.
* Joshua Coupe, Charles Bardeen, Alan Robock & Owen Toon 2019, J. of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 8522–8543
* Owen Toon, Charles Bardeen, Alan Robock, Lili Xia, Hans Kristensen, Matthew McKinzie, R. Peterson, Cheryl Harrison, Nicole Lovenduski & Richard P. Turco 2019, Sci. Adv. 5: eaay5478
* Alan Robock, Luke Oman & Georgiy L. Stenchikov 2007, J. Geophys. Research 112, D13107.
Special thanks to Chuck Bardeen for data and Meia Chita-Tegmark for editing!
The last known thylacine, also called the Tasmanian tiger, died at Australia’s Hobart Zoo in 1936. Now, a team of scientists believe they can resurrect the extinct species within 10 years, using stem cells and gene editing technology.
Is de-extinction realistic?
Scientists in the US and Australia have announced a multi-million dollar project — resurrecting the extinct Tasmanian tiger. The last known marsupial officially called a thylacine, died in the 1930s. According to the team, the extinct thylacine can be recreated using stem cells and gene-editing technology, and the first one could be “reintroduced” to the wild within 10 years.
We would strongly advocate that first and foremost we need to protect our biodiversity from further extinctions, but unfortunately we are not seeing a slowing down in species loss.
We might all starve.
Researchers from Rutgers University calculated the possible effects of nuclear wars. The result shows that a nuclear war between countries such as Russia and USA could kill billions and cause starvation within two years.
It also demonstrates that large deficits would arise in imports due to the depletion of crops.
Every human being is afraid of nuclear war beyond any doubt. Researchers went into overdrive to see what would happen when a nuclear war broke out, dangerous enough to bring the end of humanity as well as all life on Earth.
Experts behind the project claim the technology for “de-extinction” already exists, but others are sceptical.