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Understanding how antibiotic scaffolds are constructed in nature can help scientists prospect for new classes of antibiotics through DNA sequencing and genome mining. Researchers have used this knowledge to help solve the X-ray crystal structure of the enzyme that makes obafluorin—a broad spectrum antibiotic agent made by a fluorescent strain of soil bacteria. The new work from Washington University in St. Louis and the University at Buffalo is published July 31 in the journal Nature Communications.

A multi-part called a nonribosomal peptide synthetase produces the highly reactive beta-lactone ring that is responsible for obafluorin’s antimicrobial activity.

“Obafluorin has a novel structure compared to all FDA-approved antibiotics,” said Timothy Wencewicz, assistant professor of chemistry in Arts & Sciences. “In the long term, we really need new structural classes of antibiotics that have never been contaminated by clinical resistance from established antibiotic classes.”

According to Public Health England, l iver disease is a devastating all too common condition. It is the fifth biggest killer in the UK and the third most common cause of premature death and it is on the rise.

Regenerating liver tissue

Now, researchers at King’s College London may have found a solution to this disease. The scientists have used single cell RNA sequencing to identify a type of cell that may be able to effectively regenerate liver tissue.

As promised, we’re releasing videos from Ending Age-Related Diseases 2019, our highly successful two-day conference that featured talks from leading researchers and investors, bringing them together to discuss the future of aging and rejuvenation biotechnology.

To open the proceedings, our president, Keith Comito, welcomed attendees, introduced the event’s speakers and sponsors, discussed the staff, goals, and projects of LEAF, talked about the advances in rejuvenation biotechnology, and brought forward many more topics in the world of healthy longevity.

We sought to determine whether pre-eclampsia, spontaneous preterm birth or the delivery of infants who are small for gestational age were associated with the presence of bacterial DNA in the human placenta. Here we show that there was no evidence for the presence of bacteria in the large majority of placental samples, from both complicated and uncomplicated pregnancies. Almost all signals were related either to the acquisition of bacteria during labour and delivery, or to contamination of laboratory reagents with bacterial DNA. The exception was Streptococcus agalactiae (group B Streptococcus), for which non-contaminant signals were detected in approximately 5% of samples collected before the onset of labour. We conclude that bacterial infection of the placenta is not a common cause of adverse pregnancy outcome and that the human placenta does not have a microbiome, but it does represent a potential site of perinatal acquisition of S. agalactiae, a major cause of neonatal sepsis.

In the premiere of the HBO/BBC miniseries Years and Years, two parents are worried. Their teenage daughter Bethany has been hiding behind a 3D animated emoji mask and has scheduled a talk with them. Trying to figure out what they’re up against, they sneak a peek at her internet searches. When they discover that she’s been searching for information about being trans, they’re relieved; they can handle a transgender child.

Except when it comes time for their talk, Bethany tells her parents she’s transhuman and that she wants to “live forever as information.” The show represents transhumanist technology and aspirations, many of which revolve around upgrading and digitizing the human body, as a movement that will bring positive, negative, and downright confusing implications, ultimately changing the human race. The real question is what exactly that means. Humans opened the Pandora’s box of merging technology and biology a long time ago, and we’re now speeding head-on into the consequences, despite not knowing what humanity will become.

Bethany’s “coming out” scene hinges on the fact that the changes she desires are far more dangerous—and, for her parents, far more difficult to stomach—than gender reassignment. Bethany’s excitement at escaping the mortal coil brims with typical teenage naïveté: “Transhumans are not male or female, but better,” she tells her parents. For Bethany, that means no longer being human. “I will be data!” she enthuses.

New video from our 2019 Undoing Aging conference: Mikhail Shchepinov, Chief Science Officer at Retrotope, Inc., on aging and diseases resulting from the gradual accumulation of oxidative damages.


For the first time, a government is supporting a plan to create animal embryos with human cells and bring them to term, resulting in a type of humanimal known as a human-animal chimera.

According to Nature, a committee from Japan’s science ministry signed off on a request by researchers to grow human pancreases in either rats or mice, the first such experiment to gain approval since a government ban was reversed earlier this year.

Sciatic nerves isolated from untreated mice (left) show evidence of demyelination, which is improved upon treatment (right)

Researchers in Canada and Sweden have used a novel Crispr system to reverse harm caused by muscular dystrophy – usually thought to be permanent – in mice. Pre-clinical studies often treat animals early, before symptoms can be detected, says Ronald Cohn, senior scientist, president and chief executive officer of The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.

‘Our results now show that the therapeutic window may indeed be wider,’ Cohn tells Chemistry World. This is significant as all patients ‘are currently diagnosed at a time when symptoms are already presenting’, he adds. The researchers are now exploring partnerships with industry to work towards bringing the research into a clinical trial.