Dear planetary citizens, dear Security Council: This fact is psychological dynamite. Please, find at least a single witness who testifies on behalf of CERN. Otherwise this is the end, if not of the planet, of the United Nations.
Category: existential risks – Page 143
Dear SCUN:
My scientific results force me to be worried.
I feel that I must repeat my kind request to you: Please, endorse judge Niemeier and his Cologne Court’s request for a scientific “safety conference” regarding CERN’s currently running nuclear collisions experiment.
For this experiment is based on outdated scientific knowledge from more than three years ago. The ignored new knowledge (derived from Einstein’s 1907 equivalence principle, Pauli’s quantum mechanics and Poincaré’s chaos theory) implies that the experiment has by now accumulated an approximately 1 percent probability of “earth evaporation” with a 2-cm left-over called a black hole forming in a few years’ time.
Worse: If CERN continues as planned for the next two months, the risk rises to 3 percent according to the best currently available knowledge (three times higher luminosity).
If “three percent” does not look like a large risk to you, imagine your child not returning from the boarding school to which you sent him with a probability of three percent. No parent would accept such a risk.
Therefore, dear Security Council: please, do allow for a public hearing of the un-disproved danger entailed by CERN’s refusal to double-check.
Take care,
Sincerely yours,
Otto E. Rossler, Father of Lampsacus and the Rossler attractor
CERN continues even though the matter is before the UN Security Council.
There is no counterproof to my published and public results. Presently the odds that the planet will be shrunk to 2 cm in perhaps 5 years’ time are 1:70, to be raised to 1:30 in the next two months if CERN continues.
Everyone who loves his child or his life or the planet by a higher factor is my ally. Please, request a response from your mayor and priest and counselor and merchant and newspaper office.
The best advisor in such an unprecedented situation may be your child since children still have a connection to heaven.
But hurry up. Maybe you are even a member of a social network?
“The SCUN finds no fault with the proposal of a scientific safety conference made by the Cologne Administrative Court regarding the LHC.”
No other high-ranking personality on the planet is paying attention to the fact that a scientific proof of danger stays un-refuted for 3 years: That the planet will be shrunken to 2 cm (a black hole) in about 5 years’ time with a probability of 3 percent if the currently running grandiose LHC experiment is not halted immediately.
Since your mind is a unique bridge between the Eastern and the Western world view, you are the only institution on the planet which with authority can demand the necessary scientific safety conference. Even though this particular now and this particular existence is not everything, the sparing of suffering is a holy vocation.
Allow me to convey to you cordial greetings from your friend John S. Bell.
In deep respect
Sincerely yours,
Otto E. Rossler, chaos researcher
Answer: the media. They have – much as in an authoritarian society – voluntarily decided to keep a lid on it all. This is fine as soon as one cannot do anything about it anymore. But this “hurrying-on-ahead obedience” has the consequence that the experiment is presently running with a vengeance, raising the danger by a factor of three in the coming ten weeks. Imagine: 3 percent Armageddon.
After 4 years of waiting in vain, I still hope that someone will find a fault in my deductive chain no matter how unlikely. Therefore I still request nothing but the “scientific safety conference” asked-for by the Cologne Administrative Court on January 27, 2011.
Someone outside the big CERN umbrella reading this near-inaudible cry for help ought to be able to sneak through the media curtain to publicize the content of this Samizdat. Anyone who has children anywhere on the planet. Or do you want to see the terror in their eyes in a few years’ time? We all are the horn of Africa.
The request to have a second look at the European Nuclear Experiment is a most decent request – absolutely nonviolent. To deny it is a manifest crime. Even a court is on my side. Why not join the new Gandhi movement since this is what Gandhi would say today?
Despite some nominations I am just a stupid scientist who found evidence that the currently running LHC experiment in Geneva jeopardizes the planet with a probability of 3 percent, with the largest part of this number still avoidable if the LHC is stopped immediately.
No one in science or the media believes me, only a court in Cologne did but they since also have become nonpersons. This appears to be a unique phenomenon in history since not a single scientist has a counter-proof to offer. All I am and ever was asking for is to double-check: a scientific safety conference. The latter has become the best-heeded taboo of history.
Why is it a sin to see farther? The youngest sailor who can climb the crow’s nest possesses the right and the duty to tell the crew what no one else sees. No one is allowed to shout him down. The same holds true in science: The most reasonable consensus of yesterday is scrap paper in the face of a new finding. My finding bears the name of a young man, Telemach.
The T stands for time, l for length, m for mass and ch for charge (the vowels being for better pronunciation). T,l,m,ch all change by the same factor in gravity, the first two go up, the last two down. Einstein 104 years ago focused on the T but the other three letters are implicit in his later equation. Nevertheless the young man got overlooked for nine decades. Now in the absence of a counter-proof, the specialists are unable to rejoice. Maybe it is because it was not one of them who found the news?
If mass m decreases downstairs, many things are different than thought. The changed l also has a surprising effect already: the famous speed of light c becomes a global constant again, Einstein’s most famous basic discovery. Why are they not smiling?
It is because at the same time, the distance to and from the surface of a black hole, which is known to take up an infinite amount of time to be bridged by light, has now become infinite too. So unfortunately, Hawing’s famous conjecture (the so-called Hawking radiation) evaporates. Hence the LHC cannot even detect the “mini black holes” that it was built to create. And owing to ch, the undetectable minis are in addition virtually frictionless. Only a very slow one will stay inside earth to grow there exponentially by virtue of chaos theory. This is the risk earth is currently taking: that one of the invisible ones takes residence.
All your ship’s boy is asking for is to find a specialist who can prove Telemach wrong. Then I will retract all my warnings. But please, hurry up. For three years in a row, no colleague was strong enough.
But why do they not support the logically required safety conference? This is the quadrillion dollar question which no one can answer. Every person will have to suffer from this by not knowing whether and when CERN’s slow bomb becomes manifest. Every missed day increases the total risk by 3 percent.
The media are not allowed to report because the agenda of the UN Security Council is a secret. Take care, everyone – as long as saying “take care” is still a permitted phrase outside the context of planetary survival.
Germany refused the scientific safety conference asked-for by a Cologne court seven months ago. Now a country with veto power blocks the initiative put before the United Nations Security Council to impose a double-check before it is too late.
The fact that Germany still refuses to take back having declared the scientist now responsible for the warning insane 15 years ago for having withstood police in his lecture hall for months in a row after revealing a new obedience law without knowing it was a secret, may contribute to the lacking world response. I therefore repeat my request for an apology from the part of Germany and for an answer why she illogically refused the safety conference.
Please, dear citizens of the planet: do not let traditional European obedience kill you and your families and unborn descendants. Black holes are not a joke but the worst danger of history. German-led CERN continues its attempt at producing them even though it knows that its machines cannot detect them.
Why refuse having a look at an un-disproved danger? I count on your love, mothers and fathers of all countries: ask the same question.
He always called it so. That in free fall after jumping out of the window (he was feeling sick at the moment) you do not feel the weight of a heavy stomach. The laws of nature then are the same as those valid in free outer space — those of special relativity.
The long overlooked consequence: gravity reduces rest mass energy and charge and increases size along with the clock period T focused on by Einstein. His T-change in gravity is accompanied by an L-, M- and Ch-change (Telemach theorem). Very simple but planet-saving. For it totally alters the properties of black holes. They arise more easily, do not Hawking evaporate, cannot be detected if produced at CERN, and grow exponentially inside earth.
The risk of the planet being shrunk to a 2-cm black hole in a few years’ time is currently being raised at CERN every day by 1/30 of the calculated final risk of 3 percent reached by the end of October. No scientist contradicts this accusation openly.
It is so easy: Interrupt and wait until the vitally needed counterproof has been found. No one will be happier than me and the mothers of the planet. Please, allow them to know about the situation.
If you do not act, earth will be shrunk to 2 cm in a few years’ time with a probability of about ten percent as everyone knows.
The reason is that no scientist can disprove that black holes:
1) are never finished,
2) do not evaporate (Hawking is wrong),
3) are uncharged,
4) arise more readily than thought,
5) grow exponentially inside earth,
6) cannot be detected at CERN.
Every day the danger is mounting by 3 percent as you know. You must stop the LHC today, then try to find a scientist who can dismantle one of the six points. The planet will applaud if you find one.