

Archive for the ‘employment’ category: Page 45

Nov 29, 2020

Google Plan To Replace The Need For College Degrees With Six-month Certificates

Posted by in category: employment

The tech giant Google has announced they will begin accepting Google Learning Certificates in place of college degrees, offering six-month courses for prospective employees to train for in-demand jobs in a fraction of the time it would take at University. The qualification will see successful students graduate with a Google Career Certificate, which will be viewed by the company as the equivalent of a four-year degree for similar roles.

Nov 29, 2020

Tasmania declares itself 100 per cent powered by renewable electricity

Posted by in categories: employment, energy, government, sustainability

The Tasmania government has declared that it has become the first Australian state, and one of just a handful of jurisdictions worldwide, to be powered entirely by renewable electricity.

In a statement released on Friday, Tasmanian energy minister Guy Barnett said that state had effectively become entirely self-sufficient for supplies of renewable electricity, supplied by the state’s wind and hydroelectricity projects.

“We have reached 100 per cent thanks to our commitment to realising Tasmania’s renewable energy potential through our nation-leading energy policies and making Tasmania attractive for industry investment, which in turn is creating jobs across the State, particularly in our regions,” Barnett said.

Nov 19, 2020

Career Buzz

Posted by in categories: employment, transportation

Just finished up an interview for “Career Buzz,” a radio progam airing on Toronto based CIUT next Wednesday at 11am. The topic initially focused around jobs in the Canadian aerospace industry, but after the host noted that air travel was down 94% over the last year because of covid and no one sane is going to buy any new planes for a very, very long time, the focus changed to Covid and how that’s affecting the industry. I’ve been invited back next month to talk more about Covid. It’s the big story of our generation…

Wednesdays, 11:00am-12:00pm

Since 2006, we’ve broadcast unrehearsed and informative conversations featuring extraordinary career stories of ordinary people, and insights from future-of-work thought leaders including Dragon’s Den star Arlene Dickinson, Canada’s career guru Barbara Moses, National Geographic explorer-in-residence Wade Davis, and career scholars Norm Amundson, John Krumboltz and many more.

Nov 17, 2020

Iconic Boston Dynamics Robots Seek Stable Employment

Posted by in categories: employment, robotics/AI

Boston Dynamics getting dumped again. The dog robot was ideal as a replacement for guard dogs, someone else is already filling that void. The Atlas robot no where near ready for market. Probably down hill from here.

A sale to Hyundai could hasten the company’s shift from research to commercialization.

Continue reading “Iconic Boston Dynamics Robots Seek Stable Employment” »

Nov 16, 2020

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Job Trends Important to Watch in 2021

Posted by in categories: employment, robotics/AI

The use of artificial intelligence (A.I.) and machine learning (ML), technologies that help people and organizations handle customer personalization and communication, data analytics and processing, and a host of other applications continues to grow.

An IDC report found three-quarters of commercial enterprise applications could lean on A.I. by next year alone, while an Analytics Insight report projects more than 20 million available jobs in artificial intelligence by 2023.

Due to A.I. and ML’s transformational reach, specialists with the right skills could find themselves with job opportunities across a wide range of industries. A global skills gap in the technologies means qualified applicants can expect good salaries and a strong bargaining position.

Nov 13, 2020

New study outlines steps higher education should take to prepare a new quantum workforce

Posted by in categories: education, employment, information science, quantum physics

A new study outlines ways colleges and universities can update their curricula to prepare the workforce for a new wave of quantum technology jobs. Three researchers, including Rochester Institute of Technology Associate Professor Ben Zwickl, suggested steps that need to be taken in a new paper in Physical Review Physics Education Research after interviewing managers at more than 20 quantum technology companies across the U.S.

The study’s authors from University of Colorado Boulder and RIT set out to better understand the types of entry-level positions that exist in these companies and the educational pathways that might lead into those jobs. They found that while the companies still seek employees with traditional STEM degrees, they want the candidates to have a grasp of fundamental concepts in quantum information science and technology.

“For a lot of those roles, there’s this idea of being ‘quantum aware’ that’s highly desirable,” said Zwickl, a member of RIT’s Future Photon Initiative and Center for Advancing STEM Teaching, Learning and Evaluation. “The companies told us that many positions don’t need to have deep expertise, but students could really benefit from a one- or two-semester introductory sequence that teaches the foundational concepts, some of the hardware implementations, how the algorithms work, what a qubit is, and things like that. Then a graduate can bring in all the strength of a traditional STEM degree but can speak the language that the is talking about.”

Oct 29, 2020

Q&A: This entrepreneur is turning waste plastic bottles into boats

Posted by in categories: economics, employment, sustainability

Madiba & Nature’s ‘ecoboats’ — made out of discarded plastic bottles — are creating jobs, promoting ecotourism and raising awareness of the circular economy.

Africa, like most other parts of the world, is battling a spiraling plastic pollution crisis. In Cameroon, one non-profit company is helping to keep waste plastic out of the ocean while also improving livelihoods and inspiring entrepreneurs in communities across the country.

Madiba & Nature’s ‘ecoboats’ — made out of discarded plastic bottles — are helping fishermen while also creating jobs in the recycling industry, promoting ecotourism and raising awareness of the circular economy.

Continue reading “Q&A: This entrepreneur is turning waste plastic bottles into boats” »

Oct 22, 2020

Machines Predicted To Do Half Of All Jobs By 2025

Posted by in categories: employment, robotics/AI

A ‘robot revolution’ is underway and could lead to half of all jobs being done by machines by 2025, according to forecasters.

The World Economic Forum has said that 97 million new jobs are set to be created by increased automation of manual and routine labour in several major industries.

But they’ve warned that just as many jobs will be lost, and that the trend could worsen inequality in poorer communities as humans lose out to machines in the workplace.

Oct 21, 2020

Machines to ‘do half of all work tasks by 2025’

Posted by in categories: employment, robotics/AI

Millions more jobs will be lost to robots with Covid accelerating the trend, says the World Economic Forum.

Oct 4, 2020

I Am All In With This Plan😁

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, employment, space

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