

Archive for the ‘education’ category: Page 103

Jan 13, 2021

Dr Halima Benbouza — Leading Biotech Development In Algeria For Health, Agriculture and Conservation

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, education, food, genetics, government, health

Dr. Halima Benbouza is an Algerian scientist in the field of agronomic sciences and biological engineering.

She received her doctorate in 2004 from the University Agro BioTech Gembloux, Belgium studying Plant Breeding and Genetics and was offered a postdoctoral position to work on a collaborative project with the Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture in Stoneville, Mississippi.

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Jan 11, 2021

This tech expert argues that we’re teaching our kids useless knowledge

Posted by in categories: education, employment

1.5 billion children are currently being prepared for the jobs of the past — let’s change that.

Jan 11, 2021

Police Robots Are Not a Selfie Opportunity, They’re a Privacy Disaster Waiting to Happen

Posted by in categories: drones, education, government, law, robotics/AI, security, space, surveillance

The arrival of government-operated autonomous police robots does not look like predictions in science fiction movies. An army of robots with gun arms is not kicking down your door to arrest you. Instead, a robot snitch that looks like a rolling trash can is programmed to decide whether a person looks suspicious —and then call the human police on them. Police robots may not be able to hurt people like armed predator drones used in combat— yet —but as history shows, calling the police on someone can prove equally deadly.

Long before the 1987 movie Robocop, even before Karel Čapek invented the word robot in 1920, police have been trying to find ways to be everywhere at once. Widespread security cameras are one solution—but even a blanket of CCTV cameras couldn’t follow a suspect into every nook of public space. Thus, the vision of a police robot continued as a dream, until now. Whether they look like Boston Dynamics’ robodogs or Knightscope’s rolling pickles, robots are coming to a street, shopping mall, or grocery store near you.

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Jan 10, 2021

Noncognitive Skills, Distinct From Cognitive Abilities, Are Important to Success Across the Life

Posted by in categories: education, genetics, neuroscience

Summary: The genetics of neurocognitive skills were associated with higher tolerance of risk, delayed fertility, less healthy-risk behavior, and a greater willingness to forgo immediate gratification.

Source: Columbia University.

Noncognitive skills and cognitive abilities are both important contributors to educational attainment — the number of years of formal schooling that a person completes — and lead to success across the life course, according to a new study from an international team led by researchers at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, the University of Texas at Austin, and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Jan 9, 2021

Watch MIT’s ‘mini cheetah’ robots frolic, fall, flip – and play soccer together

Posted by in categories: education, robotics/AI

Circa 2019

MIT’s Biomimetics Robotics department took a whole herd of its new ‘mini cheetah’ robots out for a group demonstration on campus recently – and the result is an adorable, impressive display of the current state of robotic technology in action.

The school’s students are seen coordinating the actions of 9 of the dog-sized robots running through a range of activities, including coordinated movements, doing flips, springing in slow motion from under piles of fall leaves, and even playing soccer.

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Jan 7, 2021

Ryland Engelhart — Kiss The Ground — Regenerative Agriculture For Planetary Regeneration

Posted by in categories: business, education, food, sustainability

Executive director & co-founder of kiss the ground, and producer of kiss the ground the movie, discussing regenerative agriculture for planetary regeneration.

Ryland Engelhart, is Executive Director & Co-Founder of Kiss The Ground (, a non-profit organization dedicated to planetary regeneration, and is the producer of Kiss The Ground, the Movie, recently released on Netflix.

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Jan 4, 2021

The Sustainable Development Goals Explained Clean Water And Sanitation

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education, sustainability

The world is far from perfect, and 2020 did throw the proverbial spanner is the works, but the improvements we have made are not to be ignored!!

We are winning…

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Jan 2, 2021

A leader in offshore wind, the UK offers a glimpse of a world run on green energy

Posted by in categories: education, energy

Ogba Educational Clinic promoting a greener Africa for all Africans.

Dec 30, 2020

Is Caral, Peru the Oldest City in the Americas?

Posted by in category: education

On a high, dry terrace overlooking a green river valley in the Andes Mountains of Peru, sits a complex of American pyramids that may be older than the pyramids of Egypt. These structures are remnants of the ancient city of Caral, which some have called the oldest society in the Americas. Caral was built around 5000 years ago, give or take a few centuries, according to groundbreaking research published in Science back in 2001. That origin date places it before the Egyptian pyramids in Africa and roughly 4000 years before the Incan Empire rose to power on the South American continent. That history, and the shear scope of the site, prompted UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, to dub it a World Heritage Site in 2009.

These pyramids in Peru are older than the ones in Egypt, and predate the Incan Empire by roughly 4000 years.

Dec 28, 2020

The unexpected benefits of virtual education

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education

It looks like virtual education(which is happening more now) is actually preparing students for the workplace of the future.

That said, there may be a silver lining to virtual classrooms and distance learning, which many universities and schools this academic year are defaulting to, in various degrees, due to the coronavirus. As students and teachers may have to compensate for logistic challenges, collaborating online might prepare high school students with the kind of organizational acumen, emotional intelligence and self-discipline needed for modern careers, particularly those that allow for the growing trend of working in remote, distributed teams. The sooner that students master those proficiencies, the better off they’ll be when they reach the job market.