

Archive for the ‘drones’ category: Page 107

May 20, 2019

Hyperspectral camera captures wealth of data in an instant

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, drones, space

Standard snapshots from space don’t quite show Earth in all its glory. There’s so much more to see.

To reveal details impossible to observe with the naked eye, Rice University engineers are building a portable spectrometer that can be mounted on a small satellite, flown on an airplane or a drone or someday even held in the hand.

Bioengineer Tomasz Tkaczyk and his colleagues at Rice’s Brown School of Engineering and Wiess School of Natural Sciences have published the first results from a NASA-funded project to develop a small, sophisticated spectrometer with unusual versatility. Their paper appears in Optics Express.

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May 17, 2019

The U.S. Military Is Buying a $130 Million Laser Weapon

Posted by in categories: drones, military, robotics/AI

Pew pew o.o

“High energy laser weapons have been a system that the United States has wanted to add into their defense portfolio since the invention of the laser,” said senior VP of contracts at Dynetics Ronnie Chronister in a press release.

The system was designed to defend against missiles, rockets and artillery, according to Defense News. It could also prove useful against military drones and other unmanned aircraft.

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May 17, 2019

Drone Could Help Firefighters

Posted by in categories: drones, entertainment

Latvian company Aerones created the machine, which — according to the company — can fly up to 984 feet, compared to 100-foot-height that firefighter ladders can reach. The drone is fitted with a water hose from a fire truck, and is controlled by a pilot on the ground remotely. However, the drone does suffer from low battery life, providing only 30 minutes flight time from a 90-minute charge. It’s still in development, but Aerones hopes to use the machine for real-life operations soon.

See more from Aerones:

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May 17, 2019

Ionic thrusters could power the ultra-efficient, stealth drones of the future

Posted by in categories: drones, futurism

Stealth drones and other aircraft of the future could be powered by engines that don’t have any moving parts, can’t be detected by infrared, and are more efficient than what we have today. A new study by MIT researchers demonstrated all of these capacities and more for ionic thrusters and now at least one major aerospace company, Lockheed Martin, has said it’s investigating the technology.

“I think UAVs would be the most likely initial application if [ionic thrusters] work,” said the lead researcher in the study, MIT aerospace professor Steven Barrett, in an email to The Verge. Ionic thrusters for aircraft work by generating a high-voltage electrical field that strips electrons from air molecules, “ionizing” them and pushing them away behind an aircraft as ionic wind, to move the craft forward. Scientists and hobbyists have been tinkering with small, lightweight model planes using these kinds of propulsion systems since the 1960s. The technology uses no moving parts and is almost completely silent. It hasn’t come to full-size planes, though, due to power concerns.

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May 17, 2019

Automated agriculture: Can robots, drones, and AI save us from starvation?

Posted by in categories: drones, food, robotics/AI

In their never-ending quest for increased efficiency, many farmers are now turning to agricultural robots to cut down on operation costs. But can automation give agriculture the boost it needs to meet the demands of 9 billion people?

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May 13, 2019

Blazing Supersonic Plane Could Zoom From NY to Paris in 90 Min

Posted by in categories: drones, Elon Musk, robotics/AI, space travel

Planes, Drones, and AI Machines

But going from Mach 2 to Mach 5 is not an easy undertaking. Hermeus is hoping to pull from existing technologies to make its insanely fast passenger plane a reality, including titanium materials and cutting edge rocketry.

It’s impossible to tell what the future of air travel will look like. If supersonic airplanes aren’t it, SpaceX founder Elon Musk has pushed for the idea that we’ll go between Earthly destinations in rockets that can technically take us to Mars.

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May 13, 2019

Swarms of Drones, Piloted by Artificial Intelligence, May Soon Patrol Europe’s Borders

Posted by in categories: drones, military, robotics/AI

The EU is funding the development of AI-powered drones that would autonomously patrol Europe’s borders. The project’s potential for military use can’t be ignored.

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May 8, 2019

New Russian Submarine Can Launch Nuke-Carrying Drones

Posted by in categories: drones, military


The Poseidon drone can travel a full kilometer beneath water level, making it difficult to detect and stop once its deployed. And that level of stealth — especially when it’s tipped with a deadly nuclear bomb — has other nations concerned.

“It is worrying that countries are developing new nuclear capabilities,” Ine Eriksen Søreide, Foreign Minister of Norway, told The Barents Observer.

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May 6, 2019

If Drones Had ‘Claws,’ They Might Be Able To Fly For Longer

Posted by in categories: drones, robotics/AI

Drones Might Work Longer With Some Bird-Inspired Modifications Small drones have a problem — their battery life runs out relatively quickly. A team of roboticists says it has created special landing gear that can help conserve precious battery life.

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May 3, 2019

Heat signatures help track down old and still deadly land mines

Posted by in category: drones

A new technique for locating land mines uses infrared cameras on drones. The novel technology uses temperature differences to find camouflaged mines before anyone might accidentally step on them.

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