

Archive for the ‘computing’ category: Page 378

Sep 11, 2021

Largest virtual universe free for anyone to explore

Posted by in categories: alien life, computing, particle physics

Forget about online games that promise you a “whole world” to explore. An international team of researchers has generated an entire virtual universe, and made it freely available on the cloud to everyone.

Uchuu (meaning “outer space” in Japanese) is the largest and most realistic simulation of the to date. The Uchuu simulation consists of 2.1 trillion particles in a computational cube an unprecedented 9.63 billion light-years to a side. For comparison, that’s about three-quarters the distance between Earth and the most distant observed . Uchuu reveals the evolution of the universe on a level of both size and detail inconceivable until now.

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Sep 11, 2021

TSMC Price Hikes to Result in Higher Retail Pricing For Pretty Much Everything

Posted by in categories: computing, mobile phones

Chip shortage should last until mid-2023.

Low-end smartphones and PCs to get more expensive because of chip prices.

Sep 10, 2021

How Horizon Plans To Bring Quantum Computing Out Of The Shadows

Posted by in categories: business, computing, quantum physics

New tools are required if businesses are to take advantage of quantum computing, argues Horizon’s Joe Fitzsimons.

Sep 10, 2021

A Laser Fired Through a Keyhole Can Expose Everything Inside a Room

Posted by in category: computing

The keyhole imaging technique, developed by researchers at Stanford University’s Computational Imaging Lab, is so named because all that’s needed to see what’s inside a closed room is a tiny hole (such as a keyhole or a peephole) large enough to shine a laser beam through, creating a single dot of light on a wall inside.

If you’re worried about privacy, it might be time to cover up your front door’s peephole.

Sep 9, 2021

‘Excitons’ Show Potential for Low-Power Quantum Computing

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Circa 2019

LONDON — A laboratory in Switzerland has found a way of using a laser to change and regulate the polarization, wavelength and intensity of light in “excitons” in 2D materials, creating the potential for a new generation of transistors with less energy loss and heat dissipation, opening up the potential for low-power quantum computing.

Excitons are created when an electron absorbs light and moves into a higher energy level, or “energy band” as it is called in solid quantum physics. This excited electron leaves behind an “electron hole” in its previous energy band. And because the electron has a negative charge and the hole a positive charge, the two are bound together by an electrostatic force called a Coulomb force. It’s this electron-electron hole pair that is referred to as an exciton.

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Sep 9, 2021

Solving Quantum Ground-State Problems with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Posted by in categories: chemistry, computing, information science, quantum physics

Circa 2012

Quantum ground-state problems are computationally hard problems for general many-body Hamiltonians; there is no classical or quantum algorithm known to be able to solve them efficiently. Nevertheless, if a trial wavefunction approximating the ground state is available, as often happens for many problems in physics and chemistry, a quantum computer could employ this trial wavefunction to project the ground state by means of the phase estimation algorithm (PEA). We performed an experimental realization of this idea by implementing a variational-wavefunction approach to solve the ground-state problem of the Heisenberg spin model with an NMR quantum simulator. Our iterative phase estimation procedure yields a high accuracy for the eigenenergies (to the 10–5 decimal digit).

Sep 9, 2021

AMD teleportation patent could be ‘Zen moment’ for quantum computing

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

The patent in question is for a system that would use quantum teleportation in order to boost a quantum computer’s reliability, while at the same time reducing the number of qubits required for a given calculation. This “teleportation” technology would help solve scaling issues and calculation errors that arise from system instability.

One of the main issues behind quantum development is once you start pushing the pedal to the metal, there are major issues when it comes to scalability and stability. Quantum computing is far different to the 0s and 1s of traditional technology, so AMD’s new teleportation patent is quite an important step towards solving that issue.

Sep 9, 2021

Engine on a chip promises to best the battery

Posted by in categories: computing, mobile phones

Circa 2006

MIT researchers are putting a tiny gas-turbine engine inside a silicon chip about the size of a quarter. The resulting device could run 10 times longer than a battery of the same weight can, powering laptops, cell phones, radios and other electronic devices.

It could also dramatically lighten the load for people who can’t connect to a power grid, including soldiers who now must carry many pounds of batteries for a three-day mission — all at a reasonable price.

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Sep 9, 2021

Quantum Computing: Triple Qubit Entanglement Achieved in Research Breakthrough

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Another step on the road towards quantum scalability.

Sep 8, 2021

Fast tool developed for quantum computing and communication

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Isaac Nape, an emerging South African talent in the study of quantum optics, is part of a crack team of Wits physicists who led an international study that revealed the hidden structures of quantum entangled states. The study was published in the renowned scientific journal, Nature Communications, on Friday, 27 August 2021.

Nape is pursuing his Ph.D. at Wits University and focuses on harnessing structured for high dimensional information encoding and decoding for use in .

Earlier this year he scooped up two awards at the South African Institute of Physics (SAIP) conference to add to his growing collection of accolades in the field of optics and photonics. He won the award for “Best Ph.D. oral presentation in applied physics,” and jointly won the award for “Best Ph.D. oral presentation in photonics.”