

Archive for the ‘augmented reality’ category: Page 62

Feb 2, 2016

The Augmented Reality Revolution

Posted by in category: augmented reality

“The augmented reality revolution will merge the physical and the digital worlds.”

Join Jason Silva as he freestyles complex systems of society, technology and human existence and discusses the truth and beauty of science in a form of existential jazz.

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Feb 1, 2016

The Coming Era of Virtual Reality

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, disruptive technology, entertainment, innovation, thought controlled, virtual reality

A Lifeboat guest editorial

Richelle Ross-sRichelle Ross is a sophomore at the University of Florida, focusing on statistics and data science. As a crypto consultant, she educates far beyond the campus. Her insight on the evolution and future of Bitcoin has been featured in national publications. Richelle writes for CoinDesk, LinkedIn, and Quora, providing analysis on Bitcoin’s evolving economy.

In 2003, I remember going to see my first IMAX 3D film,
Space Station . My family was touring NASA at Cape Canaveral Florida. The film was an inside view into life as an astronaut enters space. As the astronauts tossed M&Ms to each other in their new gravity-free domain, the other children and space_station_1I gleefully reached our hands out to try and touch the candy as it floated towards us. I had never experienced anything so mind-blowing in my 7 year life. The first 3D film was released in 1922. Yet, surprisingly, flat entertainment has dominated screens for in the 9½ decades that followed. Only a handful of films have been released in 3D—most of them are animated. But now, we are gradually seeing a shift in how people experience entertainment. As methods evolve and as market momentum builds, it promises to be one of the most groundbreaking technologies of the decade. I foresee Virtual Reality reaching a point where our perception of virtual and real-life experiences becomes blurred—and eventually—the two become integrated.

Ever since pen was put to paper, and camera to screen, audiences have enjoyed being swept into other worlds. For those of us “dreamers” being able to escape into these stories is one way we live through and expand our understanding of other times and places—even places space_station_2that may not be accessible in our lifetimes. Virtual reality is the logical progression and natural evolution of these experiences.

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Jan 31, 2016

Augmented Reality Transforms Biopharma

Posted by in category: augmented reality

AR for improving operations in Biopharma.

In the management of biopharma operations, “oversight” may merge with “overwrite.” That is, the visual experiences of on-site personnel may become enhanced with virtual overlays.

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Jan 28, 2016

AMD’s Director Of VR Believes Console VR Is Positive For PC Front

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, virtual reality

I agree with AMD; Microsoft has released its VR for developers. A Console VR should prove to be very interesting over the next year.

AMD’s director of VR, Daryl Sartain, believes that virtual reality for consoles, is positive for the PC Front and to get VR into the market.

console vr

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Jan 22, 2016

Apple hires virtual and augmented reality tech expert: Report

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, computing, finance, mobile phones, virtual reality, wearables

Virginia Tech’s Professor Doug Bowman comes to Apple to make VR. This should be very interesting since he won the research grant to work on the “Hololens” — could be interesting.

According to a report in the Financial Times, Apple has hired one of the leading experts on virtual and augmented reality — Virginia Tech computer science professor Doug Bowman. He was recently listed among grant winners for HoloLens research projects and is skilled in creating 3D user interfaces, reports Endgadget. He has also co-authored a book called 3D User Interfaces Theory and Practice.

He’s been working on technologies such as wearable displays and full surround display prototypes at Virginia Tech.

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Jan 20, 2016

Report by Robert Scoble from CES | KurzweilAI

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, driverless cars, electronics, virtual reality


“CES wrapped up last week and I can say it was the best one I’ve seen in a decade. Three big stories jumped out this year:

1. VR.
2. Self driving cars.
3. AR.”

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Jan 18, 2016

10 Industries That Will Be Disrupted

Posted by in category: augmented reality

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Jan 17, 2016

Microsoft’s HoloLens will be ‘totally wireless’ with up to 5.5 hours of battery life

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, energy, internet

Microsoft technical evangelist Bruce Harris has unveiled new details for Microsoft’s augmented reality headset, HoloLens. At an event in Tel Aviv, Harris was recorded (via Petri) saying that that any universal Windows 10 app will run natively on the device, as we’ve already heard, and that developers will naturally need to create 3D apps to realize the HoloLens’ full potential.

But Harris also talked about how the device features Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, describing it as “totally wireless.” In fact, he said a wired version of the HoloLens would not be available.

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Jan 6, 2016

Osterhout Design Group unveils high-end enterprise augmented reality glasses

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, energy, health, transportation

The Osterhout Design Group, which has been making high-end night-vision goggles for years, has begun shipping its R-7 augmented reality glasses for enterprise applications. The $2,750 smartglasses are a sign of things to come, as the company eventually hopes to bring the technology to the masses at consumer prices.

Augmented reality is expected to become a $150 billion market by 2020, according to tech advisor Digi-Capital. But first, it has to become cheaper, lighter, and otherwise more practical. The R-7 represents ODG’s best trade-off between capability and cost. The company is showing the R-7 at the 2016 International CES, the big tech trade show in Las Vegas this week.

The ODG R-7 shows heads-up display images on the inside of the lenses, so you can see stereoscopic 3D or other animated imagery on top of objects in the real world. The company is targeting applications in health care, energy, transportation, warehouse, logistics, and government.

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Dec 17, 2015

Microsoft’s Latest HoloLens Is Here, and It’s Amazing

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, computing

Of all the recent advances in computing and consumer technology, This is BY FAR the one I’m most fascinated! Amazing tech.

The HoloLens headset from Microsoft is the world’s first untethered wearable that generates holograms before your eyes. It’s been nearly a year since we first strapped on a prototype, and as the tech goliath prepares to unleash a first batch of units to developers in the coming months, I was invited to check out just how far the technology has come.

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