

Archive for the ‘computing’ category: Page 64

Feb 16, 2024

How do oceans start to close? New study suggests the Atlantic may ‘soon’ enter its declining phase

Posted by in category: computing

A new study, resorting to computational models, predicts that a subduction zone currently below the Gibraltar Strait will propagate further inside the Atlantic and contribute to forming an Atlantic subduction system—an Atlantic ring of fire. This will happen ‘soon’ in geological terms—in approximately 20 million years.

Oceans seem eternal to our lifespan, but they are not here for long: they are born, grow, and one day close. This process, which takes a few hundred million years, is called Wilson Cycle. The Atlantic, for example, was born when Pangea broke up around 180 million years ago and will one day close. And the Mediterranean is what remains from a big ocean—the Tethys– that once existed between Africa and Eurasia.

For an ocean like the Atlantic to stop growing and start closing, new subduction zones—places where one tectonic plate sinks below another—have to form. But subduction zones are hard to form, as they require plates to break and bend, and plates are very strong. A way out of this “paradox” is to consider that subduction zones can migrate from a dying ocean in which they already exist—the Mediterranean—into pristine oceans—such as the Atlantic. This process was dubbed subduction invasion.

Feb 16, 2024

Unlocking the full potential of Auger electron spectroscopy

Posted by in categories: chemistry, computing, particle physics

Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) is an incredibly useful technique for probing material samples—but current assumptions about the process ignore some of the key time-dependent effects it involves. So far, this has resulted in overly-simplified calculations, which have ultimately prevented the technique from reaching its full potential.

In a study published in The European Physical Journal Plus Alberto Noccera at the University of British Columbia, Canada, together with Adrian Feiguin at Northeastern University, United States, developed a which offers a more precise theoretical description of the AES process, while taking its time dependence into account. Their method could help researchers to improve their quality of material analysis across a wide array of fields: including chemistry, , and microelectronics.

In the Auger process, an inner-shell electron is initially kicked out of its atom, often through an impact with an energetic light pulse. Afterward, the vacancy it leaves behind is filled by an outer-shell electron.

Feb 16, 2024

Unleashing the Power: BatMan Project Revolutionizes Battery Manufacturing

Posted by in categories: computing, sustainability, transportation

Gotham City’s Dark Knight boasts an impressive collection of technological marvels, but the superhero scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have cutting-edge capabilities of their own.

A recent battery manufacturing project—affectionately called BatMan —has developed a novel laser patterning process to alter the microstructure of battery electrode materials. Funded by DOE’s Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office, this project brings together expert minds from NREL, Clarios, Amplitude Laser Group, and Liminal Insights. This revolutionized manufacturing process could unlock significant improvements to electrified transportation, leading the charge toward a brighter and more sustainable future.

“BatMan builds on NREL’s expertise using laser ablation, advanced computational models, and materials characterization to address key challenges in battery manufacturing,” said Bertrand Tremolet de Villers, project co-lead and senior scientist in NREL’s Thin Film and Manufacturing Sciences group. “This new, high-throughput laser patterning process—demonstrated at scale with state-of-the-art roll-to-roll manufacturing techniques—uses laser pulses to quickly and precisely modify and optimize electrode structures, offering a massive leap in battery capabilities with minimal added manufacturing cost.”

Feb 15, 2024

Chinese chipmaker tapes out 16-core DragonChain-powered CPU, 64-core coming — Loongson LS3C6000 server processor will rival Zen 3 CPUs

Posted by in category: computing

Loongson’s next-generation data center CPU is ready.

Feb 15, 2024

People Are Already Returning Their Apple Vision Pro Headsets

Posted by in category: computing

Shocking news: some folks who cashed out the eye-watering $3,500 — before tax! — to purchase Apple’s newly released Vision Pro are already showing some buyer’s remorse.

As Business Insider reports, a tide of users who quickly snatched up Apple’s expensive new face computer are returning the pricey headsets. Specific reasons for returning the devices vary, but across the board, it seems that many users just don’t think the uncomfortable devices are worth the hefty price tag — yet, at least.

As Insider notes, one of the most-cited cons to the Apple Pro is the headset’s weight. The thing is heavy, and though Apple’s attempted to offset the weight issue with what has to be the thickest head strap we’ve ever seen, the heft is a serious problem for users.

Feb 15, 2024

Can Quantum Computers be Beaten by Classical Computers?

Posted by in categories: computing, information science, quantum physics

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Researchers from NYU discovered that classical computers could keep up with or even surpass quantum computers in certain circumstances. Classical computers can get a boost in speed and accuracy by adopting a new innovative algorithmic method, which could mean that they still have a future in a world of quantum computers.

Many experts believe that quantum computing is the future, and that we are veering away from classical computing, primarily because classical computers are significantly slower and weaker than their quantum-based counterparts. However, turns out that quantum computers are delicate and prone to information loss, and even if information is preserved it is difficult to convert it to classical information necessary for practical computation.

Feb 14, 2024

Wei Lu (U Mich) Neuromorphic Computing Based on Memristive Materials and Devices

Posted by in categories: computing, materials

Feb 14, 2024

100 Years Ago, IBM Was Born

Posted by in categories: business, computing

Happy birthday, IBM! You’re 100 years old! Or are you?

It’s true that the businesses that formed IBM began in the late 1800s. But it’s also true that a birth occurred in February 1924, with the renaming of the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co. as the International Business Machines Corp. And a hundred years after that event, it serves as an important reminder that the world of computing and IT that IBM played a pivotal role in building has a longer history than we are likely to think. “Data processing” was coined over a century ago, while “office appliance” was in use in the 1880s. From the 19th century, through the 20th, and into the 21st, IBM was there, making HP, Microsoft, and Apple appear more like children or grandchildren of the IT world; Facebook, Google, and Twitter/X more like great-grandchildren. So let’s take a moment to contemplate the origins of an iconic corporation.

Feb 14, 2024

Scientists make Breakthrough in Quantum Materials Research

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

The advance will allow researchers to transform everyday materials into conductors for use in quantum computers. Researchers at the University of California, Irvine and Los Alamos National Laboratory, publishing in the latest issue of Nature Communications, describe the discovery of a new method that transforms everyday materials like glass into materials scientists can use to make quantum computers.

“The materials we made are substances that exhibit unique electrical or quantum properties because of their specific atomic shapes or structures,” said Luis A. Jauregui, professor of physics & astronomy at UCI and lead author of the new paper.

“Imagine if we could transform glass, typically considered an insulating material, and convert it into efficient conductors akin to copper. That’s what we’ve done.”

Feb 14, 2024

A neural fingerprint of adaptive mentalization

Posted by in categories: computing, neuroscience

Mentalization – inferring other’s emotions and intentions – is crucial for human social interactions and is impaired in various brain disorders. While previous neuroscience research has focussed on static mentalization strategies, we know little about how the brain decides adaptively which strategies to employ at any moment of time. Here we investigate this core aspect of mentalization with computational modeling and fMRI during interactive strategic games. We find that most participants can adapt their strategy to the changing sophistication of their opponents, but with considerable individual differences. Model-based fMRI analyses identify a distributed brain network where activity tracks this mentalization-belief adaptation.

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