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The human body relies heavily on electrical charges. Lightning-like pulses of energy fly through the brain and nerves and most biological processes depend on electrical ions traveling across the membranes of each cell in our body.

These are possible, in part, because of an imbalance in electrical charges that exists on either side of a cellular membrane. Until recently, researchers believed the membrane was an essential component to creating this imbalance. But that thought was turned on its head when researchers at Stanford University discovered that similar imbalanced electrical charges can exist between microdroplets of water and air.

Now, researchers at Duke University have discovered that these types of electric fields also exist within and around another type of cellular structure called biological condensates. Like oil droplets floating in water, these structures exist because of differences in density. They form compartments inside the cell without needing the physical boundary of a membrane.

People’s ability to regenerate bones declines with age and is further decreased by diseases such as osteoporosis. To help the aging population, researchers are looking for new therapies that improve bone regeneration.

Now, an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC) and the Medical Faculty of TU Dresden along with a group from Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials (MBC) developed novel bio-inspired molecules that enhance in mice. The results were published in the journal Biomaterials.

As people age, their ability to regenerate bones decreases. Fractures take longer to heal and diseases like osteoporosis only add to it. This represents a serious health challenge to the and an increasing socioeconomic burden for the society. To help combat this issue, researchers are looking for new therapeutic approaches that can improve bone regeneration.

Using Zoonomia’s data, researchers have also constructed a phylogenetic tree that estimates when each mammalian species diverged from its ancestors5. This analysis lends support to the hypothesis that mammals had already started evolutionarily diverging before Earth was struck by the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago — but that they diverged much more rapidly afterwards.

Only the beginning

The Zoonomia Project is just one of dozens of efforts to sequence animal genomes. Another large effort is the Vertebrate Genomes Project (VGP), which aims to generate genomes for roughly all 71,000 living vertebrate species, which include mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and amphibians. Although the two projects are independent of one another, many researchers are a part of both, says Haussler, who is a trustee of the VGP.

A Re-Edited version of Aldous Huxleys classic, Brave New World…
My original plan was to only show parts relevent to present times… Then I realised that this is the blue print for our future… And the future is here, now and present… What we do from here is anyones guess… This should be seen by EVERY HUMAN ALIVE… It is the story of our fate and final destruction… We are already at the tipping point… Don’t accept their bullshit… Fight back with NON COMPLIANCE!!! DO NOT ACCEPT 5G… DO NOT ACCEPT BIO-TECHNICS… DO NOT ACCEPT IMPLANTS, VACCINES, NANO-TECH, etc, etc, etc… The future is ours if we take it… Or leave it to the World Rulling Psychopaths… The choice is YOURS!!!


(Stick around at the end for a very real interview with Aldous Huxley where he explains why yesterdays fiction, is tomorrows reality…)

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The research project was originally based on a new group of viruses that the study authors discovered in the water of the Gossenköllesee in Tyrol, Austria, in 2021.

During a comprehensive study of complex single-celled microbes, scientists from the University of Innsbruck’s Department of Ecology made a groundbreaking discovery. They discovered the DNA of more than 30,000 viruses that were previously unknown, integrated into the microbes’ genome.

The study revealed that some microbes contain a significant proportion of their DNA that is made up of hidden viruses, up to 10 percent.


People typically think of food as calories, energy and sustenance. However, the latest evidence suggests that food also “talks” to our genome, which is the genetic blueprint that directs the way the body functions down to the cellular level.

This communication between food and genes may affect your health, physiology and longevity. The idea that food delivers important messages to an animal’s genome is the focus of a field known as nutrigenomics. This is a discipline still in its infancy, and many questions remain cloaked in mystery. Yet already, we researchers have learned a great deal about how food components affect the genome.

I am a molecular biologist who researches the interactions among food, genes and brains in the effort to better understand how food messages affect our biology. The efforts of scientists to decipher this transmission of information could one day result in healthier and happier lives for all of us. But until then, has unmasked at least one important fact: Our relationship with food is far more intimate than we ever imagined.

Researchers identified DNA methylation markers that may indicate the risk of developing schizophrenia later in life in newborns. This breakthrough discovery could allow for early detection and intervention to reduce the impact of the disease. By studying blood samples collected at birth, the team was able to identify unique methylation differences in cell types that could become potential clinical biomarkers for future early detection of schizophrenia.

While analyzing the genomes of single-celled microbes, a team of researchers made a startling discovery: Thousands of previously unknown viruses were “hidden” within the microbes’ DNA.

The researchers found DNA from more than 30,000 viruses built into genomes of various single-celled microbes, they report in a new study. They explain that viral DNA might enable a host cell to replicate complete, functional viruses.

“We were very surprised by how many viruses we found through this analysis,” says lead author Christopher Bellas, an ecologist who studies viruses at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. “In some cases, up to 10 percent of a microbe’s DNA turned out to consist of hidden viruses.”