Ransomware hackers are abusing an anti-cheat system driver for the extremely popular game Genshin Impact to disable antivirus software.
Category: cybercrime/malcode – Page 86
The droppers are designed to drop a new version of SharkBot, dubbed V2 by Dutch security firm ThreatFabric, which features an updated command-and-control (C2) communication mechanism, a domain generation algorithm (DGA), and a fully refactored codebase.
Fox-IT said it discovered a newer version 2.25 on August 22, 2022, that introduces a function to siphon cookies when victims log in to their bank accounts, while also removing the ability to automatically reply to incoming messages with links to the malware for propagation.
Samsung suffered a data breach that exposed some personal information from its U.S. customers.
Dr. Joscha Bach is VP of Research at AI Foundation and Author of Principles of Synthetic Intelligence, focused on how our minds work, and how to build machines that can perceive, think, and learn.
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0:00 Open.
0:17 Hello & welcome.
0:37 Dr. Joscha Bach bio and introduction.
0:56 “It’s an insane world; an amazing time to be alive“
3:46 Conversation on the S-curve; current instability based on not handling aftermath of collapse of Industrial Revolution society with the advent of the Internet.
8:22 “Either kids or long-term civilization”; carbon sequestration involves not burning any carbon at all.
10:08 Organizing principles conflict with systems bent on infinite growth.
14:30 More on Dr. Bach at Cambridge; entrepreneurial journey leads to MIT and then AI Foundation.
16:23 Relationship between the physical world and our minds; pattern generation; types of computers.
18:10 Mathematics vs. Computation.
19:20 Accidental question-Dr. Bach’s thoughts on psychedelics.
20:27 Turing, “something is true if you can prove it“
23:14 Quantum computing discussion; Minecraft CPU example; “is our universe efficiently implemented or inefficiently implemented?“
23:50 Relationship between mind and universe; observational interface.
27:28 Materialism and idealism may complement each other.
29:08 Dream space neural architecture; “you and me are characters in a multimedia novel being authored by the brain”; the collective is part of your dream.
31:51 Necessity of ability to change the way you perceive vs. changing a physical world; perception upgrade is really a will or desire upgrade.
34:12 What is a model? Perspectives of variables and their relationship; probabilities.
35:58 Model convergence to truth aided by probabilities; motivations guide preferences.
38:00 People are born with ideas and then acquire preferences; motivation is how you regulate and push against reality; feedback loop from brain regulating body, awareness and unawareness of loops.
41:28 Needs don’t form a hierarchy; they coexist and compete.
43:00 “the shape of your soul is the hierarchy of your purposes“
45:26 Neurons; dopamine and other brain chemicals speak many languages; “neurons get fed if you regulate what you want to regulate“
48:50 Social interaction and brain chemistry; neurons work through pattern recognition, then patterns in the patterns.
51:43 Auditory (and all) senses build layers until we get a unified model of the world/universe.
53:24 Question-who’s in charge of the super-intelligence; single mind; which kind of system; sane/insane implementation.
59:50 Precepts; spatial intelligence; pattern to perception to worldview; intentional self.
1:02:36 Self controls simulations in the brain; “only a simulation can be conscious“
1:05:05 “The reason why you perceive the world as meaningful is because it’s generated in your mind to model your meaning.“
1:07:10 Everything you can perceive is generated by your mind; model of architecture.
1:11:45 Use of the DLPFC (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex); “hippocampus has a script”; neurons individually not that important, somewhat interchangeable, just a signal processor.
1:14:52 “Are we individually intelligent?” Not generally so; generations of specialized people talked to each other; rebuilding efforts usually get foundations wrong; “it’s hard to wake a sleeping person; it’s impossible to wake a person pretending to sleep“
1:17:52 “The family of good people” is a human condition; morals need to guide our decisions but not our model-making.
1:19:00 Human-centric social media; scientists and philosophers are mostly confused people, humble but without answers; Dunning-Kruger Effect.
1:20:40 More on social media; understanding the nature of reality; “which way can I be useful to other people?”; why are we drawn to things that don’t have utility, like politics on current social media.
1:24:20 Social media done right are individual thoughts in the same mind, “Gaia doesn’t exist but it would be very useful to have one”; endgame of social media is a global brain.
1:26:15 Current society optimized for short games; “tumors“
1:29:02 Lebowski Theorem — “No super-intelligent system is going to do anything that is harder than hacking its own reward function“
1:31:12 “Imagine you build an AI that is way smarter, why SHOULD it serve us?“
1:32:20 “Maybe our motivational function is wrapped up in a big ball of stupid so we don’t debug it;” opting out of reality; how can we balance super-intelligence, will, and evolution or conditions of existence.
1:34:08 Philosophical remarks; reiteration that things are just happening, making it very difficult to predict outcomes; there isn’t a running simulation of a better society so it’s difficult to make changes.
1:36:15 Life is about cells, and cells are very rare.
1:38:08 Would have to be a larger, more imperceptible pattern around us and how would we know; Minecraft example.
The hack created a massive traffic jam in Moscow.
Drivers working for Yandex Taxi, the largest taxi service in Moscow, did not have a good day on Thursday as hackers messed with the company’s app and sent dozens of cars to the same location resulting in a traffic jam that lasted up to three hours, according to Twitter reports.
A co-founder sanctioned for propaganda.
But with such a rapid expansion into this new virtual world, will it be safe, regulated and, is it something we should fear or accept with open arms?
We talk to David Reid, a Professor of AI and spatial computing at Liverpool Hope University to see what to expect from the future of the metaverse.
There’s a few definitions. You can think of it from a technological viewpoint, where it’s simply the successor of the internet. Computers once took up big rooms, but they’ve shrunk until we got things like pocket-sized smartphones that you constantly interact with. The metaverse takes this a step further, making the actual environment you interact with virtual, removing the interface of computers completely.
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Leaked documents appear to show a little-known spyware company offering services that include Android and iOS device exploits for €8 million (roughly $8 million).
Exploit brokers and mercenary spyware providers have been in the spotlight recently, mainly due to revelations surrounding the use of the controversial Pegasus solution of Israeli company NSO Group.
One of NSO’s fairly new competitors is Intellexa, a company founded by Israeli entrepreneur Tal Dilian. The company claims on its website that it’s offering technologies that empower law enforcement and intelligence agencies to ‘help protect communities’. The company says it’s based in the EU and regulated, with six sites and R&D labs in Europe.
Google has launched its new Vulnerability Bounty Program for its open source software. The company will pay up to more than US$31,000 as an incentive to those who find bugs in its ecosystem and report them.
“Today we are launching the Open Source Software Vulnerability Rewards Program (OSS VRP) to reward vulnerability discoveries in Google’s open source projects. As responsible for major projects like Golang, Angular and Fuchsia, Google is among the largest contributors and users of open source in the world. With the addition of Google’s OSS VRP to our family of Vulnerability Bounty Programs (VRPs), researchers can now be rewarded for finding bugs that could potentially affect the entire open source ecosystem,” said Francis Perron, program manager. open source security technician, and Krzysztof Kotowicz, information security engineer, in a statement from Google.
Reward amounts range up to more than $31,000. Depending on the severity of the vulnerability and the importance of the project, the rewards will range from US$100 to US$31,337. The largest amounts will also go towards unusual or particularly interesting vulnerabilities, so creativity is encouraged.
Were you unable to attend Transform 2022? Check out all of the summit sessions in our on-demand library now! Watch here.
Despite a massive increase in cybersecurity investments, companies saw data breaches for the first quarter of 2022 soar, even after reaching a historical high in 2021 according to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC). Additionally, the ITRC report adds that approximately 92% of these breaches were linked to cyberattacks.
Phishing, cloud misconfiguration, ransomware and nation-state-inspired attacks ranked high for the second year in a row on global threats lists. So, why are attacks on the rise if more security solutions have been implemented? Should security investment shift its focus from reactive solutions to proactive strategies?