Excellent lecture. Darwin’s turtle, sharks and clams 500 years old, talking about Liz Parrish at an hour and 8. And then a tour.
My mission is to drastically improve your life by helping you break bad habits, build and keep new healthy habits to make you the best version of yourself. I read the books and do all the research and share my findings with you!
This video is DR. BILL ANDREWS PRESENTATION & TOUR OF SIERRA SCIENCES ON OCTOBER 11TH, 2019. Brent Nally recorded, edited and produced this video. My apologies for the poor audio and camera work in the first few minutes. Infinite gratitude to Bill for opening up Sierra Sciences to us. Here’s a link to purchase IsaGenesis. You have to sign up first: https://getstarted.isagenix.com/VF234XXQV001