

Archive for the ‘employment’ category: Page 87

Nov 5, 2015

2 Billion Jobs To Disappear

Posted by in categories: employment, futurism

Thomas Frey’s futurist predictions will leave you beyond enlightened. Learn more about the state of jobs in the future by clicking here!

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Nov 4, 2015

The Future of Work: Less than 10% of People Have Jobs

Posted by in categories: employment, futurism

In; The Future of Work: Less than 10% of People Have Jobs’ I have shared some articles and interviews where Steve talks about what may be a very real future of work.

Five hundred years from now, says venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson, less than 10 percent of people on the planet will be doing paid work. And next year?

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Oct 30, 2015

How robotics will affect the availability of employment and social benefits

Posted by in categories: employment, innovation, robotics/AI

On October 26, the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings hosted a forum to explore the impact of robots, artificial intelligence, and machine learning on the workforce and the provision of benefits traditionally supplied by—or in conjunction with—employers.…efits-west

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Sep 24, 2015

Don’t Worry, Artificial Intelligence Has A Long Way To Go: Baidu Scientist

Posted by in categories: computing, employment, robotics/AI

Don’t get overly excited about computers and artificial intelligence replacing humans , at least not yet says Andrew Ng, chief scientist at the Chinese search giant Biadu. Computers are still in the “supervised learning” stage where human input is required to connect dots.

artificial intelligence AI Jobs

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Sep 14, 2015

Intelligent Machines: The jobs robots will steal first

Posted by in categories: economics, employment, robotics/AI

“Martin Ford — author of Rise of the Robots — thinks we face mass unemployment and economic collapse unless we make radical changes, such as offering humans a basic wage, a guaranteed income.”

We are on the cusp of a revolution in the way we work so move over and make room for the robots.

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Aug 22, 2015

Citi’s Chief Economist Recommends a Universal Basic Income

Posted by in categories: economics, employment, robotics/AI

It’s becoming clear that increased automation as well as the rise of artificial intelligence is threatening ever more jobs. Now economists are starting to seriously consider a universal basic income.

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Aug 20, 2015

A Vacant Lot In Wyoming Will Become One Of The World’s First Vertical Farms

Posted by in categories: employment, food, sustainability

A unique conveyer belt design allows the three-story greenhouse to be efficient and sustainable, providing jobs and fresh produce to the Jackson community.

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Aug 18, 2015

Technology has created more jobs than it has destroyed, says 140 years of data

Posted by in categories: employment, robotics/AI

Study of census results in England and Wales since 1871 finds rise of machines has been a job creator rather than making working humans obsolete.

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Jul 28, 2015

When Machines Can Do Most Jobs—Passion, Creativity, and Reinvention Rule

Posted by in categories: employment, energy, health, robotics/AI

Not long ago, schoolchildren chose what they wanted to be when they grew up, and later selected the best college they could gain admission to, spent years gaining proficiency in their fields, and joined a company that had a need for their skills. Careers lasted lifetimes.

Now, by my estimates, the half-life of a career is about 10 years. I expect that it will decrease, within a decade, to five years. Advancing technologies will cause so much disruption to almost every industry that entire professions will disappear. And then, in about 15–20 years from now, we will be facing a jobless future, in which most jobs are done by machines and the cost of basic necessities such as food, energy and health care is negligible — just as the costs of cellphone communications and information are today. We will be entering an era of abundance in which we no longer have to work to have our basic needs met. And we will gain the freedom to pursue creative endeavors and do the things that we really like.

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Jun 30, 2015

Kurzweil Responds to ‘When Robots Are Everywhere, What Will Humans Be Good For?’ — By David J. Hill

Posted by in categories: employment, futurism, human trajectories, posthumanism, robotics/AI

Lately, media around the web has been bracing for robots — not time-traveling robots per se, but robot workers. Specifically, the increased sophistication of artificial intelligence and improved engineering of robotics has spurred a growing concern about what people are going to do when all the regular jobs are done by robots.

A variety of solutions have been proposed to this potential technological unemployment (we even had an entire Future of Work series dealing with this topic in March), many of which suggest that there will still be things that humans can do that robots can’t, but what are they? Read more

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