

Archive for the ‘3D printing’ category: Page 49

Jan 5, 2020

Scientists Print Functional Human “Mini-Livers”

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical

A team of Brazilian researchers have succesfully bioprinted tiny organoids that perform all of the human liver’s functions, Brazilian news service Agência FAPESP reports — functions including building proteins, storing vitamins and secreting bile.

The researchers had to cultivate and reprogram human stem cells, and then 3D print them in layers to form tissue.

While the “mini-livers” perform the functions of a liver, they’re unfortunately still a far cry from an actual full-scale liver.

Jan 4, 2020

3D printed, controlled release, tritherapeutic tablet matrix for advanced anti-HIV-1 drug delivery

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical

A 3D-Bioplotter® was employed to 3D print (3DP) a humic acid-polyquaternium 10 (HA-PQ10) controlled release fixed dose combination (FDC) tablet comprising of the anti-HIV-1 drugs, efavirenz (EFV), tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) and emtricitabine (FTC).

Chemical interactions, surface morphology and mechanical strength of the FDC were ascertained. In vitro drug release studies were conducted in biorelevant media followed by in vivo study in the large white pigs, in comparison with a market formulation, Atripla®. In vitro-in vivo correlation of results was undertaken.

EFV, TDF and FTC were successfully entrapped in the 24-layered rectangular prism-shaped 3DP FDC with a loading of ∼12.5 mg/6.3 mg/4 mg of EFV/TDF/FTC respectively per printed layer. Hydrogen bonding between the EFV/TDF/FTC and HA-PQ10 was detected which was indicative of possible drug solubility enhancement. The overall surface of the tablet exhibited a fibrilla structure and the 90° inner pattern was determined to be optimal for 3DP of the FDC. In vitro and in vivo d rug release profiles from the 3DP FDC demonstrated that intestinal-targeted and controlled drug release was achieved.

Jan 4, 2020

Israeli researchers develop technology for 3D printing of drugs

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical

The new technology enables the printing of personalized medications out of hydrogel objects, producing complex structures which can expand, change shape and activate on a delayed schedule. By prescribing personalized medicines, doctors will be able to accurately tailor the exposure and dosage levels for individual patients.

“We now have the technology to replace standard or traditional formulations. The population is getting older so we need to think of solutions,” said Benny.

“We can now think about combining drugs together into one drug instead of ten, to adjust the kinetics of drugs and improve patient compliance in drug administration.”

Jan 4, 2020

3D Printing Drugs

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical

3D printing drugs is driving the pharmaceutical industry towards personalized medicine. Let’s take a look at the most recent trends and developments.

Dec 29, 2019

Scientists recommend building a Martian settlement using bacteria

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, space travel

Researchers from the Dutch Delft University of Technology and NASA/ESA recommend that we build a Mars base with the use of bacteria. In short, the idea is to send a spacecraft containing bacteria to Mars several years ahead of sending human settlers. Those bacteria can then start mining for iron that will later be used by human pioneers when building settlements.

Benjamin Lehner, a Ph.D. student from the Delft University of Technology, mapped out a complete plan to adequately prepare for human settlers. He proposes to send an initial capsule containing a bioreactor, an uncomplicated rover that is capable of digging, and a 3D printer. The reactor will be filled with a type of bacteria called ‘Shewanella oneidensis’ that can convert the non-usable naturally occurring iron in the Martian soil to usable magnetite that is easy to extract. This magnetite can then be converted to components like iron plates with the 3D printer.

Dec 21, 2019

New technique increases 3D printing speed by 1,000 to 10,000 times

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, engineering, nanotechnology, robotics/AI

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Ultraprecise 3D printing technology is a key enabler for manufacturing precision biomedical and photonic devices. However, the existing printing technology is limited by its low efficiency and high cost. Professor Shih-Chi Chen and his team from the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), collaborated with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to develop the Femtosecond Projection Two-photon Lithography (FP-TPL) printing technology.

By controlling the spectrum via temporal focusing, the laser 3D printing process is performed in a parallel layer-by-layer fashion instead of point-by-point writing. This new technique substantially increases the printing speed by 1,000—10,000 times, and reduces the cost by 98 percent. The achievement has recently been published in Science, affirming its technological breakthrough that leads nanoscale 3D printing into a new era.

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Dec 9, 2019

How 3D-printing robots will get Mars home-ready for our arrival

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioengineering, habitats, robotics/AI, space travel

NASA has tentative plans for a manned mission to Mars sometime in the 2030s. Between now and then, there’s still much that needs to be sorted. To start, massive dust storms, high levels of radiation, low temperatures and a lack of water make the Martian surface an unfriendly place for long-term visits. Taming it for human life will likely prove one of the most demanding and complex engineering puzzles in human history. With those extraordinary obstacles in mind, in 2015 NASA announced the 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge: an open call asking designers and architects outside the traditional aerospace industry to create plans for Martian living centred around 3D printing. One of 10 finalists announced in 2019, this plan from the design practices HASSELL and Eckersley O’Callaghan envisions teams of 3D-printing robots building a protective shield on the Martian surface several months in advance of a human landing. Upon arrival, astronauts would then work alongside the autonomous robots to piece together an inflatable, modular habitat.

Video by LightField London.

Dec 9, 2019

Transhumanism and Immortality

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioengineering, biotech/medical, cryonics, cyborgs, genetics, life extension, nanotechnology, robotics/AI, transhumanism

I am in shock… Google suddenly as yahoo are allowing conjecture and mendacity be seen as public or scientific opinion. Here is another confused mind who towards the end of her rant quotes Christian scripture as basis to stop Life extension-Transhumanism???

When I say to these minds Behold the leader of Christianity stood for Life abundant-Super Longevity and I can prove such. No matter what lost evangelist or preacher tells you Jesus was a medical researcher of extraordinary magnitude…

NOW BEHOLD THE LOST in this article……/transhumanism-and-imm… Respect r.p.berry & AEWR wherein aging now ends we have found the many causes of aging and we have located an expensive cure. We search for partners-investors to now join us in agings end…

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Dec 9, 2019

The world’s largest 3D-printed boat was built in just 3 days

Posted by in category: 3D printing

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Dec 4, 2019

How Will 3D Printing Organs Emerge To Be A Billion Dollar Industry In the Next 10 Years?

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, business, food, habitats, space

3D printing technology is changing and will change pretty much everything. Besides printing the intermittent novelty project at home with a desktop printer, additive manufacturing or 3D printing technology is being used in a large group of businesses changing the manner in which we design, build, create, and even eat.

NASA is planning to use 3D printing technology to construct housing on Mars for future colonies while organizations like byFlow are using the emerging technology to create food and intricate edible tableware. The uses and applications appear to be both limitless and exciting, yet this is only the beginning. Things being what they are, what sort of changes can we expect to see in the medical industry?

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