

Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 101

Oct 10, 2023

The Impact of Ejection Fraction on Major Adverse Limb Events After Lower Extremity Revascularization

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

A new Yale study finds low ejectionfraction – the amount of blood your heart pumps out with each beat – is associated with worse cardiovascular outcomes for patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD):

You can learn more about important PAD risk factors here:

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is commonly associated with coronary artery disease (CAD), and echocardiography is frequently performed prior to lower extremity revascularization (LER). However, the incidence of various echocardiographic findings in patients with PAD and their impact on the outcomes of LER has not been well studied.

Oct 10, 2023

What is Pre-Cancer?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, futurism

“Cancer” is not a word we want to hear. Conversations with your doctor about cancer can induce fear, anxiety, and a plethora of other emotions. But what if your doctor uses the phrase This terminology will probably still make a lot of people anxious and, in some situations, could result in some unnecessary treatment.

Several types of malignancies are associated with conditions that, while benign, could infer a more significant risk or likelihood of developing cancer in the future. Terminology including lesions, “stage 0” disease, or carcinoma “in situ” can all describe an abnormal, yet not malignant, finding. In addition to fear, these diagnoses can undoubtedly lead to patient confusion.

A diagnosis indicates abnormal cells present in a single location in the body. If a lesion isous, it has not spread to any other tissue, distant or nearby. This explains why theous conditions associated with several cancer types have names that involve the phrase “in situ,” which means “in its original place.”

Oct 10, 2023

Is the reversal of cellular aging possible through chemical means?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, genetics, life extension

This is a bit technical. “nucleocytoplasmic compartmentalization assay”, Yeah buddy.

Life is dependent on the preservation and storage of information. The genome and epigenome are the two central storehouses of information in eukaryotes, and although they work interdependently, they are fundamentally quite different. Genetic information is consistent across all body cells throughout the life of an individual while epigenetic information varies between cells as well as changes over time and as per environment.

Researchers have identified several hallmarks of aging such as epigenetic alterations, genomic instability, cellular senescence, telomere attrition, mitochondrial dysfunction, and others [1]. These are known to play a role in the dysfunction and deterioration of cells with age. David Sinclair and other researchers have previously indicated that loss of epigenetic information can cause changes in gene expression, leading to cellular identity loss. Previous studies in mice have also shown that cell injuries such as cell crushing and DNA double-strand breaks can promote loss of epigenetic information which can accelerate aging along with age-related diseases [2].

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Oct 10, 2023

Did DunedinPACE Improve For Test #5 in 2023? Also, Is NAD Significantly Correlated With DunedinPACE?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, health

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Oct 10, 2023

Chair Elect of the American Medical Association (AMA) Michael Suk at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

LEV becoming mainstream medicine.

Oct 10, 2023

Challenging Long-Held Assumptions: New Research Reveals How Nuclear Spin Impacts Biological Processes

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, quantum physics

A research team led by Prof. Yossi Paltiel at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with groups from HUJI, Weizmann, and IST Austria recently conducted a study unveiling the significant influence of nuclear spin on biological activities. This discovery challenges long-held assumptions and opens up exciting possibilities for advancements in biotechnology and quantum biology.

Scientists have long believed that nuclear spin had no impact on biological processes. However, recent research has shown that certain isotopes behave differently due to their nuclear spin. The team focused on stable oxygen isotopes (16O, 17O, 18O) and found that nuclear spin significantly affects oxygen dynamics in chiral environments, particularly in its transport.

Oct 10, 2023

The Blood of Exceptionally Long-Lived People Shows Key Differences

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

Centenarians, once considered rare, have become commonplace. Indeed, they are the fastest-growing demographic group of the world’s population, with numbers roughly doubling every ten years since the 1970s.

How long humans can live, and what determines a long and healthy life, have been of interest for as long as we know. Plato and Aristotle discussed and wrote about the ageing process over 2,300 years ago.

The pursuit of understanding the secrets behind exceptional longevity isn’t easy, however. It involves unravelling the complex interplay of genetic predisposition and lifestyle factors and how they interact throughout a person’s life.

Oct 10, 2023

Researchers Uncover Grayling APT’s Ongoing Attack Campaign Across Industries

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

A New APT Emerges: Grayling, an unknown player, targets IT, manufacturing, and biomedical sectors in Taiwan. Researchers reveal their distinctive techniques in the latest report.


Oct 10, 2023

Spheroids vs. Organoids—A Data-Driven Approach for 3D Culture Model Selection

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, life extension

In this October 13 Learning Lab, Hilary Sherman, a Senior Scientist in the Corning Life Sciences Applications Lab, and Robert Padilla, a Field Application Scientist at Corning, dive into the topic of 3D culture techniques and why these technologies should be a part of any researcher’s repertoire.

Three-dimensional (3D) cultures such as spheroids and organoids are an important part of the research model market, helping to close the gap between cell cultures and animal models. Both organoids and spheroids have been used to create in vivo-like tissue models of cancer subtypes to study novel therapies and to make models for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine studies. But there are some key differences, with important implications for various applications. The right tool for a project is not always obvious. For spheroids and organoids, knowing where the cultures are similar and where they differ will help scientists select the best resource for their projects the first time around.

Oct 10, 2023

Shared Decision Making for Prostate Cancer Screening: Trust and Communication are Essential for the Doctor-Patient Relationship

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health

Guidance and recommendations for prostate cancer screening have changed over the years. While there is no standard screening test, doctors may use a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test to help diagnose prostate cancer. Doctors may follow a positive PSA test with a prostate biopsy.

Most recommending bodies emphasize a shared decision-making (SDM) approach for prostate cancer screening by PSA testing. This strategy moves away from doctors making treatment decisions and instead relies on collaborative interactions between patients and healthcare teams.

Why do expert opinions on prostate cancer screening differ? This remains a complex question with a lot to unpack. First, we have limited treatment options for cancer that has already spread outside of the prostate. Thus, detecting these cases will often not improve health or prolong life. Second, many cases of slow-growing prostate cancer will never become life-threatening; detection of these cases can be considered overdiagnosis and may lead to anxiety, unnecessary treatment, and accompanying side effects. Unnecessary biopsies, which provide no additional value to patients and physicians in decision-making, can also come with complications such as bleeding and infection.

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