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Immortal Life is presenting a public event in Washington D.C., titled “Radical Life Extension: are you ready to live 1,000 years?”

It will take place in the historic Friends Meeting House on September 22 (Sunday). The event will be from 5:30–7:30.

We will have 10–12 speakers discussing Immortality / Life Extension from a wide variety of perspectives: scientific, political, social, poetic, religious, atheistic, economic, demographic, moral, etc.

Our lineup of speakers even features numerous Lifeboat Foundation Advisors , including myself, Gabriel Rothblatt, Hank Pellissier, Antonei B. Csoka, and Didier Coeurnelle. Other speakers include Mark Waser, Gray Scott, Jennifer ‘Dotora’ Huse, Apneet Jolly, Tom Mooney, Hank Fox, Maitreya One Paul Spiegel and Rich Lee.

There are still a few available slots for speakers but they’re filling fast, so if you’re interested in reserving a seat, being a speaking or contributing in any other way, please have them send an email to [email protected]

We have already attained the support of numerous life extension groups in the Washington DC area, but are always grateful for funding contributions from sponsors to help us with travel and advertising costs, and speaker stipends, for this event and future events. Promoters are always welcome as well.