

Archive for the ‘computing’ category: Page 758

Feb 25, 2016

Quantum Algorithms and Their Discontents

Posted by in categories: chemistry, computing, information science, life extension, materials, neuroscience, quantum physics, robotics/AI, security, space

Interesting read; however, the author has limited his view to Quantum being only a computing solution when in fact it is much more. Quantum technology does offer faster processing power & better security; but, Quantum offers us Q-Dots which enables us to enrich medicines & other treatments, improves raw materials including fuels, even vegetation.

For the first time we have a science that cuts across all areas of technology, medical & biology, chemistry, manufacturing, etc. No other science has been able to achieve this like Quantum.

Also, the author in statements around being years off has some truth if we’re suggesting 7 yrs then I agree. However, more than 7 years I don’t agree especially with the results we are seeing in Quantum Networking.

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Feb 24, 2016

5 Ways Brain-Computer Interfaces Could Change The World — And Us

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, cyborgs, neuroscience

Current experiments with brain-computer interfaces have allowed an amputee to “feel” with his prosthetic hand — what other wonders will we achieve with this technology?

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Feb 24, 2016

Quantum physicists turn to the dark state

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics, transportation

“Suppose you want to travel from Helsinki to New York and you have to change your flight in London,” explains Sorin Paraoanu. “Normally you would first fly on a plane from Helsinki to London, then wait for some time in the airport in London, then board the flight London-New York. But in the quantum world, you would be better off boarding a plane from Helsinki to London sometime after the flight London-New York took off. You will not spend any time in London and you will arrive in New York right at the time when the plane from Hesinki lands in London.” This is mind-boggling but the experiment shows that it is indeed happening.

Besides the relevance for quantum computing, the result also has deep conceptual implications. Much of our understanding of the reality is based on the so-called continuity principle: the idea that influences propagate from here to there by going through all the places in-between. Real objects don’t just appear somewhere from nothing. But the experiment seems to defy this. Like in a great show of magic, quantum physics allows things to materialize here and there, apparently out of nowhere.

The team would like to acknowledge the excellent scientific environment created in the Low Temperature Laboratory (part of OtaNano) at the Department of Applied Physics.

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Feb 24, 2016

Access denied: Mad Kim Jong-un’s cyber war with West FOILED

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

For now he remains hands off; however, once China rolls out their Quantum infrastructure; then what?

NORTH Korea’s bid to wreak havoc in the West with an army of computer nerds has been dealt a crushing blow.

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Feb 24, 2016

Portland firm DARPA research could make disputes like Apple v FBI obsolete

Posted by in categories: computing, privacy

Portland computer science research company Galois snagged a $6.2 million grant from the Department of Defense for a project that, if successful, could make the current battle between the FBI and tech giant Apple obsolete.

The three-year research contract comes from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and will fund research into quantifying privacy preservation systems.

‘Can you quantify how private a system is or isn’t and can you make a judgment about it,’ said Galois CEO Rob Wiltbank,…

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Feb 24, 2016

Will the NSA Finally Build Its Superconducting Spy Computer?

Posted by in categories: computing, government, privacy

Personally, I thought they already had one.

The U.S. government eyes cryogenically cooled circuitry for tomorrow’s exascale computers.

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Feb 23, 2016

Dx3 to Demonstrate How Artificial Intelligence Is the Future of Retail Innovations Like Pepper the Robot to Debut at Annual Tech Conference

Posted by in categories: computing, robotics/AI

Still not sold on the whole robotics at this point; still not at the level where it needs from a multi-functional capability state plus still too jerky and most are more like a CPU on wheels.

TORONTO, ON –(Marketwired — February 23, 2016) — ­­ Astro Boy may be a fictional character, but Pepper the Robot is its real-­world incarnation. Pepper –­­ the world’s first humanoid robot –­­ will join exhibitors like MasterCard, Fluid, Vizera and Eyris, as they interact with industry experts as part of The Retail Collective Lab, sponsored by MasterCard, at this year’s Dx3 Trade Show and Conference.

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Feb 23, 2016

Play nice! How the internet is trying to design out toxic behavior — By Gaby Hinsliff | The Guardian

Posted by in categories: big data, computing, education, ethics, information science, internet


“Online abuse can be cruel – but for some tech companies it is an existential threat. Can giants such as Facebook use behavioural psychology and persuasive design to tame the trolls?”

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Feb 23, 2016

Google Researchers Make Quantum Computing Components More Reliable

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Researchers from a university and Google demonstrate a crucial error-correction step needed to make quantum computing practical.

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Feb 22, 2016

FlexEnable has created a screen you can wrap around your wrist

Posted by in categories: computing, electronics, materials, security

Sometimes, it seems like the tech world is inexorably bending towards a future full of curved devices. At MWC in Barcelona, we saw yet another prototype display, this time from English firm FlexEnable. Now, this isn’t a working device of any kind — it’s essentially just a screen running a demo — and neither is FlexEnable a consumer electronics company. But the firm says its technology is ready to go, and it’s apparently in talks with unnamed hardware partners who want to make this sort of device a reality. How long until we see fully-fledged wristbands like this on the market? Eighteen months is the optimistic guess from FlexEnable’s Paul Cain.

The prototype uses plastic transistors to achieve its flexibility, creating what the company calls OLCD (organic liquid crystal display) screens. FlexEnable says these can achieve the same resolutions as regular LCD using the same amount of power, but, of course, they have that added flexibility. These transistors can be wrapped around pretty much anything, and also have uses outside of display technology. FlexEnable was also showing off thin flexible fingerprint sensors, suggesting they could be wrapped around a door handle to add security without it being inconvenient to the user.

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