

Archive for the ‘climatology’ category: Page 112

Jun 23, 2019

Scientists have discovered a sea of fresh water under the ocean

Posted by in categories: climatology, space

Thousands of years ago, glaciers covered much of the planet. Oceans receded as water froze in massive sheets of ice blanketing the North American continent. As the ice age ended, glaciers melted. Massive river deltas flowed out across the continental shelf. The oceans rose, and fresh water was trapped in sediments below the waves. Discovered while drilling for oil offshore in the 1970s, scientists thought these “isolated” pockets of fresh water were a curiosity. They may instead prove to be a parched world’s newest source of fresh water.

As told in the latest issue (paywall) of the peer-reviewed journal Scientific Reports, scientists from Columbia University and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution spent 10 days on a research ship towing electromagnetic sensors from New Jersey to Massachusetts. By measuring the way electromagnetic waves traveled through fresh and saline water, researchers mapped out fresh-water reservoirs for the first time.

It turns out the subterranean pools stretch for at least 50 miles off the US Atlantic coast, containing vast stores of low-salinity groundwater, about twice the volume of Lake Ontario. The deposits begin about 600 ft (183 m) below the seafloor and stretch for hundreds of miles. That rivals the size of even the largest terrestrial aquifers.

Jun 19, 2019

The world’s best supercomputers are being updated to run AI software faster

Posted by in categories: climatology, robotics/AI, supercomputing

The upgrades include changes to make AI programming simpler—and to speed up powerful machines for specific AI tasks.

The news: The International Supercomputing Conference (ISC) kicked off in Frankfurt yesterday with the release of the latest list of the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world. US machines still top the ranking, but China has the most computers on the list (219 versus 116 for the US).

Supercomputers have already turbocharged some AI applications. For example. the US’s Summit supercomputer (pictured above), which leads the Top 500, has already run a complex machine-learning model for climate research faster than any other machine.

Jun 10, 2019

World’s First Hydraulic-Driven Vertical Farm Produces 1 Ton of Vegetables Every Other Day

Posted by in categories: climatology, sustainability

Year-round vegetables, minimal resources, climate-resistant—we’ve sung praises about vertical farms many times before. But Singapore’s Sky Greens is something very special.

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Jun 9, 2019

‘High Likelihood of Human Civilization Coming to an End’ in 2050, New Report Suggests

Posted by in categories: climatology, military, sustainability

The climate change analysis was written by a former fossil fuel executive and backed by the former chief of Australia’s military.

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Jun 8, 2019

Could lasers guide and control the path of lightning?

Posted by in category: climatology

New method to steer electric discharges around an obstacle uses laser beams.

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Jun 8, 2019

Fossil study finds lightning is strong enough to power a billion homes

Posted by in category: climatology

An expert from the University of South Florida deduced how big a bolt of lightning was based on the size of rocks formed by lightning.

When lightning strikes sand it creates a new type of rock, called fulgurite – a hollow tube formed as the lightning travels through the sand, vaporizing it and melting its outer edges.

Researchers determined that on average, the energy required to form these rocks was at least about one megajoule per meter of fulgurite formed.

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Jun 8, 2019

Can We Harvest Lightning For The Power Grid?

Posted by in category: climatology

By New Scientist, An Energy Realities Partner

Nobody has all the answers to the world’s energy questions, so New Scientist has teamed up with Statoil to search for solutions from New Scientist’s audience.

The question posed was: How much energy is in a lightning bolt? Is it enough, and are there places where lightning strikes often enough, to think about flying kites to transfer that energy to the grid?

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Jun 7, 2019

A bean for all seasons?

Posted by in category: climatology

Biology professor and researcher Christopher Cullis said he pondered two big questions when he first caught sight of the wild marama bean plant, its definitive patches of green leaves standing out in contrast from among an otherwise parched and brown Namibian landscape.

“Why isn’t this plant affected by the lack of water like everything else—and why isn’t it being eaten by any wildlife?” Cullis said, turning one of the walnut-sized beans over in his fingers and recalling his first trip to the coastal southwest African country about a decade ago. “The answers to those questions make this a very interesting and important legume.”

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Jun 3, 2019

Caltech reactor could convert CO2 into breathable oxygen for space trips

Posted by in categories: climatology, space, sustainability

Although oxygen is common throughout the cosmos, most of it isn’t in the form that we as humans need to breathe – molecular oxygen, or O2. Now, researchers at Caltech claim to have created a reactor that can turn carbon dioxide into molecular oxygen, which could help us fight climate change here on Earth or generate oxygen for life in space.

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May 29, 2019

Exploding stars led to humans walking on two legs, radical study suggests

Posted by in category: climatology

Scientists say surge of radiation led to lightning causing forest fires, making adaptation vital.

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