Elon Musk: Tesla could play a role in Artificial General Intelligence, decentralize Tesla Bot to avoid Terminator scenario.
Category: Elon Musk – Page 131
Hold on to your hats. SpaceX Starlink Premium offers much faster internet to those that need it most, like businesses and other organizations. It’s the latest in Elon Musk’s plans for the service.
Everywhere you want to go in deep space is far! For example, Elon Musk wants to put humans on Mars permanently while NASA wants to send astronauts there.
However, any traveler going to Mars has to endure a grueling trip through harsh space that lasts not less than five months, even with the most powerful rocket in history! If only we could find a faster way to travel through space! Also, the next star to us is about 4.5 light-years away, making it impossible to visit with the current space technologies!
However, an accidental discovery promises to fix that problem by enabling faster than the speed of light travel! What is the discovery, how does it affect space travel, and how does it affect you personally?
But Elon Musk’s company touts improved hardware, faster service speeds and priority support for its premium customers.
“Starlink Premium has more than double the antenna capability of Starlink, delivering faster internet speeds and higher throughput for the highest demand users, including businesses,” the SpaceX website said.
According to the Starlink website, the first premium deliveries will begin in the second quarter.
In an interview with Bloomberg, he said: “Companies in flight tracking have millions in revenue per year. Just a small cut of what they make would be good revenue for me.”
Musk reached out to the teen in November last year and offered $5k for him to stop the tracking of his private jet. Mr Sweeney said: “The amount of time and dedication I have put into it is cool — like, 5K isn’t enough to drop it.”
He added: “You know, it’s kinda strange, he wants it down and seems like he’s really mad.”
Elon Musk has always said that Neuralink, the company he created in 2016 to build brain-computer interfaces, would do amazing things: Eventually, he says, it aims to allow humans to interact seamlessly with advanced artificial intelligence through thought alone. Along the way, it would help to cure people with spinal cord injuries and brain disorders ranging from Parkinson’s to schizophrenia.
Now the company is approaching a key test: a human clinical trial of its brain-computer interface (BCI). In December, Musk told a conference audience that “we hope to have this in our first humans” in 2022. In January, the company posted a job listing for a clinical trial director, an indication that it may be on track to meet Musk’s suggested timeline.
Musk has put the startup under unrelenting pressure to meet unrealistic timelines, these former employees say. “There was this top-down dissatisfaction with the pace of progress even though we were moving at unprecedented speeds,” says one former member of Neuralink’s technical staff, who worked at the company in 2019. “Still Elon was not satisfied.” Multiple staffers say company policy, dictated by Musk, forbade employees from faulting outside suppliers or vendors for a delay; the person who managed that relationship had to take responsibility for missed deadlines, even those outside their control.
In a new interview with Bloomberg, Sweeney said Musk blocked all social media accounts connected to Sweeney on Sunday night. “You know, it’s kinda strange, he wants it down and seems like he’s really mad,” Sweeney told Bloomberg.
Sweeney told Insider last week Musk had introduced some measures he himself had recommended during their Twitter conversation, which make it harder to track the jet.
Harder, Sweeney said, but not impossible. “I just have to work around it,” Sweeney told Insider.
Elon Musk announced that Tesla is going to be shifting its product development to make Tesla Bot, a humanoid robot also known as Optimus, a priority in 2022.
This is quite a surprising change of strategy.
When Tesla Bot was announced, Musk presented the project as something Tesla could do by leveraging existing work and parts from the development of self-driving technology, and if they don’t do it, someone else will, and they might not do it as well or as safely as Tesla can.
Elon Musk recently said that Tesla’s humanoid robo t project is the “most important product development we’re doing this year.”
On Wednesday, during Tesla’s earnings call, Musk said Tesla’s humanoid robot has the potential to be more significant than the vehicle business over time’ and it is the most important product development they are doing in 2022. Musk introduced the concept of Tesla’s humanoid robot back in August, 2021 during Tesla’s AI event.
Tesla’s humanoid robot aka Tesla Bot is a 5-foot-8-inch and 125-pounds robot aims to do the dangerous, repetitive, physical tasks in the future. Elon Musk joked that Tesla Bot will be friendly and also mentioned that it will be built from lightweight materials.
There are so many places and things to explore in the universe! From distant.
exoplanets to faraway galaxies that might host intelligent life, to massive black holes, to.
bright stars. However, there is a problem with space exploration; distance! Everywhere.
you want to go in deep space is far! For example, Elon Musk wants to put humans on.
Mars permanently while NASA wants to send astronauts there. However, any traveler.
going to Mars has to endure a grueling trip through harsh space that lasts not less than.
five months, even with the most powerful rocket in history! If only we could find a faster.
way to travel through space! Also, the next star to us is about 4.5 light-years away.
making it impossible to visit with the current space technologies! However, an.
accidental discovery promises to fix that problem by enabling faster than the speed of.
light travel! What is the discovery, how does it affect space travel, and how does it affect.
you personally? Join us as we explore how NASA scientists accidentally discover the.
world’s first Warp Bubble!
Warp travel is not strange to fans of the Star Trek franchise. The warp drive is a.
charming futuristic technology from Star Trek Universe, which since its first episode in.
1966, includes ten television series and thirteen feature films. In these series and.
movies, characters explore the universe using powerful and fast spaceships, traveling.
from planet to planet and communicating with a crew of aliens. The torsion engine is the.
center of attraction because, without it, the story would be implausible. The universe is.
strange, unimaginable, and insanely large, and even if you want to visit the next star.
the immense cosmic distances create an almost impossible barrier!
Let’s take a look at the next star, Proxima Centauri, 4.5 light-years away. This distance.
means it takes 4.5 years to reach the star if you could manage to attain the speed of.
light! Light flies at full cosmic speed and acts as a sort of universal speed cap, so any.
other method takes longer! In fact, if you decide to use the fastest space probe ever.
built, the long journey through the interstellar void would take nearly eight thousand.
years! So, it makes sense to stay put to Earth and its immediate environment!
Of course, the Star Trek crew didn’t stay close to the Earth because they found a.
solution! This solution makes long-distance travel possible by shortening the distance!
The torsion engine, using warp drive tech, achieves this by juggling space and time.
making for great entertainment! Warp drive was destined to remain imaginary until a.
scientist suddenly realized that such an engine was really possible at the end of the last.
The physicist was Miguel Alcubierre, and he came up with a theory that rocked the.
scientific community globally. In 1994, Alcubierre watched an episode of Next.
Generation while doing his Ph.D. research on Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
where heavy masses can curve space and time. And so Alcubierre picked up a scrap of.
paper, did the calculations, and laid the foundation for an article that appeared in the.
science magazine later that year!
In his paper, Alcubierre describes how you can compress space and time in front of a.
spacecraft and stretch it back behind the ship so that you have to travel a much smaller.
distance to the desired destination safely trapped in what he calls a torsion bubble! In.
visualization, the concept was compared to a surfer riding a wave and a metaphor often.
used to describe how a ship could travel the stars. There is, however, a problem with.
Alcubierre’s warp bubble! You see, the warp engine is tough to build in reality! You can’t.
just curve space forcefully with normal mass! To do so, you need exotic matter, which.
has negative gravity!
Dozens of Warp Engine publications would follow in the following decades. But they.
also remained theoretical exercises and thought experiments that manipulated the.
formulations of the theory of relativity in search of new insights. The need for the foreign.
matter remained!
That was until Eric Lentz, a physicist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in the.
US, stepped in. He watched Star Trek as a kid. However, he has not been able to forget.