Two separate experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, on the French-Swiss border, appear to confirm the existence of a subatomic particle, the Madala boson, that for the first time could shed light on one of the great mysteries of the universe — dark matter.
Category: cosmology
String theory arrived in the public field in 1988 when a BBC radio series Desperately Seeking Superstrings was aired. Thanks to good marketing and its naturally curious name and characteristics, it is now part of popular discourse, mentioned in TV’s Big Bang Theory, Woody Allen stories, and countless science documentaries.
Might nature’s bottomless pits actually be ultra-efficient quantum computers? That could explain why data never dies.
Spinning black holes are capable of complex quantum information processes encoded in the X-ray photons emitted by the accretion disk.
The black holes sparked the public imagination for almost 100 years now. Their debated presence in the universe has been proven without a doubt by detecting the X-ray radiation coming from the center of the galaxies, a feature of massive black holes. Black holes emit X-ray radiation, light with high energy, due to the extreme gravity in their vicinity. The vast majority if not all of the known black holes were unveiled by detecting the X-ray radiation emitted by the stellar material accreting around black holes.
X-ray photons emitted near rotating black holes not only exposed the existence of these phantom-like astrophysical bodies, but also seem to carry hidden quantum messages.
Do we live in a multiverse?
Posted in cosmology
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