The world’s richest man has had it with this whole working-from-home business.
Category: Elon Musk – Page 113
Musk’s focus on asking and answering the right questions has played a major role in the Tesla CEO’s success, as recently reported by With the billionaire’s net worth floating around $200 billion, even critics have to admit that a few different factors put Musk in that position, and his business savvy is definitely one of them.
Beyond being a founder of both Tesla and SpaceX, Musk’s brands have increased mainstream awareness of both EVs, a necessary step forward for the climate, and for space exploration, a huge and growing industry, for lack of a better description.
But asking the right questions is central to Musk’s ethos as a CEO, and he’s revealed this time and time again. Musk’s leadership style has discouraged the chain of command mentality in favor of the free flow of information, and he has used this to encourage anyone to search for the right questions at the right times — a strategy crucial to Musk’s approach.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has revealed the first technical details about the company’s next-generation Starlink ‘Gen2’ satellite design, confirming that it will far outmatch the current generation of satellites by almost every measure.
Speaking in an onsite interview and Starbase tour with YouTuber Tim Dodd (The Everyday Astronaut), Musk – largely unprovoked – revealed that SpaceX has already built at least one functional Starlink Gen2/V2.0 satellite prototype and shipped it to the South Texas Starship factory, where it is currently being stored. More importantly, Musk also provided the first direct specifications for the next-generation spacecraft, stating that each Starlink V2.0 satellite will weigh about 1.25 tons (~2750 lb), measure about seven meters (~23 ft) long, and be almost an order of magnitude more capable than the “Starlink 1” satellites they’ll ultimately supersede.
Almost ten months after SpaceX first revealed its updated plans for a next-generation, 30,000-satellite constellation, those details have confirmed a few key points of speculation about the future of Starlink.
China has to have the capability to identify and destroy SpaceX’s Starlink satellites, according to Chinese military experts in a report released in April. The research, headed by Ren Yuanzhen of the Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications, was published in the Chinese peer-reviewed journal Modern Defence Technology. The publication inexplicably disappeared from the online version of The South China Morning Post after The South China Morning Post reported on its contents.
David Cowhig, a former US ambassador, was able to complete the translation of the document before it vanished, which allowed him to uncover a number of preventative steps that were suggested to be taken against Starlink. According to the study, China has to “use a mix of soft and hard kill measures to disrupt the operating system of the constellation and deactivate part of the Starlink satellites.”
Are the markets shrinking?Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates are names that are synonymous with riches in the world. Almost halfway down in 2022, though, these men, along with many others on the world’s richest person list, have lost billions of dollars, Business Insider reported.
Most people on Bloomberg Billionaires list have seen their personal fortunes shrink since the beginning of 2022. Are we heading to a recession?
Many criticisms have been leveled against Elon Musk—that he’s part of the elite, that Tesla has been the beneficiary of government handouts and exemptions, that his transhumanist Neuralink is a brain-data-mining operation. Yet his planned purchase of Twitter, his supposed free-speech absolutism, and his subsequent renunciation of the Democratic Party as “the party of hate” have put Musk squarely in the crosshairs of the woke cartel.
Vitriolic Twitter storms, a New York Times-Financial Times biographical exposé, a slew of hit pieces and scaremongering segments in the legacy media, and allegations of sexual harassment have dogged the automobile magnate ever since his Twitter bid. In response, Musk announced on Twitter that he’s assembling a legal crew to sue defamers and defend Tesla (and likely himself) against lawsuits.
But the best indication that the woke cartel has really gone berserk is its removal of Tesla from the S&P 500’s ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Index. This last rebuff proves that “ESG is a scam.”
All I can say is that I hope his self indulgence for his favorite ☆HOBBY☆ — Twitter itself — doesn’t sabotage the interplanetary future he’s defined and actually begun to to successfully realize, doing so against all odds in so many fields, cas diverse as science, engineering, economics, politics, and the recent history and the seeming decline in public enthusiasm, funding, and any sort of clear direction. He didn’t just subvert those roadblocks, he OBLITERATED them. SPECTACULARLY.
All that progress and innovation can and WILL be undone in seconds if he makes himself into an allie of a republican party that has abandoned truth, abandoned science, and abandoned every semblance of honor, loyalty, and reason.
A republican party that has abandoned Democracy ITSELF.
Twitter shareholders have filed a lawsuit accusing Elon Musk of engaging in “unlawful conduct” aimed at sowing doubt about his bid to buy the social media company.
In the early 2000s, scientists from the Human Genome Project announced a breakthrough: they had sequenced the complete human reference genome, including all three billion DNA letter, a scientific undertaking likened at the time to landing astronauts on the Moon.
While the reference genome has come under question as of late, with scientists adding more than two million additional variants, it still doesn’t take a whole lot of space to store the entire sequence on a traditional computer.
And now, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is once again weighing in on an issue outside his expertise, arguing that one could “fit the DNA sequences of all humans alive today in a fairly small data storage system” — a vaguely terrifying thought coming from the richest man in the world, as if he didn’t already have enough fires to put out and problems to solve.