“We’ve found that Enceladus’ ocean should behave like oil and water in a jar, with layers that resist vertical mixing,” said Flynn Ames.
Could finding life in alien oceans be harder than previously thought? This is what a recent study published in Communications Earth & Environment hopes to address as a team of researchers from the United Kingdom investigated how life that might exist in the depths of alien oceans like Saturn’s moon, Enceladus, could take time to reach the surface for sampling, which could potentially pose problems for future sample return missions to these intriguing worlds.
For the study, the researchers used a series of computer models to simulate the various layers that could exist between the liquid ocean of Enceladus and the plumes that discharge from its south polar regions, nicknamed “tiger stripes” for its giant ice cracks. Given the sampling potential of the plumes, especially with NASA’s Cassini spacecraft having flown through the plumes during its mission, the researchers wanted to ascertain the length of time material from potential hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean would reach the surface to be discharged by the plumes and sampled for signs of life. In the end, the researchers found that material from the bottom of Enceladus’ would take several centuries to reach a plausible depth to be discharged by the plumes.
📄A group of American researchers, isolated in their scientific station in Antarctica towards the end of winter, discover an alien spaceship buried in the ice, where it crashed twenty million years before. They try to thaw the inside of the spacecraft with a thermite charge but end up accidentally destroying it when the ship’s magnesium hull is ignited by the charge. They do recover an alien creature from the ancient ice, which the researchers believe was searching for heat when it was frozen. Thawing revives the alien, a being which can assume the appearance, memories, and personality of a living thing it devours, while maintaining its body mass for further reproduction. Unknown to them, the alien immediately kills and then imitates the crew’s physicist, a man named Connant; with some 90 pounds of its matter left over, it tries to become a sled dog. The crew discovers the dog-Thing and kills it midway through the transformation process. Pathologist Blair, who had lobbied for thawing the Thing, goes insane with paranoia and guilt, vowing to kill everyone at the base to save mankind; he is isolated within a locked cabin at their outpost. Connant is also isolated as a precaution, and a “rule-of-four” is initiated in which all personnel must remain under the close scrutiny of three others. The crew realizes that they must isolate their base and therefore disable their airplanes and vehicles, yet they pretend that everything is normal during radio transmissions, to prevent any rescue attempts. The researchers try to figure out who may have been replaced by the alien (simply referred to as the Thing), to destroy the imitations before they can escape and take over the world. The task is found to be almost impossibly difficult when they realize that the Thing is shapeshifting and telepathic, reading minds and projecting thoughts. A sled dog is conditioned by human blood injections (from Copper and Garry) to provide a human-immunity serum test, as in rabbits. The initial test of Connant is inconclusive, as they realize that the test animal received both human and alien blood, meaning that either Doctor Copper or expedition Commander Garry is an alien. Assistant commander McReady takes over and deduces that all the other animals at the station, save the test dog, have already become imitations; all are killed by electrocution and their corpses burned. Everyone suspects each other by now but must stay together for safety, deciding who will take turns sleeping and standing watch. Tensions mount and some men begin to go mad, thinking that they are already the last human, or wondering if they could know if they were not human any longer. Ultimately, Kinner, the cook, is murdered and accidentally revealed to be a Thing. McReady realizes that even small pieces of the creature will behave as independent organisms. He then uses this fact to test which men have been “converted” by taking blood samples from everyone and dipping a heated wire in the vial of blood. Each man’s blood is tested, one at a time, and the donor is immediately killed if his blood recoils from the wire. Fourteen men, including Connant and Garry, are revealed to be Things. The remaining men go to test the isolated Blair, and on the way, see the first albatross of the Antarctic spring flying overhead; they shoot the bird to prevent a Thing from infecting it and flying to civilization. When they reach Blair’s cabin, they discover that he is a Thing. They realize that it has been left to its own devices for a week, coming and going as it pleased, as it is able to squeeze under doors by transforming itself. With the creatures inside the base destroyed, McReady and two others enter the cabin to kill the Thing that was once Blair. McReady forces it out into the snow and destroys it with a blowtorch. Afterwards, the trio discover that the Thing was dangerously close to finishing the construction of a nuclear-powered anti-gravity device that would have allowed it to escape to the outside world.
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Scientists are uncovering bizarre exoplanets that challenge everything we know about habitability. From super-Earths with crushing gravity to tidally locked planets with scorching hot and frozen hemispheres, these extreme worlds could give rise to lifeforms unlike anything on Earth. In this video, we explore the scientific possibilities of extraterrestrial life—how gravity, atmosphere, and star types could shape truly alien evolution. Could we find snake-like creatures on high-gravity worlds, black-leaved plants around red dwarf stars, or ocean-dwelling bioluminescent life on Europa-like moons? The possibilities are endless, and the science is fascinating!
Writers credit: Today’s script comes from the brilliant astronomy author: Colin Stuart. Check out Colin’s weekly newsletter here:
What can Earth’s technosignatures—the potential signs of intelligence beyond Earth—teach us about finding technosignatures throughout the cosmos? Are we looking for the right technosignatures or do we need to refine our search methods or criterion? This is what a recent study published in The Astronomical Journal hopes to address as a team of researchers led by the SETI Institute essentially flipped the script to evaluate if current methods for detecting technosignatures are sufficient or could be modified going forward.
For the study, the researchers used a series of models to simulate the efficiency and distance that Earth’s technology in 2024 could be detected by an extraterrestrial civilization. This study comes as telescope instruments continue to advance, including identifying atmospheric compositions of exoplanets. Therefore, the goal of this work is to enhance this to potentially identify new methods in detecting technosignatures by using Earth as a control group as opposed to literally every other known world in the universe. In the end, the researchers found that extraterrestrial civilizations could potentially detect Earth technology as far as 12,000 light-years away, noting that the closer they travel to Earth, the more modern-day technology they would detect.
“One of the most satisfying aspects of this work was getting to use SETI as a cosmic mirror: what does Earth look like to the rest of the galaxy? And how would our current impacts on our planet be perceived,” said Dr. Sofia Sheikh, who is a postdoctoral researcher at the SETI Institute and lead author of the study. “While of course we cannot know the answer, this work allowed us to extrapolate and imagine what we might assume if we ever discover a planet, with, say, high concentrations of pollutants in its atmosphere.”
A team of researchers, led by Dr. Sofia Sheikh of the SETI Institute.
The SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to scientific research, education, and public outreach founded in 1984. Located in Mountain View, California, the Institute’s primary mission is to explore, understand, and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe, with a particular focus on the search for intelligent life beyond Earth. Researchers at the SETI Institute use a variety of methods to detect signs of extraterrestrial civilizations, including monitoring electromagnetic signals for non-random patterns that may be transmitted by alien technologies.
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A research team led by Dr. Sofia Sheikh of the SETI Institute, in collaboration with the Characterizing Atmospheric Technosignatures project and the Penn State Extraterrestrial Intelligence Center, set out to answer a simple question: If an extraterrestrial civilization existed with technology similar to ours, would they be able to detect Earth and evidence of humanity? If so, what signals would they detect, and from how far away?
Researchers used a theoretical, modeling-based method, and this study is the first to analyze multiple types of technosignatures together rather than separately. The findings revealed that radio signals, such as planetary radar emissions from the former Arecibo Observatory, are Earth’s most detectable technosignatures, potentially visible from up to 12,000 light-years away.
The research is published in The Astronomical Journal.